In a channeled transmission, Lord Saint Germain shares his vision on the subject of Creating the New Earth, the changes that we are experiencing, and how we can help ourselves through this process as we approach the date of 11:11 in 2015.
As transmitted through Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah Hayden
“Blessings and Good Day to Each of you, I AM Lord Saint Germain.
Bringing for this message of love to assist each of you to have a deeper understanding of what this period of time represents for Gaia and each of you.
You know that the planet is going through major upheavals in order to bring more Light Infractions into the Core of Gaia so that the transition into the New Earth can happen. This year has proven to be quite massive in that journey since the beginning of January. As each month passed, the intensity of the energies has increased substantially.
What happens through this process is that each of you upon the Earth is feeling the affects of the changes. The energetic exchange goes through each of you to help you make the necessary changes.
It is very much like a Tsunami as it gains momentum getting closer to the shoreline. The energetic exchanges through the planetary alignments, the sun, and the Solar system come into more alignment each time there is a new charge of light coming within the planet. So at first that movement can be slow and then it gathers speed as it comes closer into the atmosphere of the Earth.
Each season has brought a new and different existence within the planet and within each of you. As the new season starts to change, this then affects the entire system at a speed that is unbelievably fast and furious. The alignments of the Sun and the Moon are coming at a rate that is beyond the comprehension of any human mind.
Haven’t you asked to be of great assistance to this earth?
Isn’t this why you have awakened so that your soul can be part of the great plan as Gaia transitions into the New Earth of Terra Christa?
Of course you have. But you forgot, as a soul inhabited within a body, that you would not remember everything that you desired to be before incarnating upon this planet. It is part of the process of remembering and this is what you are doing presently.
I say to you that it is imperative to understand that not only Gaia is being affected, each of you are going through the same process and possibly more than she is. This is because you are designed to be the channel of the higher light to come into your existence so that she can feel it. She cannot do it alone so that is why you have incarnated upon this earth at this time.
But the other element you forgot is that you have an Etheric Body with many timelines that need to be healed whether it is to release elements or to accept the a new essence that you are becoming. It does not matter where you came from, which planetary system, or that you have been a student of the Earth for many, many lifetimes. Your Etheric Body has to be cleared just like Gaia’s Etheric Body is being cleared to make way for the New.
So within this process you will have many elements that come up for you. The Emotional and Mental Bodies also need clearing and readjustment in order for the integration of the Divine Masculine and Feminine to come together as One. Your psychological self of the Soul holds many thoughts and feelings from the travels you have experienced as a soul on many planetary systems. All of these elements are going through a complete healing process.
You may or may not be aware of these elements but it is my role in this moment to share that it is essential in order to get through this next phase of transition.
The power of the energies within the planet are going to increase substantially and without the inner work that needs to be done, then there are going to be devastating elements that will occur for some of you.
I want to remind you to start to understand yourself in a completely and different way than you have before. The Old Paradigm of the Self within you is dying so that the new essence can be born.
The stages of these elements have already been put in place. The energetic exchanges through September into November are going to be monumental so it is important that each of you take a look within yourself, see what steps you need to take in order to gain the full potential of your inner journey. The lunar phases along with the planetary alignments are occurring to push you into a deeper part of yourself. Life cannot be taken advantage of any longer. Each person must do their part to be better within themselves.
The Universe is not here to take care of you; you are here to take care of the Earth. Responsibility is very essential at this time to prepare for the upcoming changes.
When a soul within a body accepts the challenges that they need to face, the resultant energies are beyond what that person can imagine. It is part of the Universal Laws of Cause and Effect, Vibration, and Polarity to be responsible for the self represents acceptance of what the Universe will show you. Expecting to be taken care of because you are an awakened soul is not the answer to the New Earth; in fact, it is just the opposite.
So I stress upon each of you that during this period you will have great upheavals, but you also have the tools to get through climbing those mountains. Preparation is the key at the present time to allow more of your soul to be embodied within you. Doing so will assist you greatly in your future moments.
September through November is going to be monumental, and you will be challenged in many different ways. The resulting energy is that upon the Doorway of 11:11 the magic will be returned unto this Earth. The power of these energies is unmatched by anything you have yet experienced.
In the 1930’s I walked with Guy Ballard who was able to create the I AM Discourses. We thought at that time humanity was ready to receive the teachings and take it on for themselves. But we were proved wrong only because humanity was not ready to accept their own responsibility for the self in their journeys. The work of the I AM Foundation continues, but the vision is different than it was previously.
We are now at that time once again, but the planet has gone through so many transitions of war and disease within the planetary structure. It is a magnificent time, but it is also a tormenting time for many souls. Humans can no longer live the way they have been on this planet; that time is ending. That is why so many individuals have awakened to bring forth their light. But, again, each of those souls must be healed in order to go through this process.
You, as the Awakened Ones, stand in front of everyone else. There are many souls choosing to leave this planet every day, as they are not ready to go through this process. But each of you is doing so. But I ask you to do more. It is not just being about special and having spiritual gifts; it is about what you do with those gifts first for yourself and then for others.
So the frequencies of light occurring in the next 60 days are very, very powerful. This is to bring forth the power of Quantified Energy so that each of you can be a transmitter to Gaia. But in order to accept these energies within yourself, you must take full advantage of each of the activation’s that are occurring within the Earth. Do your part by going deeper within yourself and accept that as one that understands that the healing must come from within first and foremost.
The energies of 11:11 are going to be substantially more powerful than they ever have been. But it is up to each of you, to be this power within your physical essence through your evolvement as a human and as a spiritual being. It represents the integration of the Self and walking through a new doorway of light.
I extend my services to each of you from all of the Ray Chohans representing the Seven Rays of God to assist you in this process. We bring to you all the flames of light within the Blue, Golden Yellow, Pink, Crystalline, Green/Gold/White into Ruby Red and then the Violet/Purple Flame representing all the flames of Light. Transform and transmute all that does not serve your four-body system so that you can accept the higher part of your divinity that is waiting to arrive at this time.
Be true to your Service upon this Earth by being true to Yourself.
11:11 is our doorway to the future earth. It is a beginning that we have been waiting to assist you with. The magic is within you if you allow the magic to work through you.
All my blessings for a magical journey towards the new doorway of Light.
I AM Lord Saint Germain at your service. Blessings and Love.”