lunes, septiembre 08, 2014

Michael E. Salla - Audio - Supersoldiers and Project Moon Shadow - Full Interview with Captain K. Part 1

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather – Full Moon Report for 9.8.14

Looking through the bent back tulips, to see how the other half live. Looking through a Glass Onion. – Lennon/McCartney

Cosmic Weather – Full “Harvest” Moon in Pisces.
Hello friends. So why the interesting Beatles quote, you ask? Like much inspiration that will be coming through with these powerful Full Moon energies, Spirit just kind of blew that one in. I thought it was perfect, and I will tell you why. First of all, Pisces energies in general in their highest aspects are all about compassion, understanding and seeing humanity through a broader lens.
The week leading up to this full moon was one of the strangest and most polarized that I have experienced and observed in a long while. I attribute that not only to the incoming Full Moon energies, but also the 9:9 “Activation Wave” that the Keepers advised us about starting in the latter part of August and the powerful ebbs and flows of energies that have accompanied that.

Valerie Donner - Straight From The Heart - September 8, 2014

Dear Ground Crew,
         How have you been doing, ground crew? Have any of you been feeling fatigue, needing rest, forgetting words, feeling stupid, dizziness, varying emotions that can be intense, feeling sensitive, and aware of what no longer belongs on the earth? I mention this because we are still dealing with duality. This is one of the last vestiges of the third dimension. It can sneak up on us as we move farther into the fourth dimension.
The fourth dimension is one of love and unity. Any time we face issues such as war, greed, hatred, corruption, abuse, separation (within self and with others), the illuminati, the taking away of our freedoms, lies and more lies, and environmental issues, lack of reverence of life, etc. we are still in the third dimension. These polarities show us how much we need to clear.

Two Suns - Aliens, UFO's, The Annunaki - The Shocking Reality!

UFO in North Carolina caught on Night Vision in May, 2014 MUFON Case #58923

Sandra Walter - Strongest Gate to Date? A Note for Gatekeepers - September 8, 2014

Blessings Beloved Gatekeepers,
I understand that our task can be both glorious and frustrating during these waves of New Light. Last week’s (huge) revelation flashes flowed into SuperMoon intensity, and the final punch of this Gate hits tomorrow, 9/9.
I AM guided as we approach Full Moon peak to remind every Gatekeeper that our agreement to serve as conduits – and to OPEN interdimensional portals for this New Light – is KEY to prepare the collective consciousness for the Equinox-Blood Moon combo of the next few weeks.
Despite the drag on the collective consciousness (by both unawakened and awakened) when energies like this arrive, let us be diligent in our work here.


Selacia's Article: Prepare for the New Ahead of Equinox - Sep 8, 2014 - Prepárense para lo Nuevo por Delante del Equinoccio

Prepare for the New Ahead of Equinox  by Selacia   

With Equinox just around the corner, this is an excellent time to prepare for a brand-new cycle of energy. In fact, transformational seeds that you plant in the next several weeks can result in huge breakthroughs and successes.

If you have been waiting for more favorable energies, use these moments to get some things done. You can make progress now, even with issues and projects that seemed veiled or unmovable before!

Final ‘Super Moon’ of 2014 Will Rise on Tuesday,September 9

Meteor Hit Nicaragua And Others Also Light In The Sky In Spain, Sept 8, 2014