Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Mahala. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Mahala. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, mayo 31, 2016

Mahala - Planet Alert June 2016 - May 31, 2016

The full moon of May 21st was very intense because the Sun was in opposition to Mars, which was conjunct the moon. The Sun had also been aligned with Alcyone the day before and it is my understanding that Alcyone manifests 7D energy. Alcyone is in the Photon Belt all the time which is also 7D energy. We opened up to that density at the time of that full moon. That density is sound. The people who built the pyramids and other large structures used sound to levitate large stones and other things. Now that we are open to this energy maybe we will be able to start levitating. Wouldn’t that be fun?

I felt the energy from that alignment and it really brought up ascension symptoms for me, and that is why it has taken me so long to write my article. I had to experience that opening before I could write about it. I received an email I would like to share with you that explains what has been happening to our DNA. It talks about our DNA and sound. It is a very interesting article. The Pleiades ~ The Codes of Ascension and Unity Consciousness.

viernes, abril 29, 2016

Mahala - Planet Alert May 2016 - April 29, 2016

Welcome to the beautiful month of May, I just love this month. My rhododendrons are in full bloom and they are gorgeous. I have light pink ones, two bright pink ones, a white one, and two bright red ones. I also have two purple ones that are not in full bloom yet. They make my yard look very beautiful. No wonder Mother’s Day is always celebrated in the month of May when so many flowers are in bloom.

Mother Earth is in a birthing process right now. A friend of mine named Mona Delfino channeled for me last week and what she said is very beautiful. She said that Mother Earth is in a rebirth process right now from the core of her Being and the core is in the process of polarizing itself to become aligned with the Universe in a different way.

jueves, marzo 31, 2016

Mahala - Planet Alert April 2016

March was one of the most intense months I have experienced in a long time. There were two eclipses, the Spring Equinox, two comets, and Easter. This equinox changed everything as far as I am concerned because it was the end of the war on the astral plane and that is a big deal. I experienced this final war on the dream plane and that is how I know it is over. This war has gone on for eons of time and it has finally come to an end.

This means that we definitely jumped out of 4D and now we need to anchor ourselves firmly in 5D. The final battle is now occurring on Earth. Everything happens on the Astral first and then it happens on Earth. It was shortly after the Spring Equinox that Brussels was attacked by terrorists. Incidentally, the March 23rd full moon was on 3 degrees Libra. This means that the moon was exactly over Brussels at the time the attack happened.

jueves, marzo 03, 2016

Mahala - Planet Alert March 2016 - March 3, 2016

Today is the first day of March and it is coming in like a lion, the winds are really blowing here in Seattle. In fact my electricity almost went out a minute ago. It also seems like we are moving at warp speed these days. I am having a hard time keeping up with my life, how about you? Does it seem like you no sooner wake up, and then it is time for bed. The week’s also speed by so fast that it is hard to keep up with everything.

There will be four very important events this month. First of all we will have the total solar eclipse on March 8 or 9, depending on where you live. Here in the Pacific Northwest it is at 6:54 PM PST on March 8th. The darkness from this eclipse will be felt over Sumatra and the surrounding areas of the South Pacific Ocean. At the time of this eclipse the planet Jupiter will be opposing the sun and moon and this is an indication of a large earthquake (there was a 7.8 quake March 2 in Sumatra) a few days before the eclipse.) I looked at my ephemeris and it said that the sun was opposing Jupiter and Uranus today by declination. This aspect will last for several days so there may also be quakes in other parts of the world because of this strong aspect.

domingo, febrero 07, 2016

Mahala - Happy Chinese New Year February 8, 2016

Posted on February 6, 2016 
by This is the year of the Fire Monkey and it will be a very exciting year. I like the sign of the Monkey. The Fire Monkey is very energetic and is a natural leader and innovator. The fire element gives him great vitality and he has a fertile imagination. He is also very inventive. The Fire Monkey is the most forceful of all the Monkeys. He likes to be in control and can be very opinionated.

