lunes, septiembre 09, 2019

Judith Kusel - Becoming conscious means becoming aware - Sep 9, 2019

So often we automatically do things, and mostly these form habits. We are not even conscious anymore of what we are doing - we in truth are not even aware that we are doing it, acting out, being unaware.

I was reminded of this this morning, when I was going through my early morning meditations, unconsciously. Afterwards I had no recall of what I did. I was somewhere else in my thoughts.

Interestingly later on, I had an appointment, and this person was telling me, how he consciously connects with every single utensil, items, fork, knife, spoon, plate, dish he is using, for it carries energy, and he wishes to connect with this energy, and thank it for serving him in a loving way. By lovingly thanking everything for serving him and his family, he is becoming more consciously aware, of what is in his home. All which serves no purpose, he merely gets rid of.

That had me thinking.

How often have you driven your car, and got to your destination unconsciously? You were driving on automatic pilot, the pilot within you.. Most of you was elsewhere!

Habits form in the same way. We tend to be creatures of habits, which we unconsciously create. Yet often those habits do not serve us later in life, and indeed, help us to stagnate. We are not even aware of them anymore.

I have been through a period in the last few months, since meeting this young man, where I was made aware of unhealthy posture habits I had assumed, and spending too much time on my laptop, without taking breaks in between. Now, I consciously make time for stretching exercises, for more exercise, and being less fanatically about my schedule. Yes, it is tight, but I am learning to be flexible. I still get everything done, but I now consciously choose a much healthier way of life and living. My body is much happier and I am learning to listen to its messages, by becoming more conscious and thanking it for serving me.

Where are you not conscious?

Where are you playing out life on automatic pilot?

Awareness in truth is consciousness!

Judith Kusel