domingo, octubre 08, 2017

Selacia - When the World Puts You on Edge-Remedy for Overwhelm-- October 8, 2017

When the World Puts You on Edge

-Remedy for Overwhelm-
by Selacia

So much is happening so fast now that the August Solar Eclipse may seem like last year. The remake of our world is getting messier by the day. For most sensitives living through this evolutionary earthquake, there can be a sense of overwhelm and insecurity about what it all means and what happens next. Indeed, the August 21 Great American Eclipse amplified existing destabilization in the US and elsewhere. Continue reading for context of what's unfolding and some simple remedies for overwhelm.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Oct 8, 2017

OCTOBER 8, 2017

There is taking place a tremendous shifting of energies on earth at this time and most of you are well aware of it. Still, there are some even among serious truthseekers that are allowing fear to keep them locked in what is known and familiar. Many of these dear ones are now getting "wake up calls" and being forced through various circumstances to open their eyes, acknowledge the truth they know, and begin to make choices that reflect their level of awareness, not someone else's.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of full merging with the Divine - October 8, 2017

Dear One,

Having come to a time of decision, you want to make the right one. You know that what you decide will carry on and you are concerned and even fearful of the "what ifs." The only way you can truly make decisions that will best serve you now and in your future is to come to a place of peace and calm within. And this means being in harmony with your Higher Self.

James McConnell - Saint Germain & OWS - When Gaia Ascends, All Whom Choose the Heart Transcend ~ Oct. 8, 2017

Saint Germain and The One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on September 24, 2017


I AM Saint Germain.

It is always wonderful to be able to share with you in these moments in these times in these changing times. And these times are changing. Even though you may not quite realize it, you may not feel it fully, this is a new beginning that you are falling within now as we speak.

Jim Self - Herramientas para el Cambio (y más allá)

Una serie en 10 partes con Jim Self 

Cada vez más personas estamos asumiendo nuestro rol a medida que el Cambio se acelera. Te ofrecemos algunas herramientas y habilidades muy sencillas pero poderosas que te ayudarán a disfrutar y fluir con esta asombrosa transición. Hacer más fáciles para ti estos tiempos tan importantes y también para ayudar a mantener la cordura.
Esta serie es para quienes ahora se están volviendo más conscientes y curiosos, y pidiendo más.
La siguiente es la lista de las 10 partes de la serie.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 6 de Octubre, 2017

Nada puede detener el progreso hacia el objetivo último de la Ascensión. Los Illuminati han sido gravemente debilitados al perder las enormes cantidades de riqueza que eran necesarias para mantener a flote sus planes. También ven que ya no tienen el grado de dominio para seguir manteniendo sus objetivos militares. Ven que su dominio y su autoridad se están debilitando y que ya no pueden seguir manteniendo su anterior nivel de dominación. A medida que continúan los arrestos están perdiendo el control de los acontecimientos que amenazan con su derrota, y se dan cuenta de que ya no pueden estar seguros de lograr su plan de controlar el mundo. Incluso en el Espacio ya no son la fuerza que solían ser, y además están enfrentados a ETs que se alinean con las fuerzas pacíficas de la Tierra. La batalla continúa pero sólo puede haber un ganador, y ese ganador son las Fuerzas de la Luz. 

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Yendo de la Oscuridad a la Luz - Reedición - Esta canalización fue dada en Buffalo, Nueva York, el 24 de junio de 2017

Canalización de Kryon en vivo a través de Lee Carroll
Esta canalización fue dada en Buffalo, Nueva York,
el 24 de junio de 2017

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para brindar una comprensión aún más clara. A veces se condensa o incluso se agrega información. Lo que sucede en vivo suele llevar una energía implicada que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que no ofrece la página impresa. De modo que disfruten de este mensaje mejorado dado en Buffalo.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday October 8, 2017

There is a pervasive belief that having fun is frivolous or should come last in your life. Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the truth! Having fun is a high vibrational means of self expression. It is an activity that is light, present, joyful, and filled with gratitude – all enlightened traits! The laughter that comes with fun is also an incredibly efficient means of energetic release and transmutation, which only serves you and the planet.

sábado, octubre 07, 2017

awakening5dhealing - Energy Update Spike in higher frequencies

We’ve got a spike in the frequencies friends. Stay centred, avoid conflict, sidestep tricky people, places or situations until this passes. Expect fear driven mainstream news to peak, those unawakened become more disturbed and disoriented by waves of higher vibrations washing over Gaia. Talking heads, high profile elite, celebrities will increasingly display malfunctions as lighter frequencies disrupt lower vibrational beings’ energy. Expect to see strange, bizarre events worldwide as well as closer to home.