Everything will be workable this year because the monkey will not give up before trying every angle. There will be lots of inventions. Politics, diplomacy, high finance and business will be engaged to the fullest this year. America was born in the year of the Fire Monkey, 1776. This year is also ruled by the Astrological sign of Leo so we will experience a lot of good energy from that fire sign.

lunes, enero 25, 2016

Mahala - Planet Alert February 2016

I am writing this article right before the full moon on January 23, 2016. The moon was in Cancer on Friday January 22, and was affecting the Southeast and East Coast of America. This caused lots of snow to come down in those areas, and then comes the flooding. If you live in those areas, are you enjoying all that snow, or is it very challenging? It was a very powerful monster storm and it was a major full moon event. I’m sure the alignment of five planets in our solar system added energy to that storm. This alignment will continue for several more days. The planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

martes, diciembre 29, 2015

Mahala - Planet Alert January 2016 - December 29, 2015

Welcome to 2016, the year of many changes on all levels. Last year was a number 8 year and that number rules birth, death, and money. Speaking of money; I just saw on the web that a huge amount of gold was stolen from the Gold Arab Emirate, which is like a bank but it trades in gold. The GAE is in Dubai. This theft occurred recently, and the news of this event just became known to the world. This theft was done by the upper management of the GAE. According to an article I read on the Internet, these people just disappeared from sight. Who do those people really work for, and how will this event affect the world? It’s my understanding that the new banking system is based on gold. Will this new banking system be affected at all by this event? The stolen gold was apparently hidden in a bank in Switzerland. Here is a link to that article: The One Gold Scandal That Goes To The Very Top & The Plot Thickens.

sábado, noviembre 28, 2015

Mahala - Planet Alert December 2015

What is causing all of the violence in the world? Could it have something to do with time-lines? Are we being pushed back from a 5D time-line into a 4 D world where chaos exists? It sure looks like we were on a lower time-line when the violence occurred in France on November 13, 2015. That was right after the Gateway opening of November 11, 2015. Is there something else we need to know about time-lines?

Here we were making lots of progress and moving forward to a higher frequency world and boom down we went again. It’s like when you are flying in an airplane and all of a sudden you come to some turbulence that you have to work through and then everything goes back to normal. I think we are in the process of moving through some major turbulence that may last until the next Gateway opens on December 12, and we may feel the energy from that gate opening until the Winter Solstice on December 21.

miércoles, noviembre 04, 2015

Mahala - Planet Alert November 2015

The holiday of giving thanks is coming up soon. I love Thanksgiving! It’s the time to give thanks for whatever is important to you. Actually, it is a good idea to give thanks every day for your blessings. Let’s develop an “Attitude of Gratitude” and watch how your life changes for the better. Do you realize the effect negative thoughts have on your mind, body, and emotions? “The moment a negative thought enters your mind; your body releases acid, your aura decreases, your system’s functions are affected, your heart beat increases, your blood pressure increases, and unwanted hormones are released. So Think Positive and Be Healthy”.

miércoles, septiembre 30, 2015

Mahala - Planet Alert October 2015

I am writing this article on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 pm waiting for the super full moon blood red eclipse to occur outside of my living room windows starting around 6:00 PM. (Today is the 28th and I watched it last night and it was awesome.) The energy from this full moon was more wonderful than I expected. The last few days have been energetically awesome. We are at the very beginning of the manifestation of the energy of the Age of Aquarius.

We had the Pope’s visit, the signing of the document for change by the United Nations, and the beginning of the energy from the Global Citizen group who had their festival in Central Park in New York on Saturday September 26. Their goal is to change the world for the better and to see that the United Nations lives up to the contract they signed to change the world. Check out the Global 2030 Agenda. This is the agenda signed by the United Nation countries. Then check out the Global Citizens group at Global Citizens Festival website. (Editor: or

lunes, agosto 31, 2015

Mahala ~ Planet Alert September 2015


The magical month of September has arrived and it really came in with a roar here in Washington State with a major wind storm. At the time of the full moon of August 29th the planet Uranus, which rules wind and storms was conjunct the dark moon Lilith. This activated storm energy here in Washington because Saturn is still on 29 degrees Scorpio, which rules the West Coast, including Oregon and Northern California.

