Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Saúl-John Smallman. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Saúl-John Smallman. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, octubre 19, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - You will feel complete, whole, fulfilled, perfect - Oct 19, 2021

As humanity waits expectantly for the collective awakening to happen – for each individual in their daily lives – be aware that it is happening right NOW! Look around you, observe the large numbers of people behaving far more peacefully and lovingly than you are accustomed to seeing. This is happening because all of you keep setting and maintaining the intent to be only loving whatever arises in your own daily lives. Each of you are personally, individually, and collectively delivering the awakening to all of humanity, even though you are probably not receiving any positive personal feedback to allay your continuing doubts, about whether humanity really is in the process of awakening – doubts that are constantly being activated or intensified by your ceaseless and growing awareness of the enormous amount of suffering that so many are undergoing worldwide, and that is constantly being reported on the MSM.

jueves, septiembre 30, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - Fear is unreal, so invite Love into your hearts to dissolve it - Sep 30, 2021

Deep within every sentient entity there rests an eternal and completely unbreakable connection to the One, the All, LOVE. Every sentient being therefore has access to Source in every moment of their eternal existence, whether they are experiencing life as separate beings in form or as pure consciousness at One with Source. The difference of course is that when a sentient being is in form it has concealed from itself this unbreakable connection. However, by going within to your holy inner sanctuary, which you all have deep within yourselves, and because it is deep within you, you have to be able to be extremely quiet as you allow your consciousness – your Self, your Oneness with the All – to invite the connection to become active, and It will, immediately. 

sábado, septiembre 18, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - You are awakening humanity just by being You - Sep 18, 2021

As the collective awakening of humanity draws ever closer, please intensify your intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your day to day lives. These are very difficult times for many of you, and so you do need to call on your friends and your support teams in the spiritual realms frequently – at least once daily – for a powerful spiritual energy boost as you do the work you incarnated to do in this time of mass awakening.

lunes, septiembre 06, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - Separation from the divine Presence is impossible! - Sep 6, 2021

We are All One, because there is only One. No more than the ONE is necessary or possible; and in this Oneness there is infinite Love, Peace, and Joy that, as humans in form, you cannot even conceive of, because the love you experience between one another is almost without exception conditional!

Love is. Love is without conditions of any kind, and deep within yourselves there is an awareness, a knowing, of this divine Truth which enables you to TRUST that God’s Will is always perfectly achieved, just as intended. However, at times you are filled with doubt, as you pay attention, often too much attention, to what your news media are reporting about situations all across the world that cause great suffering to so many. It is good to be aware that many are suffering so that you are reminded to set the intent at least once daily to be only loving whatever arises in your daily lives, and to send the energy of Love and compassion to those who are suffering.

jueves, agosto 26, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - As humans in form you do need your egos - Aug 26, 2021

As you all – humans all over the world – move powerfully forward in your awakening process, open yourselves to the awareness that we in the spiritual or non physical realms are most enthusiastically supporting you and cheering you on. You have made enormous progress during the last few decades, just as you all intended when you chose to incarnate and be present now in human form on Planet Earth to participate in this momentous event – humanity’s awakening from the dream or illusion of unreality. It is approaching the moment of fruition far more rapidly than you can imagine, because, as the chaos and confusion that has arisen and is continuing to arise in many places has encouraged you to listen to your egos and doubt and disbelieve in God’s divine plan for you, you find it difficult not to focus your attention on reports from the MSM instead of on your trust in Mother/Father/God.

viernes, agosto 20, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - This is the age of Miracles! - August 20, 2021

Humanity’s awakening is a done deal! Many are now feeling/intuiting the truth of this, the actuality of it, because it is occurring NOW. There is only Now, and more and more of you are becoming aware of this at moments of peace that arise in your daily lives, and it is inspiring and uplifting you as you wonder how many others are also experiencing this inner peace in these now moments. Initially they are but brief fleeting moments, bringing you a sense of wonder, of delight, but as you continue to open your hearts to invite Love in to embrace you they will manifest more frequently and last longer, as you realize more fully how life is Love, is Source, is Oneness and is always happening NOW.

domingo, agosto 01, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - Love never imposes or forces Itself on anyone - Aug 1, 2021

Here in the spiritual realms we are watching over you lovingly and enthusiastically as you continue your rapid and unstoppable progress towards your awakening, which is now very close. Yes, the MSM is consistently reporting on news that encourages fear and alarm – events and happenings that are mostly of a collective karmic nature that need to be fully acknowledged and released – but the truth is that there is much to uplift and inspire you occurring worldwide as well that is not being widely reported. ‘Stuff’ continues to arise in everyone’s awareness, often painfully, for recognition, forgiveness, and release, and you are all doing great work as you deal in the present with this ancient, painful, and horribly shaming butunrealbaggage. It is not fun, and it is not enjoyable, but it has to be done so that you can fully open your hearts to Love, and your success in dealing with it and completely releasing it is divinely assured.

