Peace of Mind by Vywumus
Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 12th June 2015 – Sacred School of OmNa
Natalie Glasson
Peace of mind is an aspect of ascension which many strive to achieve wishing to bring stillness and quietness to their thought forms with a presence of peace emanating from their mental bodies. Peace of mind is a state of being which indicates a greater connection and resonance with the Creator due to the mind’s inability, when in this state, to be distracted or confused. To many existing upon the Earth experiencing peace and stillness within their minds is a luxury which seems unobtainable and imaginary, yet such a state within your mental body is already present within your being and simply requires your focus and acceptance.
Everything that you desire, whether of the physical or spiritual plane, is already obtained by you and is present within your being. The fact that you desire something, whatever it may be, is because it is already present, in truth you do not desire or wish to experience that which is not already present within you. While all that is the Creator is within your being, your soul emanates specific aspects of the Creator guiding your purpose and ensuring your experiences, this means that often without realising your desires are aligned to the energies already within you and have a specific purpose of further supporting you in recognising that which is within your being. With this in mind a desire for peace, especially within your mental body, mind and thought processes symbolises that peace is already a powerful quality present and active within your being waiting to be expressed and expl ored.