miércoles, julio 29, 2015

Mahala Gayle - Planet Alert August 2015

By Mahala Gayle, on July 29th, 2015

Today is July 28th and I wanted to write about the Dreamspell New Year earlier but life got in my way, so I am writing about it now. The first day of the New Year was on July 26, 2015 and it was on the glyph of the White Planetary Wizard. I think everyone knows what a Wizard is; it is someone who can create magic. This means that we are in the year when magic and miracles will start to happen in abundance. Doesn’t that sound like a lot of fun? Of course you have to be out of the energy of fear before you can create magic.

sábado, mayo 09, 2015

Mahala - Astraea‏ - May 9th, 2015

Guest article by Alison McCabe
Since the Total Solar Eclipse at the Equinox the Goddess Asteroids Hygeia and Astraea have been calling to have their story told. If you didn’t see the first blog about Hygeia recently read it alongside this one.
When Hygeia was discovered in the 1800’s she was at 6 degrees Libra and in opposition to Astraea at 7 degrees Aries. Lying opposite each other they create a polarizing magnetic force in the center of which the Human Light Body is woven and we become more and more able to living in the new photon belt. In ancient Egypt there are many depictions of two Priestesses creating an energy field and the lightbody appearing as a rainbow cloak, golden cloak or my favorite from India is the Buddha with an Aura of a Billion Stars. How exciting that we can all weave our own divine auric cloak at this time!
Dolly Parton has a beautiful song on her album Blue Smoke called the Cloak of Many Colors inspired by the story of Joseph and his Rainbow Cloak and he is associated with the 13th sign of the zodiac Ophiuchus holding up two healing serpents. Asclepius the Father of Medicine and Hygeia is also associated with this sign. Libra and Aries are the all-important axis on which the lunar eclipses have been taking place in the past few years on Jewish holy days. It is interesting that Joseph was kept informed by the spirit world through dreams, much the same as Hygeia.

miércoles, abril 22, 2015

Mahala – Empower Yourself, Empower Our World – 22 April 2015

MahalaBy Mahala, on April 21st, 2015
Guest article by Mona @
Recently many people have been asking me about how these changes can work when they feel lost, or stuck. I say that you really are not lost, or stuck, even though it feels like that! Truthfully, you are in transition and as with any shift, even with diets, we hit a plateau. In the world of internal change, this can feel stuck or lost. Recognizing anything is called an “A-HA” moment. When we recognize an internal sadness or discomfort, we can begin to see that it’s time for change. It’s important to feel what we are experiencing. That alone can change the old cellular patterns just by acknowledging that you’re ready to move forward, and sometimes that comes with the sensation of feeling alone, lost, stuck, unaccepted, disappointed with life, not understood, etc. If we are able to shift the perspectives as we feel these emotion, we will feel the internal support that will get us through these ominous times.

viernes, abril 17, 2015

Mahala – Alison McCabe : Hygeia – 17 April 2015

lunes, marzo 30, 2015

Mahala – Planet Alert April 2015 – 30 March 2015

MahalaWe have another full moon lunar eclipse coming up on April 4, 2015 at 5:05 AM PDT. This will be the third red blood moon in the series of four. The last one will be on September 27, 2015. On the second one, which was on October 8, 2014 we started weaving our light bodies because the moon was on 15 degrees Aries, and weaving our light bodies is what that degree means.
What my Sabian Symbol book says about that degree is “The I Ching symbol implied is the profound task of the weaving of our immortal body, the cosmic Robe of Glory. There is a moment in every cycle when, to however small a degree, every individual may be confronted with the potentiality of a fulfilling act of self-realization and may find himself/herself clothed in light”. I believe this past October full moon was the beginning of a major process of Ascension for many of us.
Now we have another full moon eclipse coming up on April 4th, which is on the first day of Passover and Easter Sunday is April 5th. Easter is the celebration of the risen Christ, or the Christ consciousness that is within all of us. At this time the Sun will be on 14 degrees Aries conjunct Uranus on 16 degrees Aries, and the midpoint is 15 degrees Aries. So here we are six months later with the same configuration in the heavens.

