martes, octubre 29, 2024

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Now Is a Glorious Time for Humanity…Here’s Why - Oct 29, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are very happy with your process of learning, discerning, growing, evolving, expanding, and we can say that because you are all still there doing it. We like all the ways that we witness you going through these processes, and even though we might teach one over another, it is only because we feel that the process we teach might be faster, might be more effective, but they all have value. You never have to worry about letting anyone down with your mistakes, with your wrong turns. You grow in your misalignment.

lunes, octubre 28, 2024

Judith Kusel - We need to understand that we have already moved into the 5th dimension and the 7th is already here - Oct 28, 2024

We need to understand that we have already moved into the 5th dimension and the 7th is already here.

Now, some souls are not yet there, and still struggling to finally let go of the old patterns of pain and suffering, programming, belief systems, etc.

It will feel so often, as said before, that you are looking through a veil of glass which is separating you – you can see each other but they cannot hear you anymore.

Blossom Goodchild - Conversando con la Federación de la Luz - Octubre 26, 2024

Blossom: Buenos días. Bien. Voy a formular una pregunta, con un poco de intranquilidad, ya que a veces siento que la respuesta no llegará. ¿Qué tal iniciar esta conversación con confianza? Alguien envió una muy buena pregunta. Aquí está... Bien, aquí estamos, los más fuertes de los fuertes. Pero, ¿qué pasa con los pedófilos, asesinos, violadores, criminales y matones? ¿Son los más fuertes de los fuertes porque están aquí en la Tierra al mismo tiempo que nosotros? Creo que la FOL* (Federación de la Luz) una vez nos dijo que muchas, muchas almas querían estar en la Tierra en este momento, pero no todas podían "estar a la altura". Entonces, ¿por qué se les darían algunos de estos preciosos "lugares para almas" a los que acabo de mencionar? Todos sabemos que los comportamientos que tipifican no son los que deberíamos emular... Y... ¿la respuesta es...?

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday October 28, 2024

We strongly encourage you to infuse some joy into every single day of your lives. More than that, we wish for you to stop and truly allow yourself to feel the experience of joy. Let your mind acknowledge it. Savour it. Feel your heart expand with it. Embrace it as a necessary part of you.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Nueva de Escorpio Noviembre 2024

La Luna Nueva de Escorpio llega en el auspicioso 111, el primer día del undécimo mes. Al 111 se lo ha considerado durante mucho tiempo un número angélico de alta vibración que nos ayuda a manifestar y traer equilibrio a nuestra mente, cuerpo y alma.

El 111 está estrechamente conectado con los reinos angélicos y nos recuerda que no estamos solos en este vasto y mágico Universo.

Brenda Hoffman - “Lighten Up” - October 28, 2024

Dear Ones,

Even though you have accepted that your life is changing, you worry that your life shift might go awry or you are not shifting fast enough.

You continue to focus on 3D needs before accepting the process you are now in. The word “process” should indicate to you that this shift is not immediate but gradual. Your physical being could not continue to exist if you shifted within minutes or even days.

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - Is Humanity Headed for More Chaos? - Oct 28, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

You take yourselves to extremes at times because you like to come back to the middle. You like to find the peaceful balance point once again. You enjoy a little chaos when you know that it will be easy for you to come back to center, to come back to a calm, cool, collected state. In other words, you like feeling as though you can control those times when you feel out of control. And those other times when you don’t feel like you are the one controlling the amount of chaos you are experiencing usually result in you feeling afraid. You start to question what will happen next, and you wonder what that person is going to do next, and so on.

domingo, octubre 27, 2024

Giant Sunspot Cluster Turns Toward Earth

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You attract to you only that which is in your consciousness - October 27, 2024

You attract to you only that which is in your consciousness.

Your thoughts are magnetic. Even when you are not conscious of what you are thinking, the power of your thoughts affects your life. What you hold in your mind creates a level of consciousness, and this influences that which you experience in your world.

So, if you want to change the world you live in, start with your own thoughts and feelings.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Group - October 27, 2024

Gustav Klimt

OCTOBER 27,2024

Dear readers welcome to our message which in reality is your message because the consciousness of the readers draws forth the message they are in alignment with.

All is proceeding according to plan. High resonating frequencies of Light now flowing to earth from the sun are continuing to expose pockets of dense energy thousands of years old some of which is presently manifesting as war. If or when personal clearings become physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually draining and difficult allow them to unfold rather than automatically responding with fear and resistance. Always remember that releasing of old energy is a forward step not a backward one in spite of the effects that often accompany them. Trust that your higher self is always governing the process and does not need direction as to how to do it.