No I’m not talking about ETs. I’m talking about first contact with this
next level and section of incoming NEW Divine Mother diamond
crystalline Christ Aquarian Age energies. And just so there’s not
confusion or doubt about what I’m saying, SHE/IT, IT/SHE —Divine Mother
in this NEW energy costume package— is personally delivering
them to Volunteers first that can embody and anchor them into this
ascending Earth for humanity and more.
The “event”, the “shift” as some have been calling it is actually numerous small incremental stairstep energy events and shifts. This latest one of this past week is the biggest and most altering of them so far — there’s more to come but one step at a time so we get “there” with as few exploding Volunteers and humans as possible. Some exploding by some people is inevitable and I mean emotionally but mentally and physically is possible too which is why this has to unfold in these incremental energy stairsteps. However Phase 2 of the Ascension Process which started January 2020, is unfolding so fast and intensely that it’s hard sometimes to get a clear grasp on just how much actual shifting has happened just in January 2021.
What I’m going to describe is not, I repeat NOT for everyone that may read this. I wish that were the case but it never has been since I’ve been writing about the evolutionary ascension online since 2003.
As best as I can tell from going back over my personal notes, plus combining them with a specific thing another Volunteer friend shared in her email a few days ago, this latest Divine Mother first contact happened and/or began on or around January 22, 2021. Did it happen or begin then? Both. Welcome to the linear and nonlinear NEW!
I suddenly perceived, felt and saw what I’m calling first contact with the incoming NEW Divine Mother Feminine diamond crystalline Christ Aquarian Age energies around January 22 into the 23rd. This was at first seemingly linear but it did not remain as such which is why the timeline often gets dicey to nail down precisely. The old part of me wants to nail it down and date it etc. while the higher me could care less about such things. The Ascension Process and Separation of Worlds and Embodiment Process all continues. Stop trying to box any of it into some handy but totally incorrect compartment because I’m telling you it doesn’t work plus Divine Mother won’t let you do it.
I wasted an hour this morning searching for a close enough image to what I saw and felt of this, of incoming Divine Mother SHE/IT carrying the NEW ascended 5D+ Aquarian Age energies and NEW energy templates. The above image is terribly inadequate so you’ll have to visualize my description of what I perceived on the 22-23rd.
Before I get into that however, I need to say that most of us have preconceived beliefs and expectations that Divine Mother Feminine is all soft and warm, fuzzy and loving (lower case “l”), nurturing and gentle with big, soft, girly round curves and cushy edges everywhere. Yeah, no, throw those incorrect fantasies into the trash immediately. Divine Mother of this NEW time is anything but all that, and this incoming ascended NEW Aquarian Age version of HER/SHE/IT is very much the opposite of all soft n’ squishy, lovey-dovey, mommy-esk earth goddess type stuff. Pardon the slang blunt language but this bitch will cut you! You’ll thank me later for that crude truth when you understand for yourself.
This version of Divine Mother IT/SHE for this time has razor-sharp crystalline edges, strong diamond lines and angles, countless brilliant diamond facets that cut air and space and human consciousness, radiance that’s white-Light blinding and all with an attitude of take no prisoners. If all that sounds way harsh to you, honestly think back over global patriarchal human history for the last few thousand Dark Age years at the profound negativity, distortions, violence, numbing stupidity, crushing disempowerment and ceaseless need to kill other humans. Divine Mother Feminine for this ascending NEW Age, NEW Earth, NEW Humans is all done with what has been and is here now to get everything and everyone back on NEW Divine Source track as quickly as possible. And SHE/IT is not going to love, cuddle or sweet-talk you there but kick your ass there as often as needed. Many of us have been experiencing some of this in January 2021 and didn’t realize who and what it was.
It was around January 22–23, 2021 that I perceived, clairvoyantly Saw
and felt incoming Divine Mother Feminine in HER/ITS NEW diamond
crystalline Christ frequency Aquarian Age energetic attire. This
appeared to me at that time as a massive and incredibly impressive
Aquarian-like line of rippling energy waves far out in space heading
directly to physical Earth and us. It was Divine Mother, it wasn’t just
another incoming cosmic energy wave from the galactic center, the Sun,
the cosmos, another dimension it was the Divine Mother in
HER/ITS matching energy attire for the Aquarian Age and ascending Earth
and ascending humanity. IT/SHE was not only incredibly impressive in
this form but, and this is the strange part about this, the moment I
perceived HER/IT something happened physically. A transference, a
connection, a grounding, an embodiment was made in that split second I
perceived HER/IT in this energetic form a few days ago. It was first contact with this
NEW higher frequency version and general energy template embodied by
the Divine Mother Feminine diamond Christ Aquarian energies.
In the past lower cycle long before the ascension started, when it was time for another new energy to be introduced to global humanity and integrated by them to continue their growth, learning and creativity, a “new” planet would suddenly be discovered by some astronomer scientist somewhere. The physical sighting of each “new” planet was the physical level activation of that planet’s energies into the human collective consciousness and external physical reality. It was that moment of actual physical sighting of the “new” planet that connected, anchored and activated that planet’s energies in humanity. Humanity then spent the rest of their individual lives working to embody, live and express those “new” planetary energies and grow further.
