Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maha Chohan. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maha Chohan. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, enero 17, 2020

Jahn J Kassl - Maha Chohan - THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NEAR! - Jan 17, 2020

photo credit: Andrea Percht

by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations

Message from Maha Chohan

When your heart opens, the world turns bright! When your soul reveals itself to you, you reap true wealth. When you are aware of your divine nature, you have turned from victim to creator – you have arrived.

martes, octubre 22, 2019

Jahn J Kassl - Maha Chohan - ASCENSION IS IN FULL SWING! - October 22, 2019

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations

photo credit: Andrea Percht

I am the acting MAHA CHOAN,

and I am right here amongst you!

Beloved brothers and sisters of light who have stepped from God into this world and were sent to this earth by God.

Life after life you strive for experiences and thirst for knowledge. Understanding the deeper meaning of your life and realizing your individual tasks are at the core of all your endeavors.

jueves, octubre 10, 2019

Jahn J Kassl - Maha Chohan - YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN LIFE! - October 5, 2019

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

English edition by crystalflow translations

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Where are you?

Beloved human family, beloved human being who has come here today to receive heaven’s light and our loving embrace.

I am with you and amongst you with a big entourage!