martes, septiembre 17, 2019

Celia Fenn - The September Equinox - Sep 17, 2019

Just under a week to go until that powerful Solar Gateway, the September Equinox.

In the South it will be Spring Equinox and in the North it will be the Fall Equinox.

This year the energies seem to be ramping up very quickly as we approach this Time/Space portal. Apart from the tendency to have injuries and accidents if you don't slow down, I have also noticed that I wake up with what I call Ascension Acceleration symptoms. This is waking up feel nauseous and shaky, really not that cool at all.

Also, I find that the moment I start to move too fast I also get shaky and feel weird.

Archangel Michael says that this is a result of the Soul Embodiment process and the "liquification" of the body where we are becoming more "fluid light". So we feel lighter but are still having to come to terms with the "heavy" nature of the material mass that is the body.

We feel this more in the morning when we wake up because we have been zooming around the Multiverses in our energy state, and then as we land back in the material we are still vibrating at a frequency that makes the physical body uncomfortable.

We will learn how to adjust better, and also how to keep raising frequency in the physical so that we become more "liquid" and flowing even while still in the material/light body.

The embodiment of the Soul is assisting us in this evolutionary process.