domingo, octubre 06, 2013

Aisha North - Welcome to the sixth Gathering around the Pond - October 6, 2013
Dear friends!
Once more a month seems to have gone by in a flash, and tomorrow at 21:00 Oslo time, we have another Gathering coming up. So much has happened in these last few weeks, and I think many will agree that even if it has been extremely exhausting at times, it has also been a sense of profound changes, even elation and joy. We are starting to see results from all our hard work, both on a personal level, but also on a collective one, and now the time has come to take it one step further. For we are starting to create the new ”us” and the new world, and we are going to do it in ways that I think will surprise even ourselves. And tomorrow we have a wonderful opportunity to create together, by sitting down and connecting with the energies – and all the amazing people – gathered here. This is what the CCs shared about it:

Bi-Location 101 Steve Rother

Lauren C. Gorgo - The Fifth Initiation: monad merger - Oct 5, 2013

PageLines- 5DreportLOGO.gifPost-Equinox Effects
We are born.  The (really) hard work is over, and the heaviness is starting to lift.
You may still be feeling the discomfort from the birth itself, but if you’ve done the inner work, you are probably noticing that the challenges of this never ending process have been more manageable by day. If not, stay the course. If you keep yourself focused on yourself you will be absolutely shown whatever remains in the way of your sovereignty.
Even tho things are getting lighter, we are still having to maintain a firm resolve with regard to sustaining our very new way of BEing…mostly because it is still in its’ infancy stage…but according to my Source(s), that need will subside substantially this season as we continue to dedicate ourselves to bolting our feet into the new earth and creating with our magic again. As we do so, as we release any and all energies (thoughts) of victimization and replace them with our divine authority, we simultaneously free up and declutter the expansive, creative space of heaven residing within each and every cell of our being.

sábado, octubre 05, 2013

Dr Kevin Ross Emery - Living the Serenity Prayer - Oct 5, 2013

Photo credit: Abby Lanes via Flickr
Photo by Abby Lanes via Flickr
By Dr Kevin Ross Emery
Several months ago, a friend approached me with a question. If I were to get up in front of a large audience and speak about something I thought would make their lives better, what would that subject be? For the last several years of my teaching and speaking career, my first response would have been to say, ‘Empowerment.’ This time however, I looked at my friend and without missing a beat said, ‘The Serenity Prayer.’
When he asked me why I would choose this subject, I told him that I had used the Serenity Prayer for almost 20 years in my spiritual coaching and counseling practice to help my clients.
In this article, I would like to explore the serenity aspect of the prayer. As often times is the case, when I begin to talk or write about something, I like to see what Webster’s Dictionary has to say about it.

ISON UPDATE, Latest Images. Red Aurora/Both Poles.

DL Zeta: Waking and Nightly Dreams offer Glimpses into Timelines along our “Hologram Highways” - Oct 5, 2013 person has many timelines within their life hologram. At any given time, our life hologram or energetic template for our life, contains timelines we have already experienced and those we have yet to encounter. Every day we glimpse these new potentials in various ways though we may not always recognize them as such. Tuning in these “glimpses” allows us to further explore alternate potentials before choosing which life track we will shift our energy and focus to. We will describe here some ways to perceive alternate life tracks.

Feel lighter – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 05, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, right now, where you transform so many low energies, whether you energetically cleanse yourself or your environment, help your body to eliminate these transformed energies from it. I have already advised you to ground yourself every day. Use this to get rid of the transformed energies. Imagine how they are released from your body and flow through your root chakra or your feet chakras into the earth. Feel lighter, you can even reduce your weight with it if you want to. You’ll feel better and Gaia can use this converted energies for herself and for the benefit of all. So it is helping all, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Sandra Walter – The Great Exhale Of The Creator – 4 October 2013

SandraWalterPerhaps you have felt the Heart center magnetics getting a bit VIVID in the past week. Typically this is associated with Solar activity, as the filament eruption showered us with new frequencies all week long. Besides the usual singing ears, body aches and vibrations, many have moved into the next level of the Ascension process.
The Creator Breath: a conversation with Higher Self
SW: Great pulling sensations in the heart center this week. I feel my heart torus pulling inward, from up in my throat and from down in my solar plexus. I noticed my chest and diaphragm muscles are tight as well. I feel such expansion since Equinox, and especially last Thursday with the release from the collective entanglement. Then the inward pull began with the Solar activity. I understand Solar activity hits the cardiovascular system first, however this is pronounced and has a – poetic? – feel to it.

My Favorite Archangel Michael Story - James Foster - Oct 4, 2013

archangel-michael-swordHow I Met Archangel Michael

I have been working with Nasrin and the Ascended Masters for many years now and from the very beginning, Archangel Michael has been my constant companion. In fact, at my first channeling session; my first opportunity in this life to connect to the Ascended Masters through Nasrin, it was Archangel Michael that came to speak to me.
I was thrilled when the session began and Nasrin said Archangel Michael has come to talk to you. I had no idea what might happen in a “channeling session.” but the love I felt from Archangel Michael quickly convinced me that this intangible connection was real and profound. Michael was loving and comforting and fully aware that this was my first experience of this type and that I did not know what to expect. He seemed absolutely delighted to speak to me and honored to take me, energetically, on my first journey to experience higher dimensions of reality. He presented himself, not as a superior and vastly more powerful being but as a friend or a buddy, someone who has walked with me in many lifetimes before and has come back to be my guide to discovering this vast inner realm. His words were humbling beyond belief, yet totally exhilarating.

Proceso de Intenciones de la Luna Nueva Por Selacia Lunes, 30 de septiembre, 2013


Traducción: Fara González López para el Manantial del Caduceo

Nota de Selacia: Una luna nueva como la que tenemos el viernes es como una página en blanco en la cual ustedes pueden escribir sus intenciones para la próxima fase. Los antiguos sabían esto, utilizando las lunas nuevas para ceremonias sagradas.  En nuestra vida cotidiana moderna, podemos olvidar cuan poderosos son los ciclos de la naturaleza – así que aquí hay un artículo oportuno antes de nuestra luna nueva.  Recomiendo que comiencen el proceso antes del viernes, para que estén listos para energizarlo como primera cosa en ese día. ¡Que su día y mes próximo sean fructíferos, joviales y llenos de bondad!
Ahora es el momento perfecto para prepararse energéticamente para la próxima vuelta de nuestro paseo en la montaña rusa permanente. El cambio radical continúa en el aire, impactando a todos, y ustedes querrán estar empoderados al encontrar más incógnitas y cambios en las circunstancias.