lunes, marzo 16, 2020

Judith Kusel - A time of renewal - A time of rebirth -

A time of renewal.

A time of rebirth.

The gift of this time is immeasurable.

Instead of thinking just doom and gloom, we are being collectively reminded of the GIFT of LIFE!

One only fears death, if one has never lived at all!

Indeed so many put of living to the fullest and stepping into their own highest soul purpose and calling, with great love.

For, when one is rendering the highest service, one will be out there serving, no matter what happens.

Every crises a hidden blessing: - look for it and you will find it everywhere.

When last did you take the time, to just be, and connect at the very deep level with your own soul?

When you last listen to really uplifting music, which speaks directly to your heart and soul?

When you last read a really good book, or wrote something, or made an effort creating something beautiful to enhance your home and the world?

Breathe deeply.

Live as every moment were your last.

Love with open hearts and open arms.

Forget all the anger, the pain, the resentments - they just weigh down!

Find a deep inner joy, inner peace, and that deep sense of knowing that you are never alone: - you are always surrounded by the Divine Presence, day and night, 24 hours day and night.

And in truth, go and reach out to others. Don't wait for them to reach out to you!

Go and spread love, light and blessings!

The more you focus on highest service rendered with great love at this time, the less you time you will have to worry and fret and get into a tizz!

Become the change which changes the world, the love which spreads and light up more love wherever you go and in whatever you do, think and are!

You now have the opportunity through this massive rebirth, to grow into a much higher and brighter and lighter and more profound version of YOU!

It is not the end- it is the beginning!

What a gift!

Judith Kusel