martes, junio 09, 2020

Judith Kusel -- As we are going through the intense energetic upgrading which is going on and immense cosmic energy flow - June 9, 2020

As we are going through the intense energetic upgrading which is going on and immense cosmic energy flow, we are asked to release what needs to be released, in our emotional and mental bodies.

A portal of opportunity is now presented, where we can finally let go of all past life traumas, pain, bitterness, anger, repression, all that we could not express or deal with, even in this lifetime. It is all being churned up now, so that we can release finally release it, forgive and let go, so that we are freed to move into the higher dimensional state without the baggage.

I have done so much of releasing work in the last few years, but every time time I think it has all been done, the next layer appears which needs to be released.

I would encourage you to make work of it, for it is indeed helping us with every release, to assimilate more light and love and to assist our lightbody development in immensely powerful ways.

So often physical discomforts will show the way, and if things flare up for you, then go and ask what the underlying emotional charges are that you now need to release.

I am going through this right now, and I have had immense releases in the last week and in the last 24 hours.

As we finally forgive and let go, and step into the highest states of pure, unconditional love, we free ourselves and we set the other souls free too.

I cannot stress the importance of doing this - as we are now given the opportunity to embrace a totally new life and new beginnings, without needing to carry all the baggage with us from past life and past experiences in this lifetime.

We are now given the opportunity in accelerated manner to set ourselves free with love and gratitude, for all were but lessons in soul mastery!

Judith Kusel