jueves, mayo 25, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday May 25, 2017

The energy that presents to you is a match to what you have already experienced combined with new potentials that are opening up to you. You might think of it as a lineup of plays you can attend during a season. You can choose to see a performance that you have already seen and enjoyed very much, or you can choose to see something brand new. Both options are equally available to you. Or you may even decide to do both!

Oxleaze Copse Crop Circle 21st May 2017

Mahala - News Flash May 24, 2017

Today is a major energy day according to Carl Calleman, who is an expert on the Mayan Calendar. People from all over the world are meditating to anchor this energy into Mother Earth. The object is to open your heart to the 9th wave, which is a very high frequency. It’s my understanding that Jesus manifested 9D energy when he was on Earth and this is why I call this energy Christ Consciousness. It is also the beginning of Unity consciousness on a large scale and it is time to focus on opening your heart to receive this energy and ground it into Mother Earth. Here is a link about the 9th wave MORAG: “Mayan Prophesy 24.05.17”.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Teatro de la Ópera Parte 2 - Israel, 12 y 13 de Mayo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Israel, 12 y 13 de Mayo de 2017

Teatro de la Ópera - Parte 2

Kryon habla de la integración con la Fuente Creadora

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

¿Pueden darse cuenta de que aquí hay un entorno? Este entorno en particular es distinto de la mayoría. Hablamos del entorno normalmente. Es diferente cada vez. ¡Si tuvieran una idea de la vida que hay en este salón! En la perspectiva de ustedes la vida es humanos, animales, árboles, pasto. La definición que tienen es limitada. ¿Dios está vivo? Esa es otra definición, ¿no?

John Smallman - Saul - You have become so accustomed to your severely limiting life as a human that it seems normal - 05/25/2017

Humanity’s awakening process appears very strange to many who are just now becoming aware that they are spiritual beings having a very temporary human experience. As they feel the nudge or hear the call to attend to their inner life, their spiritual life, having given it very little of their time or attention so far, it seems a little threatening and rather demanding. New interests or occupations often appear a little threatening to humans because they have become accustomed to following a regular routine that works for them and they do not like to change it, and new interests or new occupations always demand change. If sought they can be exciting and energizing, but if it seems that they are being imposed upon them they resist quite strongly. With the latter scenario they often go into denial and refuse to address the subject – change! Change is the only unchanging aspect of the illusion!

Aisha North - This is where it all begins - May 25, 2017

This is where it all begins.





Coalescing into one.

Into you.

Diane Canfield - Massive ENERGY Wave Hitting Earth To Raise Our Consciousness Now ! - May 25, 2017

Massive ENERGY Wave Hitting Earth To Raise Our Consciousness Now !

By Diane Canfield

Beloved Light Tribe,

Quick Update: A massive energy wave has hit tonight. I have been writing about the acceleration of Ascension for the past few months and how in the past few weeks it has intensely accelerated. We are being activated at a very high level NOW.

I felt high energy all day and it was weaving in and out. Tonight it kicked in big time and there was no way to deny it. It was a wave of Intense energy that was raising the vibration of everyone on the planet.

miércoles, mayo 24, 2017

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - New Moon Update 5-25-17


Dear Friends,
New Moon is Thursday, May 25, at 1:44 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

You can experience this new moon either from a place of despair and suffering over loss, confusion or chaos in your life, or you can be in deep gratitude for the experiences that you have had and the lessons learned. The impermanence of life should be honored and the nostalgia of times past celebrated.

This could be an emotional moon with a sense of wanting some space to be alone. However, community is important as well and it is advised that you get support to be in a space of beauty, love and wonder instead of dark despair. Even though a new moon is a time for going within and resetting priorities and intentions, this moon does have an element of reaching out for community support.

Kara Schallock - Embodiment - 24-May-2017

We certainly have made a huge leap forward in the last several weeks and this continues; feel it? Life is not as it has been. It's completely different. We have been releasing a lot and continue to do so. What helps is to embody completely Soul. Soul is the truest and most perfect you. I use the word “perfect” not in the old way, which indicates there is no more growth. I use “perfect” to indicate evolution in each Moment, aligned with Souls' Wisdom. It is also fascinating to observe (without judgment) others who seem to not embrace the New. It seems they cannot disengage from the chaos and drama in their lives. This is not saying I or we are better than others; just different. We observe, as we maintain our own Authenticity. This can push others' buttons and yet, what they choose to do with their lives is their choice; not ours. In fact, you may seem invisible to them, for you are no longer aligned with gossip or taking sides or other "old" things. They simply cannot hear nor understand you. (I feel uncomfortable using the word “them,” as they also are a part of us.)

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 24, 2017

When you come into a vibrational range of energy, new potentials become available to you. Those new potentials are just a starting point. Understand as a co-creator you can absolutely assess those new opportunities.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Do these potentials match you vibrationally? Do they honour who you are and what you wish to achieve? Do they offer expansion and match where your soul wishes to go? If not, give gratitude for the aspects that do work for you and feel good and supportive as your feedback to the universe, and let the rest go.