Third Trimester Recap
Third Trimester: June 20, 2013 to September 22, 2013
Right at this particular moment, the past
three months of the summer quarter period (here in the Northern
Hemisphere) has been one long, difficult, weird, continual hot flashing
sprint/tumble/dodging our ways through weird Astral debris towards the
Finish Line. At least that’s how I feel about it all at this exact
moment! Give me a couple of hours and it will all change for the 98
gazillionth time.
Honestly, all of 2013
has been one astonishing ongoing and oftentimes shocking
clusterf*&^% in many ways with many people and situations…
interspersed with growing periods of 5D High Heart centered bliss-ness.
Just how long can one remain in Duality while evolving beyond it? Did we
honestly think this Nine Month extension period after 12-21-12 was
gonna be a calm, happy walk in the park? No, but most of us weren’t
anywhere close to being ready for how fast, how intense, how utterly
bizarre and extreme these Nine Months would actually be individually.
Good gawd I can’t wait to cross that 9-22-13 Finish Line to the old
everything finally! (Please notice that I said the old everything, meaning the past
Evolutionary Cycle and Team Dark being top players in it. Once we reach
and cross the Equinox/end of these Nine Months on September 21-22,
2013, the NEW Evolutionary Cycle fully begins energetically and
physically minus Team Dark in the majority of timelines and worlds. Do
you realize the degree of positive change just NOT having Team Dark
running the earth show is going to be?)
One…more…week…to…go. Only ONE!
A week from September 14-15th is the Equinox of September 21-22, 2013 around the world. One week from today.
If you were consciously aware of how long and how many lives and
different timelines and dimensions you have been working towards this,
towards what’s about to activate fully in physicality and elsewhere,
you’d be giddy with excitement. Lots of nonphysical Team Light Beings
very much are! However, most of us Team Light incarnate “ground-crew”
are so profoundly exhausted at this point that we’re glad to still be
inhaling/exhaling, but that too is about to begin improving dramatically. (Please notice I said begin
and not fully and completely overnight miraculous improvements across
the board. That is possible however so don’t close the door to that
potential happening to you, but more likely is that these improvements
will unfold over time… and rather quickly at that.)
So expect to begin feeling less crappy,
less exhausted, less beat-up, less war-torn, less blocked, less
restricted, less despised etc. Expect starting to feel stronger,
healthier, more invigorated, safe, empowered, understood and so on.
Expect that and much more because we’re about to cross the third and
final invisible energy threshold into the NEW Evolutionary Cycle on a
NEW earth world… without Team Dark controlling it. Stair Steps
remember? The first unseen energy threshold we crossed was the October
28, 2011 end of the Mayan calendar date/timeline; the second one was the
December 21, 2012 end of the Mayan calendar date/timeline and
collective human belief systems connected to it etc.; the third one is
the end of the Nine Month period after 12-21-12 on 9-21-22-13. Three is a triality Stair Step charm! ▲
Pay attention to whatever phenomena
crosses your path this week especially, but much more importantly, focus
your High Heartmind on what YOU
want for yourself, your loved ones, for humanity, and for all life on
earth this week leading up to the final threshold Shift Point of
9-21-22-13. It’s a rare, highly important week so use every minute of it
to Consciously Create what YOU want now and simple continue to override the lower insanity of the separating old negativity.
September 15, 2013