Image: “Ruby With a Dash of Emerald” by Brian Varcas
Spiritual Warriors With Blankets to Darn
Sarah Varcas
April begins as the recent eclipse season comes to a close. This may cue a sigh of relief for some, even though eclipses continue to resonate through our lives for several months. Last month was fairly intense and may have left us feeling somewhat battle worn! The challenges to our sense of self and personal autonomy may have felt harsh and left us wondering whether there’s any real hope of change or just more of the same old struggles in different packaging! Thankfully the second half of April provides ample opportunity to refresh and regroup, offering inner space in which to consider where we go from here.
Prior to that, however, there are some powerful forces to reckon with as the Sun crosses the brewing Uranus/Eris conjunction in Aries, between 6th and 15th April. Impatience may rule the day and old frustrations rise up unbidden. Whatever the surface issues may be, this conjunction of the Sun with two disruptive forces (and squared by Pluto for good measure!) augurs the upwelling of ancestral and collective pain which may overwhelm our everyday experience, super-charging our reactions and unleashing powerful emotions out of proportion to the matter at hand. The Uranus/Eris conjunction is releasing from the collective psyche repressed pain and issues ignored for too long by too many. We are the conduits for those feelings and are all beholden to find the highest and wisest way to channel them for good.