While faith and trust are often used as interchangeable terms, there is a distinct difference. Faith is the belief in something bigger than you. Trust is knowing that bigger something is always and consistently there for you in whatever ways you need. Most of you have the belief piece firmly in place, but wobble when it comes to the trust piece. But could the missing trust piece be a lack of trust in yourself?
Today what we would like you to feel into is if have faith and trust in yourself. Do you believe you embody a divine wisdom – that you can always connect to a part of yourself that is bigger? Do you consistently show up for yourself from that place? Because as with all things, your experience of faith and trust begins within, and then expands to being experienced more profoundly externally.
Do you see? It all begins at Home within yourself, and as you hone your ability to have complete faith and trust within yourself and the greater system you are an integral part of, you will experience a greater knowingness of both your connectedness and your mastery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young