During a recent visit to the eye doctor I spoke with the technician about the benefits of coconut oil, after she told me how dry her hands were. I could tell that she was unhappy, struggling and felt very limited in her life. She said ‘I can’t afford it’ at least four times during our discussion. She spoke about her mother’s chronic COPD and attributed it to second hand smoke but I felt there was more to it than that, a lifetime spent feeling limited, stifled and blocked exerts a heavy price–if you feel you don’t have enough room to breathe into the fullness of your being, your body will mirror that belief for you. I tried to explain these principles to her but knew that she wasn’t ready to hear me, her beliefs about life’s limitations and judgments of what was possible were too firmly entrenched for her to consider other options. Maybe one day she will be, that was not the day.
I wondered in what other areas of her life she was continuing these inherited patterns of limiting beliefs and judgments that she learned from her family. These beliefs are almost always part of our energetic lineage, we believe and think as we are taught to and learn from our parents but we also have the opportunity to change them. Our desire for something different is followed by a thought that either limits its expression or expands our ability to receive enough energy to empower it. With every belief and judgment, we are either empowering our joy or limiting its expression because it’s all about the flow of energy. Our beliefs, especially our victim beliefs, can extract a heavy price when they create judgments that cost us joy, peace, love, serenity, security and movement.
Judgments limit the flow of energy to what we are judging and they are absolute statements that reflect our limiting beliefs. “I can’t afford it” reflects the belief we are undeserving. “I can’t have that” reflects the belief that we are unworthy. “It won’t happen for me” reflects the belief that we are powerless. And they all reflect the false belief that we must do something to expand our life. It’s a false belief because it is our job to be receivers of energy and then use that energy to become our most powerful selves and create the reality and world that we want to have. Anything we want is part of our field of potential but we have to be willing to receive the energy to create it, which we can’t do when we’re judging our abilities through our limiting beliefs.
What limiting beliefs do you have that keep you confined in a reality that is unhappy, confused, insecure, and lacks the energy for expansion? Do you feel like a victim in your life? Can you accept that any limitation you are experiencing is only there because you believe it is and are creating it? What is the price of your beliefs, in terms of your joy, peace of mind, love and happiness? What is the cost of your judgments with respect to the flow of energy in your life? To keep the energy flowing you have to shift your beliefs and release your judgments, release your victim consciousness and empower yourself by knowing that you have the power within you for anything and everything you wish to have. Then you can receive the energy you need to expand your life so it reflects the desires of your heart and allow your life to become your heaven on earth.
Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may translate, quote, and link to this article, in its entirety on non-commercial, free websites as long as you mention the author’s name and include a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.