miércoles, junio 18, 2014

Méline Portia Lafont - Initiation to Light body ~ Crystalline structures - Jun 18, 2014

Message from Lady Portia/ Méline Portia Lafont

Precious hearts,

We are being initiated into the Higher Levels of our being and Light, where the intrinsic parts of our being are socializing and co-creating with the pristine and crystalline structures of our new Self. This is called our renewed Self as we are bathed in the incoming Light and with codes that restructure our whole Self and our embodiment into a deeper awareness, a more evolved consciousness and an entirely different level of existing with regards to our vehicle/embodiment.

lunes, junio 16, 2014

02 – If we follow our hearts! – by Marc Gamma ~ 16.06.2014

marienkaefer-blume[Translation by: Paulina G. Loftus / (Contra)Mary]
If we want to follow our heart, the decisions become necessary. Decisions that seem a bit difficult at the beginning, because within a decision, we must always decide for or against something. At the same time we know that following a decision we may have to let go of people who are dear to us, but also fond of everyday things we say goodbye and must dismiss.
Such decisions are always a thing of the head one thinks, but this is not so. We humans want to solve matters of the heart with the head, because the head and/or the brain learned to look at things in such a way so that we can compare them with the already learned.

Suzanne Lie – The Beginning Of The Ending – Part 3 – Communicating With Sylphs And Undines – We Are Not Alone YouTube – 16 June 2014

Jason and Sandy were so bruised and exhausted from their fall that I led them to a nearby flat area and helped them pitch their small tent. Once done, they crawled inside with their sleeping bags, got into them, dirt and all, and instantly fell asleep. At least they thought they were “just” sleeping. Actually, they were beamed up to the Ship to be taken to the Restoration Chamber where their injuries were healed.
When they woke up just after Sunrise, they were still covered with dirt, but healed of all wounds. They were in shock when they climbed into the tent, so they did not realize how badly they were injured, but when they awoke they were healed.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Healing by God’s Grace 

Deep, unswerving and in the knowledge about the 
significance and correctness of all things anchored 
trust in God is the general and master key of these days.  
And therefore we will now undergo a consideration of trust in God.
1.) Look at your current emotional, mental and spiritual situation. 
Ask yourself: Am I constantly linked to the wellspring of All-That-Is? 
If yes, there is nothing more you need to do, except to enjoy 
this condition of awareness and relish it. Is this here and there 
and now and then not the case, then anchor yourself again on a 
daily basis; whereby, as soon as the “source energy” is missing,
a.) Instantaneously ask for renewed connection and whereby you
b.) Instantaneously remove the cause of your discomfort. 

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Fast from Negative Thoughts about Yourself

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Give yourself a fast from negative thoughts about yourself.
This card always shows up at opportune moments when I notice I am being less than compassionate with myself. It is a very old habit. Somehow I took all the criticism I received growing up and heaped it on myself when I was away from home.

Llamaradas solares y paquetes de información por David Topí - Jun 16, 2014



16 de Junio 2014

Todos conocéis y sois conscientes del papel que juega el Sol como dador de vida para todo lo que existe en el Sistema Solar. Es nuestra principal fuente de energía, que se manifiesta, sobre todo, en forma de luz y calor. Contiene más del 99% de toda la materia del Sistema Solar y gracias a que ejerce una fuerte atracción sobre los planetas, los hace orbitar a su alrededor, en un movimiento helicoidal, y mantiene la estructura estable. Hace ya varios meses, en este otro artículo, hablamos del rol de cada sistema planetario dentro del sistema solar, y hoy vamos a hablar específicamente del rol del Sol y de sus emisiones energéticas, como contenedoras de la información que hace evolucionar todo lo que existe bajos sus dominios.

domingo, junio 15, 2014

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 15 June 2014

AishaNorthWe begin today’s missive by thanking you all for the way that you continue to seek for enlightenment in every way you can. You see, this is in all aspects an ongoing process, and now that you have managed to free yourself from so much that can be defined as inhibitors, you have all in some ways become as busy bees, looking in all directions for something more to add to your repertoire of light. And what do we mean by that? Simply the fact that you have all in some way started to seek out that direction you knew beforehand would take you even further on your journey, and as we have talked about in earlier missives, this part of your journey is all about creating.

Ronna Herman – Latests Message From Archangel Michael – “Accessing The Earth’s Seed Atom Record-Keeper Crystals” – 15 June 2014

ronna1aBeloved Masters, in your mind’s eye, however you perceive, envision that you are viewing the Earth from a great Light ship, and together we, the angelic Forces and the multitude of universal Light Beings who represent our Father/Mother God, are bringing forth the energetic vibrational patterns of the wondrous Divine schematic in preparation for humanity’s inhabitation of the Earth. During the intricate, complex stages of preparation, great sentient crystals were implanted deep within the Earth in strategic places around the planet. A portion of each huge crystal rose from the Earth’s surface as a sentinel which radiated energy and information out into the cosmos, as well as functioning as a receiver of Divine Light, Wisdom and Power from our Father/Mother God. Over the many aeons of time, as Earth changes took place whereby mountain ranges rose into the skies, land masses sank beneath the waters, and continents shifted and changed shape, most of those great crystals were shattered and buried deep within the Earth and the waters. However, many remained intact deep within the waters, in great caverns, and many more lie close to the surface of the land hidden only by a thin covering of earth or vegetation, waiting for you to discover them and bring forth their powerful gifts and ancient memories. They are the Earth’s Seed Atom Record-Keepers, and you hold the key which will give you access to the wisdom and the power of manifestation that lie dormant within them.

Higer Self on Twin Flame Connection – Multidimensional Ocean 15 June 2014

10422487_10152236727879023_5328902472509468298_nWe come this evening with more information on Twin Flames, as it was requested by a few of you. This kind of information is not of concern to many light workers, and it is perfectly all right if you feel no connection and no interest to this topic what so ever.
Indeed not all souls chose to incarnate into two distinct beings, one male and one female. Some souls do this split in order to experience both sides of the coin so to speak at once. Others would alternate incarnations as male or female on this planet or on others.

Wes Annac – Spiritual Guidance: We Encode Symbols Into Your Physical Reality – 15 June 2014

wes-annac-300x229Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Any external change you want to see has to come from within first, and if you want to change your planet, it’s imperative that you believe in yourselves and act on your ability to help everyone become aware of the reality of spirit. It’s very important to empower yourselves; to assure yourselves that you can change the world if it doing so is your passion.
Nothing has to stop you from achieving your dreams, and there’s no reason for you to continue letting the pains and woes of the earth keep you from discovering your greater abilities and opening up to spirit in a deeper way.