martes, octubre 26, 2021

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Newest Activations - Oct 26, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with your progress, as we measure the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness. We are monitoring you closely, as we determine what the next batch of energies we give you needs to contain in order to activate more humans into that level of consciousness that you are all striving for. The fifth dimension is a level of consciousness and not a place that you go to. You are in the process of co-creating your fifth-dimensional reality, your fifth-dimensional Earth, and your fifth-dimensional society, and it’s good for you to know that. It’s good for you to realize that this is not something that is only pre-existing or something that is just being done for you. It is something you are doing as a collective.

lunes, octubre 25, 2021


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - OCTUBRE 2021


***De su Anfitriona de Luz - Profecías autocumplidas
*** Mar de confusión

*** La incesante búsqueda de algo más

*** Los códigos de María


A medida que nos movemos a través de estas inmensas energías invisibles, nos encontramos en la curva del túnel del amor sin ver una salida, sin ver una entrada. Hemos agotado nuestro cuerpo, mente y espíritu buscando una cura para lo que nos aqueja. Como un químico impulsivo, buscamos lo invisible que reside entre lo inadvertido, buscando en el cosmos la ecuación exacta que construirá una panacea para que todos la beban. Hace muchos años, en mi formación inicial como canal, aprendí que la verdadera oscuridad no se puede destruir, solo se puede contener. Tal como una enfermedad congelada descubierta en un hueso de mamut, la Tierra es capaz de ocultar lo que alguna vez estuvo expuesto y es peligroso por naturaleza. El universo me mostró en muchas situaciones reales que no debía enviar ira u odio, ni tratar de destruir lo que era esencialmente un agujero negro de tinieblas. Al principio trabajé mucho cazando fantasmas y liberando de entidades. Yo, como muchos otros, estaba en primera línea liberando la oscuridad en todas sus formas, llenándola de luz. Literalmente, era como llenar un balde con muchos agujeros; era inútil tratar de deshacerse de la oscuridad. (Éramos jóvenes y estúpidos). Esas lecciones todavía cuentan en estos tiempos.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Llena en Aries Octubre 2021 - Octubre 18, 2021

Traducción Margarita López
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Únicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe

¡Hay tanta energía que se nos ofrece bajo la Luna Llena de octubre, hasta el punto en que podemos comenzar a sentirnos un poco abrumados! Las energías son intensas, pero también nos ofrecen algo de sabiduría, sanación y comprensión.

Al caer en el signo de Aries el 20 de octubre, la Luna Llena activará las energías de Marte, Plutón y Eris, creando lo que se conoce como una T-Cuadrada.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Beyond - Oct 25, 2021



Stretching, reaching, expanding beyond what you felt was possible for yourself is the first sign that you are becoming what you are truly meant to be. ~ Creator


Natalia Alba - We are ending a cycle... - Oct 25, 2021

Beloved Ones,

We are ending a cycle in which nurturing ourselves is essential to continue integrating the plasma waves that began a few months ago. At this time we find ourselves immersed within a Scorpion passage, as we just had the Sun moving into this profound sign, together with Mas doing the same on October 30. A portal that will help us renew ourselves and our physical bodies, as well as to go deeper into anything that we desire to dissolve, heal, and or be revealed.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, October 25, 2021


Most of you find surrender to be doable during easier times, but surrender when you are in very challenging times can be much more difficult. There is a tendency to want to try to have a sense of more control when things are hard. It is also a very normal human reaction to experience more resistance than usual during trying times.

What we want you to understand is surrender is a tool that activates your team of helpers and guides, including your highest self, to provide higher guidance, support and comfort. It allows you to move through difficult times with the greatest amount of assistance possible. Surrendering into your higher guidance moves you into an incredibly supportive flow that will be customized to be gentle and meet your needs. It is a loving blanket that will wrap you up and carry you forward.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 24 ✨ 34 ✨ 42 - Oct 25, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

25 October 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 25/10 17:00 The frequencies returned to rise towards calm values from 2 UTC and from that moment the movements of the Amplitude have ceased. At the time of this update, Frequency 1 appears to have stabilized around 7.60 Hz but the situation is calm.

Schumann Resonance Today 25/10 11:30 From 6 UTC the frequencies began to decrease one after the other at a distance of two hours each and this led to a movement of the Amplitude that saw peaks with constant growth, first Power 24 around 9 then Power 34 at 10 UTC and finally Power 42 at 11 UTC.


Brenda Hoffman - Stop Pouting and Start Creating - October 25, 2021


Dear Ones,

You know you are different than before you exited 3D. And you know the same is true for your world – whether you define your world as the globe or your household. But those differences do not seem to be the peace, comfort, and joy we, of the Universes, prophesied.

So you are actively pursuing peace, comfort, and joy. And by doing so, you discover you have less energy to share with others and more need to explore within.