Blossom Goodchild - White Cloud - October 7, 2017

Happy Weekend Everyone.

I happily present to you this video of the live Chat & Channel that took place last weekend. -

As always White Cloud shares his wisdom in such a peaceful, compassionate, Loving, manner.

To my utter surprize a lady asked White Cloud if he would speak in his Native tongue ... AND HE DID! Quite something and I am so pleased I had the courage to let him do so. It was very moving and there were many with tears falling when it was done. I hope the video captures the Energy for you. ( It also takes courage to post this, I might add! The old ticker is beating a little faster than usual!)

I do hope you enjoy it. I have to say ... I feel very blessed.

Many many thanks for sharing the journey. Each and Every One.

Love, Light, Laughter & Golden Rays

Blossom G. xxx

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is

Website: Blossom Goodchild

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is here.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - October 7, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, October 7, 2017

You are operating under false illusion

when you believe you are stuck.

You are never stuck.

It only appears that way.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Madrid, España - Parte 2 - Madrid, España, 17 de septiembre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Madrid, España, 17 de septiembre de 2017

Madrid - Parte 2 

Saldos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Una vez más, llegamos al final del día. Lo que se ha presentado hoy fue hecho en integridad y en amor. La música, la información. Tiene que ver con la elección de la humanidad. El tema del día tiene que ver con el Cambio. Y en estos breves momentos de cierre presentaré una pequeña serie de sugerencias. Cosas que ya dijimos antes pero que quiero que oigan en su idioma. Quiero que las oigan dichas para ustedes y para nadie más. Hablo especialmente a los presentes en el salón - sí, habrá otros escuchando más tarde - esto es para ustedes. 

ALCYON PLEIADES NEWS REPORT 67 - 2017: Climate war, UN, NWO, cancer conspiracy, Catalonia, UFOs

67º ALCYON PLÉYADES - NOTICIAS 2017: Guerra climática, ONU, NWO, Complot cáncer, Cataluña, OVNI

Laura Pleiadian - Transforming Self ~ Experiencing 5th Dimensional Consciousness - Oct 7, 2017

5th Dimensional Abundance is the FEELING of Abundance as a state of Being that is UNION Consciousness.

This includes, joy, bliss, happiness, with the sense of never lacking anything. Never separate from what one desires.

Intentions set from this state of Abundance, through the Heart ~ brings greater Joy and Abundance consciousness.

The consciousness that is that state is the consciousness that manifests more of itself.

Jahn J Kassl - Master Mary - UNTIL THE LIGHT NO LONGER BLINDS YOU (PART 2) - October 3, 2017

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations

Welcome to God’s light, welcome to the ocean of my love.


I have arrived here to strengthen you and shed light on areas of the soul that so far have gone unnoticed. I have arrived here so that you can see and become aware of what is essential now.

I have arrived here for you, because it is you who brings the very future to mankind that has become alive within yourself.

Asara - Update The Galactic Council of Light - October 7, 2017

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Every day, you have the opportunity to create your sovereignty and freedom.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - Quantum activation - October 7, 2017

Quantum activation 


heart first

into the unknown

and you will always be

fully supported

in the Now.

Posted on October 7, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday October 7, 2017

A great many human beings came onto the planet with a service contract. They understood that ascension was a true potential on the planet, and as many of them had experienced when it had been attempted before, both on your and other planets, and was not successful, they approached this lifetime with a deep seriousness of purpose. They had the traits of diligence, hyper awareness, perfectionism, commitment, and tenacity. For many, this was coupled with the old energies of martyred service. They were absolutely committed to being successful this time around.