What happened with my perceiving, Seeing and feeling Divine Mother Feminine Christ diamond crystalline Aquarian Age energies approaching Earth and us last week was I sense, very similar to what happened when a “new” planet was physically discovered in the old patriarchal past. In other words, my perceiving Divine Mother HER/IT in this NEW ascended energetic Feminine Aquarian Christ costumery somehow instantly connected, anchored and activated IT/SHE into this ascending Earth and every Volunteer that was and currently is capable of embodying all that now. If I perceived this last week, so did a few others around the world in their own unique ways.
Now here’s where this gets interesting. Within an hour and a half after I perceived Divine Mother in her NEW energetic finery, there was a big physical side effect reaction in many people. Some of you felt this and either experienced it physically as I did and/or experienced it also in your dreams this past week. Lots has happened and we’re only now starting to put the pieces together as to what it was and why the side effects happened.
Within hours after perceiving SHE/IT on HER/ITS approach to Earth and humanity, some freaky and very Uranian type (Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius) “accidents” happened only feet away from my house. A big truck packed full of used tires flipped on its side and crashed directly behind my house. About thirty minutes after that some young adult male on a bicycle crashed in my front yard. He was okay but he made a mess of my yard and was lucky he didn’t fall on one of the boulders in my yard. Shortly after all this some other stuff happened with a couple of my readers.
The energetic connection that was made with Divine Mother and my having perceived IT/SHE in this way caused some pretty intense and sudden repercussions down here in the physical. Many of us felt a lot of anger and/or sadness or depression from about January 22 through the 28th. Many of us also felt anger and/or sadness coming from humanity in general since about January 22. I sense this was directly connected to the anchoring in of Divine Mother Feminine in this NEW energetic form on ascending Earth. This evolutionary ascension change is complete and totally opposite of how life, reality, humanity and human consciousness has been. Many will struggle with such an all-encompassing shift to absolutely everything they’ve known.
I need to backtrack a bit here and share some of the Divine Mother’s sober and razor-sharp personal messages I received from HER/IT last week. I had done a couple of things for a couple of readers that I thought and believed at that time, I repeat, that I thought and believed was “good” and “helpful” for them. Divine Mother recently informed me otherwise and I instantly understood and knew that information was 100% correct. This is so, so, very important because it shows us all how utterly, how profoundly, how amazingly different these NEW incoming Aquarian Age diamond crystalline Divine Mother Feminine Christ energies are to what we’re familiar with.
What used to be helpful and good isn’t so much anymore because we’re changing, evolving, shifting into more and more of the NEW and that NEW is nothing like the past patriarchal Ages. Nothing.
So with Divine Mother informing me recently in no uncertain razor-sharp terms that the old forms of so-called “help” and “goodness” etc. aren’t in this ascended NEW higher energies and consciousness. In fact they’re just the opposite. No more external old focus— it’s now all internal and it’s now all individuals having to embody the NEW energies themselves and change, repeatedly. If not there’s going to be continued and increased unpleasant side effects.
Also a few days ago a Volunteer friend emailed me that she had recently received a no fluff message from Divine Mother to Cease & Desist what she had been doing that she also enjoyed. That message was, “No, do better” which I feel is perfect in all ways for all of us. We both had, around the same time, experienced the same Cease & Desist messages from Divine Mother in HER NEW matching form that we both needed to stop doing certain things we’d been doing that to us were “good” and “helpful” in different ways. We both were informed that we and our energies are needed in NEW and different ways now and to get with the NEW program and stop messing around. Okay NEW mommy with sharp diamond edges, we promise!
As usual I try to include some humor in articles to make the information easier to relate to and make us all feel a bit better about everything we’re going through. But, this NEW Divine Mother in this energetic form is all about getting the current Work done immediately because SHE/IT is not going to slow down HER/ITS approach to accommodate you and me! No, no, it’s just the other way around. You and I will get our shit straight pronto because Divine Mother approach-ith and fast now. As I said in an earlier article, Divine Mother in this NEW energetic form will be fully implemented in the physical world by 2022, ready or not. Based on personal experience, I strongly suggest you also get yourself energetically ready for HER/IT and the NEW everything.
is not a “golden age” but a diamond crystalline Feminine Christ
Aquarian Light Age. Huge difference, so much so it’s nearly
Also another reader emailed me the other day to share an experience she had in a Trader Joe store on January 26th. She experienced a type of split and shift that caused her some physical head and eye pains and visual distortions to “reality”. I believe these and other anomalies will escalate throughout 2021 and 2022. Ride the NEW incoming energy waves that Divine Mother is bringing along with all the others happening from the Sun and elsewhere. Never forget that the best way to deal with all of these energy changes is to be as flexible as you can and willing to repeatedly change instantly.
Denise Le Fay
January 28, 2021
Copyright © Denise Le Fay &
HighHeartLife, 2021. All rights reserved. You may share this article so
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