viernes, diciembre 18, 2020

Judith Kusel - I am receiving profound visions of what is happening now...- Dec 18, 2020


I am receiving profound visions of what is happening now, and in this so deeply touched, that all this information needs to just sink, and gain inner sight, before I can share this with you.

All I can say is that what is now happening goes beyond anything we, as human beings, ever experienced.

For the Omni Verse is a spiral, and there are many tiers to this spiral. Once descends down the spiral in order to incarnate on planet earth. Then one needs go up the spiral, to reenter the True Omniversal State again.

Each tier of the spiral has a different level of dimensional frequency. When one hits the next tier, there needs to be a trememdous burst of energy in order break through to the next tier. Indeed, then powerful portals or gates open and thus all is transformed and transfigured, which was in the lower dimensional state, and thus assumes a much higher vibrational frequency existence and form.

This is what is now happening.

Yet, what is more - I reported that the Shofar had sounded, that the Trumpets then sounded, now something completely new is in the offing which is so profound, that I have no words for it.

All I can say, is the indeed, the greatest of prophesies of all time will be fulfilled and are being fulfilled.

I have tears in awe and wonder as I write this.

More I cannot say - for words fail me.

I have been lifted into the highest realms to be shown this vision, and it from there that human words just are not sufficient. For all is energy and energetic.

You will feel this intensely when you read this.

Allow yourself to be lifted beyond all you have ever known before, into the totally new and, as yet unknown.


Judith Kusel

Photo Credit: Daniel B. Holeman