Moving Forward in a New Way
- 5 Steps for Success -
by Selacia
Now is an excellent time to put your focus and action on projects and new directions you began energizing and working on recently. As you do this, you may feel like the wind is at your back, helping you to complete things or simply move forward in positive ways. Continue reading for suggestions on how to thrive in our current chaos.
Current Energies
Current energies are supportive of taking another look at your life activities. If you are in the process of changing something you know needs updating, contemplate an additional step you can take. This could be something you already envisioned but haven't put in place. It could be something brand new as well. I suggest inviting a dream that sheds light on what's needed. Take time in the next few days to become still and meditate. From your quiet mind can come a needed breakthrough.
5 Tips for Success
To move forward in a more productive way now, you will need to be present and open to new ideas and untried methods. Only in the present can you discern the optimal next steps. Only by being still can you fully connect with your heart's wisdom about how to proceed. The following 5 tips will help you most at this juncture.
FIRST is managing your response to the world's chaos. Accept that it exists now as part of society's mega transformation. Avoid reacting when you sense the world is out of control. Don't take it personally. Trust that out of the chaos a new more enlightened consciousness is being born. Know that even during chaos, and perhaps because of it, you can connect with and implement changes allowing you to thrive.
SECOND is to increase your ability to be still and neutral to what's going on. That may sound like a tall order given the escalation of divisiveness occurring online. Engage online enough to know what's going on, but give yourself technology breaks.
THIRD involves staying optimistic and heart-centered. As a sensitive you most likely feel the division in our world and hateful rhetoric online can be disturbing. How you stay positive and productive is by taking the high road of spirit.You don't need to like someone or their views to be respectful. Everyone is learning and evolving in their own way. Respecting the path of another is a form of love. Therefore, be one who engages online with positivity, kindness, and respect. The world needs your love and all the compassion you can muster in these difficult times. Let your voice stand for love.
FOURTH is to manage your own chaos by focusing on one task at a time. More ideas along these lines are in my "Predictions 2019" eBook - your guide to this year.
FIFTH involves looking at yourself through the eyes of love. Your creativity will go into hyper drive when you stop judging yourself for where you are, what you haven't done,
and whether you have what it takes to succeed. Those responses are ego-based, not based in reality or the truth of your being. You are a quantum eternal being with love and boundless creativity at your core. Remind yourself of this daily.
Copyright by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.