domingo, marzo 17, 2019

Diane Canfield - Energy Update: Geomagnetic Storms/ Intense Dreams /Blurry Eyes and More - March 17, 2019

Blessings Beloveds,

We had geomagnetic storms come in today with solar wind that is rising steadily. Although space weather has been predicting them all month long, today they finally showed up. Last night I knew storms were coming in as I experienced Crown chakra activations.

For those that don’t know what these are, it feels like goosebumps on one side of your head. You can look for these in the future, they are a telltale sign of Geomagnetic storms arriving. Some of the other symptoms I am experiencing and you may be too are: 

  • Intense Message filled dreams
  • More Hungry than usual
  • Blurry Vision
  • Increased fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Crown chakra activations

Many of you remember our last geomagnetic storms at the end of February I reported on that lasted through March 2nd. These storms could last just as many days. We will see. These brought in intense tiredness/ increased anger /feeling like floating between 2 worlds. Since no two geomagnetic storms are alike, I like to give specific symptoms for each energy wave and upgrade we experience. Notice the difference in these 2 episodes of geomagnetic storms, they all feel different and have different symptoms occurring. This is why it is important not to give one size fits all symptoms, because each storm and upgrade is unique.

My dreams last night were intense as the storms came in and I had a dream that was totally bizarre and intense going back to the past and my first husband. I was back living with him again and bizarre events were occurring around us.

My grandson told me he had a dream that my car was a teleportation device and all of us ( family members) would get in the car to go back in time or to the future. This is especially relevant since I am always in this paranormal state, without my car.( smile ) My grandson is too young to know or fully understand this.

I will be watching these storms to see if they intensify and will be reporting if they do. Stay tuned