viernes, julio 05, 2024

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - Join St. Germain in the Violet Flame - Jul 5, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I wish to impart upon you the wisdom that is already inside of you. I wish to give you the gift of what you already are, what you already have. And so, my job is simple. It is easy. It is to point you towards what is within each and every one of you. My job is to get you to remove the veil, the blinders that you have on and to allow yourselves to feel who you are, emanating from inside of you. As you send your light out to all who come into contact with you, you are doing a great service. And as you recognize yourselves as the teachers, the healers, the wayshowers, the channelers, the lightworkers that you are, it becomes easier for others to do the same.

jueves, julio 04, 2024

Jim Self - Respirar Hacia el Equilibrio


Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy

Hay dos o tres maneras de jugar con esta respiración. La clave es hacerla completa.

Una de las maneras en que has detenido tu respiración es cuando te asustas y dices ¡Oh! Y te detienes allí mismo. Adivina qué es lo que se almacena justo en ese punto de detención de tu respiración: tus imágenes de miedo. Justo allí. Entonces, si puedes respirar de manera circular. Y lo llamo circular como continuo, no interrumpido. Y hay algo en que justo inhalas y luego rueda, y luego es la exhalación, y luego empieza la inhalación, y es solo esta linda, suave, continua respiración. Una de las cosas que haces con la respiración es empezar a disrumpir significativamente tus imágenes de miedo, porque están almacenadas aquí, o en la exhalación inmediata y se almacenan aquí.

Large Sungrazing Comet Plunging Into the Sun

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message July 2024 Article - Jul 4, 2024

Beloved ones we greet you,

As the winds of change sweep across your earth plane you are being realigned through the sacred configuration of planets, which lined up with your planet, Earth. At the juncture of this alignment a corridor of light was created, flowing onto the planet.

Suzy Ward - Matthew Ward - Julio 3, 2024

Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Queridos, por favor, tomen un descanso de sentir el peso del mundo sobre sus hombros e inhalen profundamente y exhalen lentamente. Repitan esto tres veces. Si la visualización les resulta fácil, al exhalar evoquen la imagen de una Tierra prístina suavemente envuelta en una brillante luz blanca dorada. Si eso les resulta perturbador, simplemente respiren y permitan que su corazón se sienta liviano.

The Present Moment Revolution: Transforming Your Life Today

Daniel Scranton - The Andromedan Council of Light - The Andromedans Are Nudging You Now - Jul 4, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.

You are on the verge of so many changes there on Earth, and you are in the midst of the consciousness of that change. A change in consciousness always comes first, and sometimes the change in consciousness can be a bit unsettling to the human being who is experiencing it. Sometimes it takes quite a while for you to acclimate to the energies and to fully embody the new consciousness.

miércoles, julio 03, 2024

Aurora Ray - True Signs You've Been Chosen by Benevolent Extraterrestrials! - Jul 3, 2024

True Signs You've Been Chosen by Benevolent Extraterrestrials!

Many people are curious about ETs and what it would be like to meet them!

Today, we're going to talk about something exciting: signs that friendly extraterrestrials choose to visit us here on Earth. It's a topic that sparks our imagination and makes us think about the enormous possibilities of the universe.

Judith Kusel - True and everlasting is the beauty, purity and perfection of your soul - Jul 3, 2024

True and everlasting is the beauty, purity and perfection of your soul.

When you deeply, purely, connect to your soul and see it, in its perfected form, something deep within you triggers and starts shining through. You see, feel and see, who and what you are in truth, and start living this truth, from your heart and soul, with love.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 3, 2024

If you wish to make a change in your life, surrender into that new way of being and then start doing whatever you can do in each right now moment to support that change. Surrendering activates your team of helpers and opens you up to new potentials and possibilities. Making choices that support that change keep you in a state of cooperation and creation and also start to anchor the energy of what it is you desire. Both surrendering and taking whatever action may be available to you continue to support your intention.