sábado, abril 18, 2015

Natalie Glasson – Back to Archive – Your Resonance With The Earth By Archangel Sandalphon – 18 April 2015

‘The world is shifting beyond your recognition,’ this is a statement that I wish to share with you and for you to recognise within your perspective. It is not for you to understand the shifts taking place upon the Earth, maybe not even to recognise them, more importantly to recognise how the shifts in the world influence you within your being. When I speak of the world I am referring to the world of your perspectives rather than the Earth itself.  The world you recognise is the world of your perspectives, a creation born from that which you wish to hold within your being, to resonate with and recognise as yourself. The Earth is in tune with your perspectives, co-creating with you in order to manifest your beliefs and perspectives from within your being into your reality.

Maryann Rada - Renegade Throughts – The Game Is About to Change – 2-2-15

The Game Is About To Change
Is there enough time to do the things your soul set out for you when you first decided to enter into the game of life on Earth? Or will the system implode and take with it the semblance of reality you have come to know and, to varying extents, love? Only if you decide to let go of some of the ideas you have accumulated about who you are and what you’re about. You see, every one of you has a role to fulfill and to tell you the truth, many of you have forgotten the main point of your journey here. Despite your high attainments in consciousness, awareness, interdimensional telekinesis of thoughtforms, and what have you, you have perhaps lost the thread on the sole purpose of your soul plan: Find love everywhere and beam it back to source. If you can still find time to do that, you’ve got it made. No other deadlines need apply.

Lena Stevens - ACTUALIZACION DE LUNA NUEVA - 18 de Abril de 2015 - 17 de Abril 2015

17 de Abril 2015
Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos Amigos,

La Luna Nueva es el sábado 18 de abril a las 12:56 p.m. (Horario de las montañas)

Es un tiempo fogoso, muy orientado hacia la acción, algo inquieto, y nos convoca a dar nuestro próximo paso, cualquiera sea éste, con poder y energía. Asegúrense de no enfocarse tanto en lo que se va de su vida, a menos que estén haciendo un verdadero proceso de terminación. Enfóquese, en cambio, en lo nuevo que se manifiesta y arráiguenlo de algún modo.

En el norte de Nuevo México crece un roble de hoja caduca que retiene sus hojas secas hasta que en la primavera las hojas nuevas las expulsan con su crecimiento. Siempre recurro a esa imagen para ilustrar cómo el poner energía en el crecimiento nuevo expulsará automáticamente lo viejo sin esfuerzo.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Clima Cósmico - Reporte de la Luna Nueva del 18 de Abril - 15 de Abril 2015


15 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hola amigos. Bueno, simplemente tengo que compartir cuanto estoy AMANDO las energías de la Luna Nueva entrante. Una vez que se metan en mi reporte verán por qué. Para aquellos que han venido siguiendo nuestros reportes por la página de Facebook “Cosmic Weather” me han escuchado hablar acerca de los desafíos y oportunidades de la actual puerta estelar/ actualización vibracional del “Dragón” por las últimas tres semanas. Ciertamente a la altura de su nombre y reputación. Incluso un Dragón (de madera) como yo se ha estado sintiendo un poco chamuscado en los bordes en algunos momentos, pero estoy mejor por ello. Incluso si no sientes identificado después de esta lectura, estoy bastante segura que con el tiempo verás que tú también. También me dio mucho alimento interesante para reflexionar para mi próximo libro. Las luces eran muy brillantes y las sombras profundas en el portal Piscis / Aries. Yo no lo describiría como un viaje de Alicia por la madriguera del conejo, sino más como el territorio de algunos clásicos de alta extrañeza de Hunter S. Thompson y el Dr. Gonzo (*). No todo el mundo tuvo ese tipo de experiencia, pero yo diría que para la mayoría de la gente sería aplicable.

viernes, abril 17, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Reminder And Reflection Of The Moment From Goddess Isis – 17 April 2015

This planetary Ascension is on the point of full embodiment of Ascension, meaning that each and everyone on this Earth will and is being instigated with the true energies of the Divine Goddess creation, the Divine Feminine within you all. There is a Cosmic Source within your own awareness and Being as well as in this Universe of your Solar plane.This Cosmic Source is called the Eye of Isis and it has come into your planetary awareness as well as in your own awareness through consciousness. It is shining on your Earth, since the Early year 2006 and has been following a linear time-line path of nearly 1 million of Earthly years before it could come into your awareness again and share its Cosmic Divine pulses and energies.
 My eye functions as a Cosmic Gate and instigator for so many things on your beloved planet and reality. It highlights all events and truth upon this planetary level, it instigates the Divine spark within you and assists in the expansion of your Solar Cosmic Christ as well as your I AM. When its Light shines upon your Earthly planes, a true transformation began to take place within your own realities.
 A lot of Earthly changes have taken place since then, and now as Earth’s plane becomes more enlightened by the Eye of my Presence, the effect becomes even bigger and more tangible. It is this effect from the Goddess Divine energies, which enlighten the truth onto this planet, that instigates so much energies to erupt. It highlights the confusion within oneself more so as to transmute into clarity, knowing and your truth. It is here to show everything that you have forgotten about, that is being denied or feared, it is the Light that brings you everything you have been seeking for.. and that is all within you.

Mahala – Alison McCabe : Hygeia – 17 April 2015



On April 4th, during the time of the Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse, we passed through a new energetic doorway and felt an immediate shift in the energy. It felt like a heavy blanket of fog had been suddenly removed, to reveal a sparkling new landscape. This energetic doorway was a significant marker of NO DOWN, NO RETURN. Even though we may not have been able to see this energetic doorway, we strongly felt it.

Through this open doorway is a greatly expanded vista with a sharper focus and brighter, more vibrant colors. Everything tingles with enhanced Trueness. Once we step into this expanded area of our New Landscape, large portions of our old landscape and old lives naturally fall away.

We have reached a new stage of our impending Convergence. Although the Convergence won't take place until the end of June, we are already receiving promptings from our Heart's Knowingness about it. Many of us are feeling the call of the Convergence and don't quite know what it is yet.

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 4-18-15 - April 17, 2015

Dear Friends,

The New Moon is Saturday April 18 at 12:56 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

It is fiery time, very action oriented, a bit restless, and calls us to move into our next step, whatever that is, with power and energy. Make sure not to focus so much on what is leaving your life unless you are doing a real completion process. Focus instead on the new that is manifesting and anchor it in some way.
There is a deciduous oak tree that grows in Northern New Mexico that holds on to its dead leaves until spring when the new leaves push the dead ones out with their growth. I always hold on to that image as it illustrates how putting energy into the new growth will automatically and without effort push out the old.
Watch for impulsive reactions on this day especially if they are negative ones that may pull you into argument or conflict. Refocus as quickly as possible on the passion of creating  your next step and planting the seeds of your creative ideas. If you are around others during this time intend that it will be nothing but a very supportive experience.

Kara Schallock - La Luna Nueva… Anclando más Nuevo - 17 de Abril 2015

por Kara Schallock
17 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En realidad estamos todavía en la energía del ciclo de Eclipses. Aunque las cosas se han suavizado un poco, seguimos en contacto con todo lo que no es Amor. Esta energía ha sido especialmente poderosa en las relaciones de todo tipo, en la auto-estima y en la conciencia de Abundancia/carencia. Han estado regresando cuestiones y esto nos comunica que no todo se ha despejado ya.