lunes, abril 01, 2019

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, April 1, 2019


If you have been feeling overwhelmed, it is a wonderful opportunity to step back and simplify your life. What are you hanging on to out of habit that is expired and ready to go? What are you taking on that isn’t yours that others can easily step in and take over? How can you simplify your diet to foods that are natural, vibrant, and nutritious? How can you make room for the enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures?

Many of you have become distracted by the busyness that can come from being influenced by societal norms. Enlightening human beings are realizing more and more that quiet and simplicity in their lives are essential in order to connect and create the peace their soul craves. Making space for greater stillness allows you to better connect with your own needs, inner knowingness, and guidance.

One of the greatest transitions you will ever make will be the shift from doing to being, and seeing each as equally valuable and necessary depending upon which phase of the evolutionary process you are in. Once you move into the acceptance of the importance and incredible power of your beingness, what you begin to create will be a beautiful match to who you really are and what you wish to experience because you will be emanating your purest, most beautiful energetic vibration, and that, Dear Ones, is embodiment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young