Dream on deluded, self-deluded, unaware and misinformed people. Nothing will ‘go back to normal’ now or in 2021 or in March 2021 or in 2022 or ever. Of course many will continue trying to keep things exactly as they’ve been but it won’t work because “old normal” has expired. The Great Cycles turn to the next higher rung on the evolutionary spiral and NEW template codes and energies replace everything that went with the previous lower frequency rung.
A new president isn’t the end-all solution to the current problems, nor are the coming numerous patriarchal Big Pharma COVID-19 vaccinations. Many people believe that one or the other or both of these things will return life in this country and elsewhere back to old familiar “patriarchal normal” but they won’t. It didn’t work with the reds (Republicans) and it won’t work with the blues (Democrats) because that is old lower level Duality consciousness and reality and we are not there anymore people. You can pretend, lie, self-delude and cling to the patriarchal past all you want but nothing will “go back to normal”. This is not a time of old familiar “normal” but of profound and continual compressed evolution for the rest of our lives and well beyond them.
I’ve written about this multiple times in 2020 and used different visual images to help with that information but it needs repeating in December of this intense, reality-altering year of constant internal energy embodying and external old “patriarchal normal” world demolition.
Too many people in the ascension community still think, view, perceive, believe and project into the near future with old Duality consciousness. Many of them still think in either/or, black/white/ up/down, left/right Duality consciousness. To them it’s still all this or it’s all that on the lower pre-ascension flat horizontal reality playing field. You can think, believe and do whatever you want but it isn’t and won’t be done on the same Earth world(s) that other people are on.
These are some of the images I’ve used in previous articles to help people understand that there are multiple ascending Earth worlds currently available because every person that’s ascending now is not the same and does not have the same beliefs, consciousness, expectations, level of development, focus, intent, awareness and so on. That is normal, and to accommodate the large variances in peoples individual consciousness and development there are MULTIPLE ascending Earth worlds currently available to all of them. This won’t always be the case however because the lowest frequency ascending Earth worlds will eventually disappear, but for now they all exist to help humanity make these transitions out of the old lower and into higher NEW everything.
Stair-steps of people, Ascension Process embodiment, consciousness expansion and numerous different ascending Earth worlds for all to exist on and use as transitional energy stair-step worlds to higher and higher still ascending Earth worlds. Some individuals will go further and higher than others and that’s normal too but they all will exist within the 5D+ frequency range and will have embodied the matching NEW codes.
For Some 2020 Has Been the Completion Phase of Their Embodiment Process
This has been unfolding all along but with the start of Phase 2 in
2020, for many Volunteers living the Embodiment Process it’s been a
growing daily process of absolutely HAVING to go our own ways now. I’ve also written about this more than once this year.
More of us in the ascension community have HAD to release, let go of, physically, emotionally and energetically completely and fully disengage from everyone from family members, loved ones, our adult children, friends, and others who teach and write about the Ascension Process. This hasn’t been a conscious decision on my part or those of you going through this too. The reason this is happening is because once a certain level of individual Embodiment (capital “E” I mean) is reached it automatically happens. It’s a normal byproduct of your personal Embodiment Process and activates when you reach a close enough frequency range with your Higher Self/Selves and Soul.
After slowly and incrementally Working your way up innumerable energy stair-steps over decades, you finally become physically and energetically capable of not only withstanding but embodying the frequencies your higher aspects are and you become Embodied in the physical. Said another way, “Earth you” gradually comes within frequency range of “Heaven Higher Self/Selves, Soul YOU” in the incarnate aspect known as this physical you. That grand Event changes you, your consciousness, your entire energetic and physical structures, your reality and more considerably.
Non-physical Higher and physical lower aspects of you/You/YOU are finally vibrationally aligned and unified in the physical through tremendous and lengthy personal Inner Ascension Work. Physical incarnate you finally becomes a high enough frequency that it becomes a conscious energetic coequal with your non-physical Higher Self/Selves and Soul. What had been separated and distanced from each other due to radically higher and lower frequencies and Light levels etc. is, through effort and dedication, eventually brought into alignment and direct connection because all aspects are now within the same frequency range and vibratory rate of each other. This produces unity individually. This produces unity consciousness individually. This produces a physically incarnate Conscious Creator on ascending Earth(s).
Once this level has been reached you no longer search outside yourself or follow anyone because you do not need to. This is what the Embodiment Process does to each person that has chosen it in this ascension life and time — it makes you sovereign individually. There’s no spinning this, no BSing this, no lying about it, no distorting it, no faking it, and no fooling those who have about whether you have achieved this level of personal integration unity or not yourself.
There is you not being Embodied. There is you inching your energetic way towards Embodiment for years. Then when you’ve done enough energetically to be capable of safely co-existing in the higher frequency range of your higher selves and Soul, physical you becomes Embodied, aligned with, re-unified with, re-connected with the higher parts of you. When you reach that point in your Embodiment Process, the natural and automatic byproduct is you become energetically sovereign, self-contained and you know what you know and you know who has not reached this level of personal integration, unity, transcendence and individual Embodiment. You rely on and utilize integrated conscious you/You/YOU and Source and you as Source and no one else. The most advanced ascension teacher, writer, lecturer, channel or group will never come close to what you/You/YOU aligned and unified and functioning as One is. Hence the need to go your own way and continue the Ascension Process from this NEW level of being. I AM the I AM that I AM.
