jueves, diciembre 04, 2014

Wes Annac - An Introduction to Meditative Writing – Part 3/3 - Dec 4, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Concluded from Part 2
We have to be careful when we follow any religious or spiritual source, and we’ll always want to keep in mind that when it comes down to it, we’re our own saviors. We’re the ones who are meant to find enlightenment, and no external force can deliver it to us.
This is one of the reasons I’ve chosen to localize my connection with my higher self to my articles, but make no mistake – every time you hear from me, you hear from my higher self and guides. This includes the times I don’t practice meditative writing.
I haven’t used it as much as I could so far, because I’m also exploring what it’s like to write without the assistance of meditation – with a clearer mind and an arsenal of words at my disposal, which flow from my mind and heart whether or not I meditate beforehand.

Selacia – Wise Use Of December Energies – 5 December 2014

SelaciaBetween this weekend’s full moon and the amplification effect that builds each year at the holidays, most people are feeling a bit more on edge and overloaded. It’s like there’s a sense of hurry in the air, and to do lists you didn’t even know you had appearing out of nowhere!
These effects are obvious, but there’s something new about how you may be experiencing them this December.
What’s New this December
First, this hasn’t been an ordinary or easy year. There have been lighter moments sprinkled throughout, of course, but we’re still in the midst of a very challenging cycle of revolutionary change. That long cycle has had some key peak moments in 2014 – like the Grand Cross planetary line-up last April. That alignment further stirred the already-churning momentum of society upheaval as well as an intense desire for big changes in all aspects of how life is lived. Regardless of what country you live in, these themes are an obvious part of the landscape.

Selacia - El Uso Sabio de las Energías de Diciembre - 4 de Diciembre 2014

Traducción: Marcela BoreanDifusión: El Manantial del Caduceohttp://www.manantialcaduceo.com.ar/libros.htm


Entre la luna llena de este fin de semana y el efecto amplificador que se construyecada año en las fiestas, la mayoría de la gente se siente un poco más sobre el borde y sobrecargada. Es como que hay una sensación de prisa en el aire, y listas de tareas pendientes que ni siquiera sabías que tenías han aparecido de la nada!

miércoles, diciembre 03, 2014

Isabel Henn - My Journal December 03, 2014 – Our journey home to Source


Log Entry Earth Time December 03, 2014, 06:51.55 pm CEST

At the moment life flows with the usual chores. I do my cleansings, healings and energy work. Also the reiki for Kiba’s behavior and for Tom’s heart. Tomorrow we have the next visit at the vet clinic. I am curious if the healing sessions for him are successfull or at least will show an improvement. I am only glad that he takes his daily tablet without troubles. He eats it out of my palm like a treat. :) My sweet Tom <3 span="">

My Zen-Master Tom :)

The last nights I dreamed and I remember my dream from tonight. I was traveling with some persons to a for me not obvious destination. We used a bus and a train and we reached the station for them not on well-trodden and known paths but we walked across country and unknown paths. We could reach the train station only that way or we would have missed the train. I woke up before we reached our destination and in this I know that we are still on the way, not yet there but near the end of the last stage.
Usually I remember only dreams that are important for me as my Higher Self or Full Consciousness as I call her blocks all I do during my sleeptime. I know why she does it but it is not yet the time to tell.
My close friend to whom I mentioned my dream told me it could be my timing to go UP and when Gaia collective ascends. My thoughts were that we can travel or have to travel aside from known paths to reach our goal.

Wes Annac - An Introduction to Meditative Writing – Part 2/3 - Dec 3, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Continued from Part 1
Creativity Doesn’t Require Meditation
By no means is meditation required to be creative, but it makes the process more enjoyable.
It also has its downsides. For example, I’ll have a lot of editing work to do once I finish writing this, because I’ve basically closed my eyes and allowed my higher self (or whatever force you want to call it) to take the wheel and steer.
I’ll inevitably misspell and mangle the words I type, but since I’m used to editing text from my days channeling my higher self and guides, editing them doesn’t seem like a big deal.
It’s worth it to express myself and have my oversoul express him/herself via this expanded creative outlet, and any editing that needs done along the way is a small price to pay for the expressional abilities that result from embracing a deeper state of consciousness while writing.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, December 03, 2014

It is a morning for glory! It is a morning for joy! We are making plans to come and join you in the very near future. As we ready ourselves and get into the swing of what we will be doing with you, it is a wondrous journey that we plan, and the magic of it is that there is no plan. We have devised a way by which we will be coming to you in the ways that you will be comfortable with.

