jueves, mayo 31, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - New FREE Quantum Pure Source Light - Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Activation: YOU FORGOT You Are Connected - It's Time To Wake UP to Remember...- 5/30/2018

I have light encoded this writing/recording (as with all that I do), to assist with activating your own Higher Consciousness DNA to awaken further from inside of you. This may put many to sleep, to activate and integrate, to travel, open up energetic portals to remember... as it works on a multi-dimensional level. Honor your body as your bio-electrical LightBody activates, as your energy body ignites to "move" more, to stimulate, clear,

West Knoyle CROP CIRCLE MAY 2018 4K

Lisa Renee - Denial and Blame Shifters

Denial and Blame Shifters

When we understand how fear is created in the body, it is helpful in releasing the grip of anxiety and fear patterns. People that are triggered into fears and mental anxiety may impulsively turn to blame shifting or the projection of their fears onto others. When people are in deep pain and they are suffering, many times they will move unacceptable impulses in themselves and place them onto someone else. Sometimes, if another person or situation makes them feel uncomfortable, the person will blame them for their own discomfort. In this way, it is a denial of personal responsibility by attributing to others their own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or emotions.



You ask for guidance from your highest Divine Identity when your lesser identities do not solve your sufferings. The root of your suffering is always the idea of separation, the conviction that you are separate from the world and all beings and separate from your Ultimate Divine Source. When you identify with a form, whether it is subtle or physical, it is a sign of separation when you have forgotten Me, the One and Single Divine Substance of creation and the universes. The One Force of Existence Who Is Pure and Mere Happiness.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, May 31, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, May 31, 2018

You are learning to stand on our own two feet.

This is quite a liberation
and departure from the past.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday May 31, 2018

A reader responded to yesterday’s daily message asking how they could “unset up” some of the opportunities (sometimes referred to by you as lessons or tests) they have placed on their path for their growth and expansion and move into more joy. We wish to address this today.

You will have specific themes you wish to experience and master within your incarnation. They will loop around periodically to give you opportunities to see them in new ways, to choose how you wish to react, and assess how much you have grown.

James McConnell - Saint Germain and One Who Serves - May 27th, 2018

Saint Germain

I AM St. Germain.

As always it is a pleasure to be with you to be able to share and have these moments, these continuing moments that are changing rapidly.

Many of the things that have been foretold, many of the various predictions, many of the changes that have been said will happen are in the works now. They are in process. You are beginning to see the glimmerings of these. Each and every day more and more is coming forward more and more truths are being revealed and more are about to be revealed. Because everything is in motion now. Everything is in a shifting motion and can no longer be stopped.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Mágico de los Misterios - Inglaterra Nº 2 - Inglaterra - 14 a 21 de Mayo de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Inglaterra - 14 a 21 de Mayo de 2018

Inglaterra - Nº 2 - A la manera de los Ancestros

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para quienes están escuchando y no están aquí, estamos de nuevo en Inglaterra, este es un lugar llamado actualmente White Horse (N.T. Caballo Blanco). El nombre se le dio a causa de un grabado en el suelo al que se le han atribuido miles de años de antigüedad. Queridos, no estoy aquí para crear controversias con nada de lo que les han contado. Lo que me encantaría hacer es realzar los potenciales más allá de lo que les han contado. Cuando digo "lo que les han contado" me refiero a lo que han escuchado hoy como grupo y lo que han leído sobre este lugar.

miércoles, mayo 30, 2018

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour Mágico de los Misterios - Inglaterra Nº1 - Inglaterra - 14 a 21 de Mayo de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Inglaterra - 14 a 21 de Mayo de 2018

Inglaterra Nº 1 - El Viaje del Héroe

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Es el comienzo de otro tour más, una excursión en un lugar que es muy especial. Un tour de energías, de cuentos, de historia, de leyendas, de tradiciones, y de mitología. Y en este mensaje voy a revelar un número de cosas que serán altamente polémicas (se ríe) debido a la región en que estoy y a las actitudes, y el conocimiento, y las historias, y las tradiciones, y las leyendas. Les daré cosas para reflexionar, y les daré algunas de las razones por las que esta región, entre todas las del planeta, tiene tanto de esto.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Some of you are giving up a wee bit too early
as you call your last attempt a failure, a bust.

What if it wasn't about nailing the finish, at least this time around?

What if the real acclaim, the holy resolution, and worth is in
the awakening of new realizations and truths of self?