“Every twenty years when Saturn conjoins Jupiter in the sky, a new twenty-year political cycle begins. The Roman Empire ran their systems by this cycle for 900 years. The previous conjunction was in May 2000 when George W. Bush got into power and lit the Middle Eastern fuse. Miraculously, at the exact moment of the Winter Solstice December 21, 2020, Jupiter conjoins Saturn in zero degrees Aquarius trine the Pleiades, the dawning of the Aquarian Age.” — Barbara Hand Clow
We however are evolving much higher than just a new and improved political system. We already have transcended the need for any and all political systems and governments whatsoever. However, give this the time and space it needs to unfold physically, even at the greatly accelerated speed it finally is now. Everything is in transition from how it’s been to what it’s becoming. The unaware have and will continue to embody the NEW codes even though they don’t know any of this. You can see glimmers of ascension change in some people already — tiny bits of HighHeart, the return of more of Divine Mother/Feminine, and the desire for better for ALL is showing energetically in some individuals already. Trust the Ascension Process is and will continue doing to the unaware what it’s been doing to you reading this for many years or decades. At this point it still looks and sounds like the same old Duality patriarchal crap but it is not. Know this, trust it and watch them and everything else change right before your eyes and HighHeart.
There’s a lot happening energetically via certain astrological transits in December 2020. One of them is the annual transit of the Sun in Sagittarius up to and then conjuncting the Milky Way Galactic Center—GC—aka the Great Central Sun, which from our perspective on Earth is located at 27° Sagittarius 08 in December 2020. Because it’s the GC we’re talking about, an orb of only 1° is used, meaning from 26° to 28° Sagittarius the Sun will be conjunct the GC, the Great Central Sun. The dates of this annual conjunction are December 18–20, 2020. Again, this is an annual event just as every Equinox and Solstice is, however this year the Sun transiting and conjuncting the GC will be different just like everything else has been this year. Some, not all but some of the energetic differences that will be transmitted through this December 2020 Sun and GC conjunction are due to the individuals that reached Embodiment this year. Everything is connected and interactive. I’ve written about this also many times over the years but we’re finally there now and I sense it’s going to be another powerful instantaneous shift point for everyone throughout the entire month of December 2020. And then January 2021 begins at a NEW higher level.
Because often certain ascension symptom typically make it hard for me to hold really large astrological transit cycles in my awareness when brain fog is affecting me, I don’t do lengthy astrological transit cycles. Certain other people are far better at that than I am. Barbara Hand Clow recently talked about the 250-yearlong astrological cycle of Jupiter and Saturn and how those particular transits all happened only in EARTH signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) for those past 250 years. The big deal about the December 21, 2020 Solstice and same-day Jupiter Saturn conjunction is that they change signs after 250 years and enter the AIR signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) for the next 250 years. That is a huge and very important energetic change and will profoundly further shift ascending humanity and human consciousness and external reality.
Another important transit completes on
December 23, 2020, the third and final Mars and Eris in Aries square
Pluto in Capricorn happens. On the one hand this may look, sound and
feel like the Underworld has been turned inside out, spilling all its
long hidden angry and frustrated contents out into the NEW Light in
front of everyone. Personally I think that is very positive even though
it may get rather volatile, ugly and uncomfortable at times for most of
humanity. Massive rapid evolution, growth and change is rarely
attractive. Personally I don’t care but that’s because I have
energetically prominent natal Eris and Pluto.
On the other hand, this final transit will do much to further return another aspect of Divine Mother/Feminine to ascending humans and Earth. Sarah Varcas wrote an excellent article about Eris, ‘The Radical Feminine Rises’ which I suggest everyone read. Patriarchal planetary rule, consciousness and reality is permanently over and the imbalances of that, plus the distortions and outright rejection of the majority of Divine Mother/Feminine and all of ITS/HER many different aspects by the patriarchy will be hard for those who believe that was “normal”. Divine Mother/Feminine has been incrementally returning over the past few years but with the start of Phase 2 of the Ascension Process in January of 2020, IT/SHE has been returning in much larger energetic chunks and very quickly. This is profoundly positive but as we’ve all been seeing very clearly for many years, there are those who are rebelling against this aspect of the evolution of humanity, Earth and all else. It won’t of course matter one bit how pissed off the Old Boys Club is over this.
One more astrological tidbit as we Work
our way through these incredible December 2020 ascension changes.
Ascended, higher rung on the evolutionary spiral, 5D+ Aquarius (AIR) is Higher Triality Consciousness and Awareness. The opposite sign to Aquarius is Leo (FIRE), and at these ascended NEW levels is HighHeart and Crystalline-based Triality Creativity. Here comes NEW Earth with more and more of its matching frequency NEW Humans.
Denise Le Fay
December 4, 2020