sábado, julio 10, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - God wants only what is best for you, and for you to delight in that experience - July 10, 2021


by John Smallman

There is only One, and you, therefore, are One with One, and the nature of One is Love. There is nothing else. All That Exists Is, and can therefore never be separated from Itself. You know this, and yet it appears to the vast majority of humans that this is not the case, or that it is only an intellectual knowing, without any intuitive or felt sense, any real awareness of this divine truth. However, this not the case either! You do know, it is just that you have chosen to remain unaware even though that knowing is always available to you if you will go within, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and invite and allow this knowing into your hearts so that you can access it easily whenever you wish to do so.

sábado, junio 26, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - Let go of any felt need to proselytize, to convert others to God - June 26, 2021

Humanity is moving ever more rapidly towards its grand awakening, as more and more information about corruption in many and various kinds of organizations, that people have for many years believed to be honest, are being publicly revealed. It is shocking for the vast majority, who are themselves honest and who live lives of honesty and integrity, when it is very clearly demonstrated to them that the organizations that they were brought up to trust and respect have been lying, cheating and misleading them for decades. This is now coming to an end because those who have for many years – often quite unwillingly – supported those who control those delinquent organizations are no longer able in good faith to remain silent. Many “whistle-blowers” are now coming forward to reveal the enormity of the deception that has been perpetrated on the citizens of the world by their power-obsessed rulers and leaders.

viernes, abril 23, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - You will discover that there is joy in your lives, joy that perhaps you had largely been unaware of.

Humanity’s awakening process continues to flow beautifully forward, exactly as divinely planned, while the MSM (main-stream-media) continues to direct your attention toward events that focus on dangers they claim are severely threatening your human existence. Dangers that are presented in an unrealistic and threatening fashion to compound your fears so that you will believe in the authoritarian directives and instructions that your governments are issuing, and thus keep on abdicating your sovereign rights as free and divine beings, while accepting and following those directives and instructions. If you will just do the necessary basic research you will see that those directives and instructions have no scientific basis, and that they are therefore being used solely to control, manipulate, and intimidate you.

domingo, marzo 28, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - There is only Love, Source, and infinite eternal Joy - March 29, 2021

The momentous event – Humanity’s Collective Awakening – for which you have all been waiting with with such hope is very close. Let go of your doubts and continue to reset your intent to be only loving, whatever may arise throughout the day, every day, because it is extremely effective and powerful, and it is what you incarnated to do. Truly, you are on a roll, despite what the MSM and SM are shouting out so vociferously. The present world news is very unsettling and disturbing because it seems that governmental organizations and very large businesses are intent on removing your divine right to your own sovereignty, they are doing this by attempting, most authoritatively and illegally, to increase the myriad numbers of rules and restrictions on your freedom to interact with one another in any way that you may choose. This will not succeed!

sábado, febrero 27, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - You all chose, with enormous generosity and compassion, to be incarnate - Feb 27, 2021

Humanity is very, very close to the collective awakening, and there are signs of it in many places that are uplifting the hearts of those who see them and recognize them. All is going as divinely planned, as it always does. That often does not appear to be the case because, as humans in form, you are fully engaged in the ‘game’ of separation which can be extremely painful, especially when you are involved in conflict and self-doubt.

martes, febrero 02, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - Your natural state is “the pure joy of Being!” - Feb 2, 2021

All is unfolding precisely as divinely planned! Humanity is awakening, and there are signs and indications of this throughout the world as more and more people choose to be only loving whatever arises in their daily lives. Here in the non-physical realms we have been intensifying our love and support for you as you so powerfully and brilliantly move forward toward your awakening. You are making it happen! Yes it is God’s divine plan and intent for you to awaken, but you have to bring it to fruition in complete and loving cooperation with one another, as you all planned to do before you incarnated for your present human lifetimes. This is because Mother/Father/God and You are One in eternal and most loving cooperation. That is what Oneness means! It is All, forever in the most beautiful and harmonious relationship with Itself – Source and All of the divine creation – totally joyful, totally complete. It is Divine Perfection at One with Itself in every moment, delighted and enraptured with the pure joy of BEING!

sábado, enero 30, 2021

John Smallman - Jesus - To seek a deeper meaning in life is a task that each human needs to address - January 30, 2021

We are on the edge! Humanity’s awakening is imminent! The time of chaos and confusion is drawing to a close, even though it may well appear that the chance of new conflicts arising in many places is intensifying. Much collective karma is arising to be released as this happens, hence the chaos and confusion. Do not be anxious, the divine plan is flowing perfectly smoothly just as Mother/Father/God intends, it is just not fully apparent to you because the veil that the illusion formed between you and Reality is still in place. As this veil fades from your minds, dissolves, or disintegrates, as it will as you move into wakefulness, you will become increasingly aware that you have just not been able to see the illusion for what it really is . . . illusory, purely due to this illusory veil!

