I cringe when I hear the phrase ‘find your purpose’ or when someone asks me to tell them what their life purpose is. I cringe because I know why they are asking that question and that it is causing them a lot of grief. To seek purpose is a burden on us because it implies that we are not doing things right, following the right path, and we’re wasting our time and energy. We are working as hard as we can and not getting any results or joy. There is no purpose other than whatever we are doing right now and it’s much more fulfilling and potential focused to think about our mission, rather than our purpose.
What is your life purpose? Have you ever asked yourself that question, especially when you’re feeling a little depressed, unfulfilled, and unhappy? We generally worry about our life purpose when we feel less than purposeful, we are not happy with our lives or satisfied with our progress. We may even feel we aren’t making any progress at all, so we want to explore our purpose because if we were doing the right and best thing we would not feel this way.
When we look at purpose in this way we are really referring to a life definition, a meaning, validation, and a justification. We want a better definition of how our gifts, talents, and abilities fit together to create joy and since we are not finding it in the present moment.
We want validation of who we are and what we are doing and that it is being recognized, appreciated, and getting some kind of result.

We want to feel worthy, valuable, and meaningful. A quest for purpose is a quest for meaning in the context of how we matter in the world.
But when we ask the purpose question we are not just questioning our purpose, we are questioning our very being.
Except our purpose doesn’t work that way. If you listen to people talk about finding your purpose they are talking about finding the holy grail, the source of everlasting joy, peace, love, and abundance. And while that goal is possible for us to achieve, it is a dynamic process – it changes all of the time.
But do you want to know the biggest problem with focusing on your purpose? You’re always looking behind you, at the past, to try to make sense of the present. Purpose is past focused, it is an exercise in endless excavation of what you have done.
To make progress, to move forward, to engage your intention and empower it with energy that allows it to manifest, you have to look ahead at the future. I will tell you how to do that in a minute, first let’s take a closer look at purpose.
Think about what gave your life meaning and a sense of purpose 20 years ago and how that is different today.
Think about the beliefs you had about yourself and your purpose 20 or more years ago and how they have changed today.
When I was 18 I thought it was my purpose to marry and have children and raise my family.
When I was 30 I thought it was my purpose to become a business and IT expert.
When I was 40 I thought it was my purpose to move to Sydney, Australia (and I did). And I thought my purpose was to stay there because I had met the love of my life. But that’ didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted it to or thought it would.
When I was asked to do spiritual work and channel Archangel Uriel I definitely did not think that was my purpose, which I believed was to be the senior VP of IT in a fortune 50 company. 17 years later I am celebrated as the leading expert in self awareness, energy congruence, and intuitive mastery, and channel for Archangel Uriel.
Our belief in our purpose, in what we are supposed to do with our lives, can change over time. Think about how you were raised and if you’re a woman from my generation, your purpose was to get married, have children, and take care of your family. That’s what women of my mother’s generation did and hers before her and for a while, even women of my generation.
If you’re a man from my generation, your purpose was to get a job, get married, have children, and provide financially for your family. That’s what men from my father’s generation did and that’s what all of my father’s ancestors did.
But our sense of purpose has changed and we are no longer satisfied at being purposeful by taking care of others. We want to feel purposeful within ourselves. We want a mission and to arrive at a state of ‘mission accomplished’.
The idea of purpose is rather touchy because it deals with the sacredness of our being and our life journey. Within our desire for purpose is the need to feel that we have made the world a better place and made people better off in some way. This is the Christ consciousness, the martyred healer, the light worker who sacrifices themselves for others.
Somehow by using purpose to help others we become more purposeful but that doesn’t really feed our soul because we want more. We want accomplishment, satisfaction, fulfillment and to feel that we made a difference and our life mattered.
I’d like to propose a new kind of purpose, one that meshes well with our energetic sovereignty and our ascension path. It’s a kind of purpose that doesn’t allow you to question yourself or doubt your abilities.
This is the way of our potential, the expansion of our energy into new paths of manifestation. Potential doesn’t look backward, it looks forward. It always asks what’s my next step and where do I go from here.
When we focus on potential we move from the martyred healer of Christ consciousness to the empowered mastery of our Christed awareness. This is a whole new way of being for us, the graduation from the light worker who is in the trenches suffering along with the masses to the light beacon who shines the light of their own truth so others can see it when they are ready. The path of potential always looks for what will expand energy and can only see and move forward to the future and not backwards into the past.
When you ask the question ‘what is my potential’ instead of ‘what is my purpose’ you are automatically moving away from the past and into the present to move to the future, which is the next step. The future is not some distant point far away from where you are right now. The future is the next moment from this one and the key to the potential in that future moment depends on what we do in the present.
We are always moving from present to future unless we’re obsessed with our purpose, then we’re mired in the past trying to figure out the past so we can feel worthy of being in the present.
What’s your preference? Do you want to seek your purpose or your potential? Here’s how to make a more empowered choice.
Never assume you could or would have made a better or different choice in the past. That makes you question your purpose and doubt yourself because of your past choices, which you cannot choose.
When you seek purpose you want validation, to know you are doing the right thing while at the same time feeling bad because you feel like a failure. When you seek potential you have completion with the past and acknowledge your accomplishments. Are you ready to be complete?
Sometimes we use purpose as a form of self sabotage or an attempt to avoid our forward movement. Is this true for you?
Having a purpose can make us feel purposeful – like we’re doing something or achieving a goal that others approve of or that makes us feel special, good, and on target. Purpose is a need for ego validation. Potential is a congruent path towards expanding fulfillment.
Are you ready to set your own goals and intentions? Can you let the past stay where it belongs, in the past? Are you willing to follow your own intuitive guidance and set your life path where it can be no matter what others think about it or about you?
Move from purpose to potential. Stop asking why your are here and focus on being present to expanding your energy into greater levels of potential. That is what will bring the peace, joy, love, and abundance that you seek into your life and set you on the path of ‘becoming 360’congruent living.
Get the book and learn about your Field of Potential Ascending into Miracles – the Path of Spiritual Mastery, called by readers ‘the ascension bible’ click here to order
If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.
Copyright (c) 2021 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited including using this article as part of a paid subscription or service which consolidates articles from various authors.