viernes, diciembre 20, 2019

Judith Kusel - Angels are messengers and created to serve the Divine - Dec 20, 2019

Angels are messengers and created to serve the Divine.

They are 7th dimensional Beings, who come from the Heart of God (the Divine Source embracing both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine). They reside in the 7th heaven, the same vibrational frequency band, our planet was created to be functioning in.

They are and were created to be manifestations of unconditional love and thus act not only as messengers but also as intermediaries for the Divine.

Angels unlike ourselves, do not have free will - their will is Divine Will.

They vibrate at the 7th dimensional frequency, which is normally still beyond the frequency band of many, and thus most people cannot see them with their physical eyes, but via their Third Eye, or will most often sense their presence, or feel their presence, more than actually being able to tune in and see them.

In truth angels do not have wings, but emit immensely powerful light. They will often appear to those whom they need to see or sense them, in different ways: - you may smell a beautiful perfume e.g. roses or lilies, hear a whisper, or just have your mind flooded with angelic streams of consciousness. You may just see blinding light, and just have a wonderful sense of pure unconditional love, peace and something you cannot quite define.

When necessary angels can take on human form, especially in cases where they need to perform rescue operations, or appear to someone in great need.

Angels are androgynous - and may appear more male or female.

To connect with angels you will need to open your heart and invite them into your life. When you do this, you raise your frequency and develop your intuition, your inner knowing, seeing, hearing and Being. You will KNOW they are there and you will not need to have any proof. When this happens your own psychic and channeling abilities will open and you will be able to work with them to a much higher degree.

Angels will mostly communicate with you directly through your thoughts and inner knowing.

I love working with the angels, and there are so many angels to call upon. Here are but a few:

Your Guardian Angel stays with you throughout your incarnation and you can ask it its name. It is always there with you and for you and it is good to establish a connection with your guardian angel and to ask it its name. They are loving companions, and they will always be there for you, day and night. You are never alone. They hold the picture of your divine perfection within them and constantly whisper this to you and guide you always to wards what is for the highest good and greater growth of your own soul. They can open the doors to new opportunities for us, and arrange amazing synchronicities which will assist our lives in myriad ways.

There are angels of love, light, wisdom, joy, laughter, hope, colour, sound, healing, grace, who grant wishes, mercy, compassion, guidance,protection, harmony, synchronicity, indeed the list goes on and on.

You can ask the angels to give you golden hands and then rub them together, if you wish to energize something, or wish to heal someone.

You can ask for Angel Showers of love, light, healing, gratitude, kindness, etc.

You can ask the angels to stroke out your aura and to patch up any holes which may be there, and then to fluff it out.

You can call in the healing angels anytime you need healing or someone else.

Call in the angels of sound, and ask them to help you give someone a healing sound bath, or if you wish to raise your own frequency levels through the use of chants, or singing, or even playing music.

Call in the angels of joy, to give you a joy bath.

You can call in the angels of colour where you need more colour into your life, or need to heal someone with colour therapy.

All you need to is ASK.

Simply call them in and then be open to working with them.

Judith Kusel