jueves, enero 21, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - Allowing yourselves to become aware that to be alive, as you all are eternally, is the most wonderful experience, that, in truth, it is miraculous! - Jan 21, 2021

Your awakening is imminent! Yes, many messages from those in the spiritual realms have recently been reassuring you of this, and yet it appears to most of you that it is no closer than it was years ago, because you are seeing no signs of it. But your expectations of what awakening means and what it truly is are quite different. First, of course, time is a major aspect of the illusion, yet there truly is only now. Second, at the cutting edge of modern physics, it is beginning to be understood that events that have occurred in the past can be changed, and that future events have already happened. This is a startling realization, although how that might be possible is not at all clear.

domingo, enero 10, 2021

John Smallman - Saul - It is God’s Will that you feel His Love for you - Jan 10, 2021

We are One! All are One, there is no separation, ever. There is only LOVE, SOURCE, MOTHER/FATHER/GOD, the divine field of CONSCIOUSNESS in which all LIFE is ONE. Consciousness is eternal, everlasting, a permanent state of existence in which All is always fully present. Form is temporary, and that includes all form, from the Multiverse to the smallest sub-atomic particle that your science is aware of, or anything smaller even than that. You are mostly aware that your human bodies are composed of billions of cells and trillions of smaller particles all interacting in perfect harmony in a healthy body. In the same way your bodies are all interconnected to one another and to the multiverse. Separation is an illusion, everything has an affect on everything else, just as each apparently separate entity of consciousness affects every other.

miércoles, diciembre 30, 2020

John Smallman - Saul - There is an infinite abundance of Love available to all - Dec 30, 2020

As the year of 2020 draws to a close people are increasingly concerned about the restrictions on their freedom that were put into place because of COVID 19, and wondering when they will be rescinded. The damage that they have caused to so many is enormous, and was unnecessary. The truth of this is becoming ever more apparent as more information is being released into the public domain. Fear of imminent death due to the infection was used to convince people to honor these unwise and unnecessary restrictions. It is now quite clear that the number of deaths that have occurred since the virus was first named has not been any larger than normally occur throughout the year. These restrictions may be intensified or removed, depending on the political intentions of those imposing them, but their overall effect has been to bring into people’s awareness their right and their need to reclaim their individual sovereignty instead of allowing themselves to be controlled and owned by an invalid authoritarian system, one of many that have existed in one form or another throughout the ages of humanity’s earthly existence.

sábado, diciembre 19, 2020

John Smallman - Saul - Massive releases of ancient trauma clear the space to allow Love to enter and embrace all - Dec 19, 2020

As the year end approaches the human collective is experiencing considerable fear and anxiety, because the increasingly authoritarian restrictions on your freedom of movement and freedom to interact socially have been having a very negative impact on family gatherings, especially during the nationwide holiday at Thanksgiving, and now it seems likely that these restrictions will continue through Christmas and the New Year as well. People are very sensibly and naturally questioning the need for these restrictions as it becomes ever clearer that there are no practical plans in place to bring these restrictions to an end, and as it also becomes very clear that the number of people dying from all causes has remained just about normal throughout the year in spite of the dire warnings that were made when the virus was first identified. It can be seen that the damage caused by these restrictions far exceeds any that the virus has actually caused.

lunes, noviembre 23, 2020

John Smallman - Saul - Truly, words cannot even begin to suggest to you the joys that await your awakening - Nov 23, 2020


As governments worldwide are enforcing or attempting to enforce a new lock-down on their citizens, fear and anger is intensifying. This is a very natural result when people feel that the ways in which they live their lives are no longer allowed to be self-determined but will, instead, be decided by various government organizations that ‘claim’ to be doing so purely for the benefit of their citizens. These sensations are extremely unsettling because they disturb the “status quo” to which most people had become accustomed, the ‘relatively’ unchanging circumstances of their daily lives. Change is, of course, constant, nevertheless, people resist it unless the circumstances of their lives are experienced as unacceptable, but it often remains unseen because most people follow regular daily routines which confirm for them the sense that change is not occurring.

sábado, noviembre 14, 2020

John Smallman - Saul - Not one of you is here by chance, by force of circumstance - Nov 14, 2020

We are watching humanity, from here in the spiritual, or, if you prefer, from the non-physical realms, in wonder and amazement as you continue to accelerate along the collective path of spiritual evolution toward your inevitable and imminent awakening. I know you all keep hearing from your guides and channels that your awakening is imminent, and then you look around you at the worldwide fear and confusion and your doubts arise. Let them go!