sábado, septiembre 21, 2019

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - September 2019 Quantum Awakening Newsletter - Sep 21, 2019

September 2019 Quantum Awakening Newsletter – 
The Quantum Awakening

September 2019

In this Issue

***From your Hostess of Light

***Light Navigators
***11:11 the Gift of Light
***Attaining Buddha-hood

From your Hostess of Light 

As we slowly move our tired bodies closer to the autumn equinox and Libra, the energies of balance give us the gift of stability as we all come to a point of identical planetary equilibrium. Balance, finally some balance! A cosmic timeout… halleluiah …. Of course all of us old-timers of light, love know what a wicked sense of humor the universe has, so stayed tuned, always the calm before the next surge!

We each reach for a polished side of our inner and outer selves. The fractured pieces of the old paradigm NO LONGER ADHERE to the new light waves. All that we do not understand comes to the inner ring of the soul, seeking a different point of view. We are all being upgraded and recalibrated, it is the same feeling one gets when entering a sacred place. The feeling is like being seen in the fullness of time, and then asked to release previous encumbrances, allowing one to open like a lotus to all possibilities.

We are all Rocking and Rolling with the earthly shifts, all you can do is go along for the ride, and enjoy all the bumps and grinds. Sup upon any peace that you find along the way, like a thirsty man enjoy every drop of it, before we enter the acceleration time of 11:11 and all of its new teachings. This is a month to take a breather, inhale deeply of the energy of peace…and practice sending love to all that pushes your buttons.

Light Navigators

As dimensional fissures become an everyday event we find ourselves sailing down new corridors of time as well as spacial and time expansion. What was long sought within self, within history, and within landmass, now slowly worn away by passing earth time comes to the surface. We have become light Navigators in striations of light that we never knew existed. We are at a cumulative point of coming face-to-face with many aspects of our self on a DNA ancestral level that we personally do not want to admit to.

Days and nights dance together as 24 hours seems to have shortened itself into a more concise point of energy. Like lights slowly dimming in a great hall, one does not always feel or sense the change or shift when sitting in the wings of time. . What we see in this new sea of light is yet to be formed like a Loch Ness monster that seeks refuge. Each human has developed bifocal lens Allowing them to see dimensionally, allowing them to see into the past and future riding the time slips as earths restorative resonance is changed to fit incoming shifts. Each experience is deciphered with a different code a different program a different index. no two can be compared, like roses in a garden, each has a unique color and scent. Many have become prickly pear of nature as what was one stuffed Rises to the surface to be seen in a sharpness and Clarity that may be too much for most humans.

Love and forgiveness are a great Salve for anything God has created and should be applied generously. Like a wounded lion any criticism could be dangerous, as humanity sees its old wounds and battle scars in the light of a fresh day. The Child of Light that lives within each person seeks to float to the surface effortlessly like an island that has been birthed in the night. The skin of the soul is sensitive, seeking solitude. The being of Light within wishes to come to the surface, like a message in a bottle it wants to be found and opened. Save our souls, SOS, means so much more than what one can write in the sand. For without the souls of the human species a great part of the universe would be void of life

For it is written that you have the grace of creation, the love of the creator, a great light that lives within as a guideline. All species are aligned with creation but not all species have the developmental ability to love, to weep, to pray, and to mourn. Humanity is truly and deeply loved by that which first gave it light and life. Even though parents would never admit it there is always a favorite child amongst the siblings and the children of earth are just that.

As the good within humanities heart flails about in its own Sea of Confusion, ancient codes come to the surface, codes of Honor, codes of Truth, codes of the heart and great promises to be kept. The very word promise itself has the vibration of two joining hands joining hearts and joining lights in a comradeship that should hold Through Time. Promises we made to ourselves from Years Gone by now fly by higher than our ability to see. No longer are we bound to what we once promised our god and ourselves. We are set free to ignite a new line of light, a new passion a new creative fire and Drive.

We all come around the blind corner face-to-face with all dimensional aspects of our own learning and teachings. Everything now mirrors what we need to address. Most days would like to just stay home and board the window shut but life demands and she always gets what she wants. Is seeing believing or is the believing in the seeing? So many truths from so many times come forth to show themselves. All are Full of Truth and proof but still most do not believe. Humanity is in a Hologram of its own making. Everyday humanity slices and dices that picture thru every thought every word and every action, changing the format, coloration and saturation of the pixels of one’s life..

