Ascension through Integration by Lord Krishna
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I honour the divine within you,
I am Krishna, I am Krishna, I am Krishna.
I am a manifestation of the Creator. I embody the Creator in my heart, soul, and actions.
I am the sun that shines so brightly onto your face. I am the sky, the wind, and the stars. I am the water, the land and soil. I am the Earth in all its bounty and beauty. I am the love, peace and harmony that exists on the Earth and in the Creator's spiritual world. I am your soul in manifestation on the Earth. I am your movements when you dance, the noises of joy when you laugh and the ecstasy of your jubilations. I am your kind thoughts, your loving actions, and your devotion to the Creator in its purity. I am one with you, we exist as a whole. Nothing can separate our union for we are united in the name, soul, and light of the Creator.