It is I St. Germain, and I am so pleased to be speaking through this one again. I have been with her throughout many centuries and this one is the epitome of how we will be addressing that which we have been setting into motion energetically over the time span that we have been creating.

Mahala – Astrology Report For December – 3 December 2014

MahalaGuest article By Dorene Carrel
December offers opportunities for creating positive change and an optimistic outlook. Jupiter in Leo goes retrograde and Uranus in Aries turns direct, with both forming a fire grand trine with the Sun in Sagittarius at the Full Moon.  This energetic pattern will help us create new opportunities to achieve our higher goals.  Saturn enters the sign of Sagittarius for the next two years, providing a practical perspective for our visions and ideals.  The month begins under the Sagittarius new moon cycle, with a focus on one’s spiritual path, journeys and achieving a higher perspective.
On December 6 the Full Moon occurs at 14 Gemini.  It opposes Mercury, Venus and Ceres, which indicates that we need to stay positive and supportive in our thoughts and communications.  The fire grand trine created by the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus adds a burst of energy that also allows us to achieve greater clarity about our life purpose at this time.   The Sabian symbol keynotes for these degrees, “The need to clarify one’s experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals,” and “The value of anticipating new turns of events and ascertaining future prospects,” suggest the importance of communication within one’s spiritual circle to gain new perspectives and make preparation for new changes.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Innato Revelado - Parte 3 - Portland, Oregón - 23 de Noviembre de 2014


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Yo tengo una relación con ustedes. En mi lado del velo, ustedes son una parte de la Fuente Creadora. Esto es inexplicable; no está en su realidad saberlo. Les hemos dicho que hay una parte de ustedes, que existe en ustedes, que proviene de esa Fuente. Se oculta porque vibra en un nivel que es metafórico, es muldimensional. Se oculta porque ustedes no son de esa dimensión, y por tanto no pueden verla claramente, pero la sienten.

Ahora que han dado vuelta una hoja en su Historia, empezamos a empezar - empezamos a empezar! (se ríe) - a enseñarles cómo es caminar en esa dimensión. Mi relación con ustedes, cuando están aquí, es de asombro. Comienzan a ver en su consciencia los "Ajás", empiezan a aparecer. No sólo en aquellos que ustedes saben que pueden hacerlo, sino que empiezan a darse cuenta de quiénes son.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Innato Revelado - Parte 2 - Portland, Oregón, el 22 de Noviembre de 2014


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta noche deseo exponer un sistema muy importante para ustedes, en formas que no lo hemos hecho antes. Lo llamaremos el comienzo de la información acerca del Innato. Hemos dado canalizaciones antes, una de ellas fue El Innato Misterioso. Les hemos dado algunos de los atributos de su propio cuerpo y deseamos aumentar la información esta noche.

He estado dando información a mi socio; él la recibe a través de la intuición; incluso comenzó a armar un programa con ella, y nunca se ha canalizado en público. Esa es la integridad de la manera en que trabajo con él, que dice que muchas de estas cosas deben ser sometidas y entregadas a ustedes para que puedan oírlas y analizarlas. Al mismo tiempo él empieza a enseñarlo, para que otros sepan lo que él sabe al empezar su proceso.

Kryon por Lee Carrroll - El Innato Revelado - Parte 1 - Portland, Oregón, el 22 de Noviembre de 2014


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
www.traduccionesparaelcamino. blogspot.com.ar

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Nuevamente, he aquí una introducción de apertura para muchos de ustedes, en la energía de la canalización. Cada vez que hay una reunión como ésta, hacemos una canalización corta. Algunos han venido por primera vez, y han de decidir si esto es real no. Puede sonar áspero, querido ser humano, pero estás funcionando con filtros de consciencia innatos. Esto no es la comunicación normal a la que estás acostumbrado. La idea de que un ser humano pueda tener la capacidad de canalizar, literalmente, su Yo Superior y más allá, un portal hacia la Fuente Creadora, con tanta facilidad, y traer información precisa que fluye normalmente en tu idioma, no necesariamente es algo que esperas o puedes creer. Entonces repito lo que hemos dicho antes tantas veces: nunca habrá una prueba de que es real, y no puede haberla. Porque dentro del esquema de lo que es apropiado y honra a la humanidad, debe haber discernimiento, debe haber libre opción. Entonces, por un momento, sólo un momento, te pedimos, con equidad: relájate y discierne lo que voy a decir.