As we come closer to the holy days and the holidays of 2019 we are in a place to receive and give blessings. The skins of so many are newborn of nature everything has been rough on the human senses causing sensitivity and biological upheavals. The holidays comes to heal with the Salve of the season infused with love and kindness. For the Holiness that walks the Earth increases exponentially offering a multitude of Miracles and appearance of light-filled beings. Humanity does not believe as it once did, this causes a deterioration in the soul. Believing is a Powerful feature of humanity. The ability to believe in the Invisible, to believe in miracles and to believe and trust in each other, is a powerful medicine for personal and planetary healing


The light shines and reflects opening new angles of perception, intuition and understanding. The new angles of intuitive reflection that are birthed allow one to see through time, illusion and mirages. Everything has shifted to the next realm within the next Cog, within the Wheels of Time, allowing Humanity a New Perspective that is unfolding on a daily basis. Like a puzzle that has changed its framework, what we once pictured is no longer a living truth. Humanities abilities are stretching like Saran Wrap over a television. They are being forced to look at a different angle of time. The eyes reflect and deflect like a kaleidoscope, As the earthen six senses walk down the street of 6th dimensional perception.

Reflections of light vary in their high wire performance as they dance about the Earthly matrix. The sky shows new directions of herself that have been well hidden in clouds of the past. Mankind is lifted to the next level of knowledge, screaming and kicking all the way. Free will free will… he screams,the universe Just Smiles.

There are many of us around the world that hold a position of light, a column of light we have never deserted and always held high. Not because we were voted in, not because we have enough likes or hits. Those that are dedicated to the light are not just dating the ‘Light’ they are energetically and literally married to the Light.

We may be weather-beaten and ancient from one point of interpretation but from the universes point of view we shine brighter than a new baby star. The scars of the soul and the weathering of the humanness, force us to show our underbelly exposing it in faith, Exposing the vulnerable parts of self. We are stitched together within every fiber of our being with threads of hope, Grace, Courage, truth, wisdom and love. We hold a tapestry of what is destined to come.

We are here to remind you of the permanence of what is light. Like the voting system in America many think their votes do not count and their thoughts do not account for much either. Many think their prayers and heartfelt intentions are just dust in the wind And so it literally seems on many a day. Those that come forth in effort and revival of light do so as The Last Knights barricade, the singular grail knight that awaits. We all are the living standing stones with a breath, a heartbeat and a say so! We hold the stronghold in a place of fortitude and determination around the world.

We are all Guardians of the living Grail but the Quest for the Grail has changed in longitude and latitude and placements of time. Like a virtual game that has evolved the old rules no longer apply, the connection is not the same the input and output do not balance each other.

11:11 the Gift of Light

In 1992 the first 1111 was birthed all over the world, from Alaska to Africa we all waited for the 11:11 Gate of Light to be opened. We were not very computer savvy, there was no facebook or Twitter and only the rich could afford cell phones, emails were just being birthed. During that time, we as a people, we as a planet, we as a spiritual light connected heart to heart light to light without any of the modern virtual luxuries or social media.

We held our light high waiting for the sign in the sky that said the Dove Star 1111 had received enough light and Love from the people of earth and the hearts of humanity to move past the prophesied destruction and annihilation of earth. We believed with all of our hearts and souls.

This November 11:11 let us as a Planet and a People, Harness the power of our love and hope and light on Earth and direct it as a single point of collective Power outward and upward to the Universe, as a message of Love and thankfulness. let’s give the Universe a big human human hug of 11:11 love and Light. We the children of light reach out our hands and hearts in true giving. Lets stop being a whiny planet and become the beautiful star we were born to be spreading our planetary light outward.

Attaining Buddha-hood

May I be a guard for those who are protectorless, a guide for those who Journey on the road. For those who wish to go across the water may I be a boat, a raft, a bridge.

May I be an isle for those who yearn for landfall and a lamp for those who you are looking for light. for those who need a resting place may I be a bed. For those who need a servant may I honor their needs and serve them in light.

May I be the wishing Jewel, the Vase of Plenty, a Word of power and the Supreme Remedy. May I be the tree of Miracles and for every need be the Abundant Holy Cow.

Like the great Earth and other elements enduring as the sky itself,

for the boundless multitude of living beings ,

may I be the ground and vessel of each life

Thus for every single thing that lives in numbers, like the boundless reaches of the sky,

May I be their sustanence and

nourishment, until they pass beyond the bounds of suffering.

LightTeachers and Buddhas listen!

Just as you who have gone to bliss in the past, conceived the awakened attitude of mind,

Likewise for the benefit of beings, I will generate the same attitude.

May I attain Buddhahood

may I attain Buddhahood

may I attain Buddhahood


This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit

any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness

Support Where You Receive Your Spiritual Truths

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO Box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217