sábado, marzo 28, 2015

Mahala – ‘The Ugly Duckling Becomes An Eagle’ Eclipse – 28 March 2015

MahalaBy Mahala, on March 26th, 2015
Guest Article by Alison McCabe (
Seven of us heard the call to go to the Orkney Islands to witness the Total Solar Eclipse from the oldest and one of the largest Neolithic sites in Britain dating to 5000BC. The Stones of Stenness is where our journey began calling the Ancient Animal guardians of Britain; Cernunnos the Great Stag in the East, Epona the White Horse in the South, Mona the Sacred Cow from the Isle of Angelsey in the West and Artor the Bear in the North.
20150320_090716Stenness is a Solar temple and once had 12 stones so the passage of the Sun around the zodiac could be observed. We also had been gifted Tibetan prayer flags and a Tibetan spinning gong and we had Kushi wind chimes attuned to the elements which I must say the numerous faery folk of Orkney loved very much.

lunes, marzo 02, 2015

Mahala – Planet Alert March 2015 – 2 March 2015

MahalaBy Mahala Gayle, on March 1st, 2015
Are you emotionally prepared for the month of March? Mars has moved into Aries, which is a fire sign, and the first couple of weeks Mars will be moving into making an aspect to the Uranus/Pluto square. This energy could become very explosive so please keep your cool. This will be the seventh and final Uranus/Pluto square. This energy will affect our heads, brains, and crown chakra because that is what the sign of Aries rules. The Sun will be moving through the emotional sign of Pisces until March 20th; our emotions will be greatly affected by this emotional fire energy.
Have you felt any fear or anxiety lately and wondered where it came from? You thought you had released your issues and here comes more to release. I just realized that the whole world has been releasing their old fears for the past two plus years as Saturn moved through Scorpio. A lot of fear was released during that time period and where did all that fear go?  I was told it got caught in our atmosphere and formed an invisible dark cloud around Earth and everyone who is sensitive picks up this universal fear and thinks it is their own fear.

jueves, febrero 26, 2015

Mahala – Life In Perspective – 26 February 2015

MahalaBy Mahala, on February 25th, 2015
Guest article by Mona Delfino @
When I woke up today, a feeling came over me that ignited my joy. I wasn’t sure at first why suddenly I’d wake from a sound sleep with such a feeling of bliss. So I went into my heart, still laying in bed, and simply asked as I delved into the joy.
The answer I received was clear; “You are in a moment of clarity as to who your soul is.”
So I began to look into that. A deeper, qualified explanation of soul emerged as I was still enjoying this feeling. It was all encompassing, all oneness within everything without any preconceived idea, judgment, expectation, hope, or anything the mind has been used to. I was simply happy.
I do presentations and events, speaking about ascension in the human body.  Being a born Shaman in consciousness and retaining memory since I was 6 months old, I clearly was born a true healer. Therefore, after 32 years of really helping people heal, teaching, recognizing truths within and without about medical conditions, emotions, etc., I pondered this entire connection in one moment upon my waking. So today, I’m sharing with you some special truths about greatness of times we are in.

sábado, enero 31, 2015

Mahala – Planet Alert February 2015 – 31 January 2015

MahalaBy Mahala Gayle, on January 30th, 2015
I can’t believe we are almost in February, where does the time go? Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday it was Christmas?  As I am writing this article (January 26) a large Asteroid just passed by Earth and a major storm is in the process of happening on the East Coast. When there is a disturbance in the heavens something always manifests on Earth. As above, so below.  It was also a manifestation of the moon triggering the Uranus/Pluto square and Pluto affecting the East Coast. Mercury, which rules storms, was retrograde in Aquarius and Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius.