Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Grupo Arcturiano. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Grupo Arcturiano. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, julio 31, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - July 31, 2022

JULY 31, 2022

Dear ones, be patient as you observe a world where chaos and violence seem to have become the norm. Every person spiritually awake or asleep, is effected by the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this time and as a result, some of those unaware of earth's ascension process are acting out.

Those who have built their inner foundation on false narratives of duality, separation, and two powers feel confused and fearful as they observer many of their long held beliefs about right living questioned and even changed.

domingo, julio 17, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - July 17, 2022

JULY 17, 2022

Welcome dear readers.

We observe that many of you are discouraged and tired of waiting for signs of change and new earth energy. The changes you hope and wait for cannot happen quickly because earth's ascension is a process. Because of thousands and more years in which earth's dominant consciousness was that of separation and two powers, the collective continues to express outwardly as forms of violence, power over, disease, lack, and hundreds of other ways that represent separation from God and other life forms even as it gradually becomes more enlightened.

domingo, julio 03, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - July 3, 2022

JULY 3, 2022

Dear students of truth, welcome to our message.

Never doubt that both personally and globally a Divine Plan is unfolding. It was never meant that earth remain forever a planet of three dimensional energy governed by illusory beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.

Eons ago souls in still in spirit form chose to experience what it would be like to feel separate from God. However, over time they began to forget that their experiences weren't real. Some became lost/trapped in illusions of separation that they themselves had chosen and separation became their state of consciousness allowing manifestations of density to began. Some remembered who they were and wisely chose to no longer play the game, but many did not. This is the story of the fallen angels.

domingo, junio 19, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - June 19, 2022

JUNE 19, 2022
Welcome dear readers. Always know that these messages are sent in love and with the intention of bringing hope and information to you who courageously chose to be on earth at this time in order to assist with her spiritual ascension.
Personally and globally a great deal is happening behind the scenes that you are not yet aware of. Long buried densities are surfacing and clearing, hearts are opening, and minds are becoming increasingly more receptive to new ideas. Collective consciousness represents the accumulated energy from all states consciousness and has remained unenlightened for a very long time. The collective is now beginning to open and resonate at a higher level due to the presence of so many more evolved states of consciousness on earth which will automatically replace much of the old and false.

domingo, junio 05, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - June 5, 2022

JUNE 5, 2022

Dear readers, welcome to this message which in reality is your message because consciousness draws to itself that which it is in alignment with and thus through these messages you are attracting to yourself what it is you need to know, understand, and are ready for. This is why it is so important to be aware of what you hold in consciousness.

World events continue to cause stress and confusion for everyone. Those who have attained a consciousness of oneness understand that there is an energetic shift taking place but they too are experiencing a sense of sadness because they know that the world could be so different. Never forget that a new and different world is the goal, the Divine Plan, and will happen. Allow the process dear ones for all is proceeding according to plan and anything not in and of Divine consciousness is temporary.

domingo, mayo 22, 2022

Marilyn Raffaele - The Arcturian Group - May 22, 2022

MAY 22, 2022

Dear readers, because so many have begun to question and even lose hope as they look out on today’s world, this message is intended to bring greater understanding and encouragement with regard to earth’s ascension process. Much of this has to do with the fact that so many are continuing to hold three dimensional concepts of what the ascension process should look like and then when it doesn’t, they begin to doubt and question.

domingo, mayo 08, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - May 8, 2022

MAY 8, 2022

Dear readers, greetings and welcome to another message from the Arcturian Group. These messages are sent in love with the intention of bringing information and courage to you brave ones who chose to incarnate on a planet suffering within a fog of negativity and falsehoods in order to bring the light of your evolved consciousness to it.

A great deal of old dense energy is rising to the surface at this time causing many to question and even despair. Remember that what you are witnessing is the exposure of concepts, trends, beliefs, laws, activities, propaganda, and hundreds of sub-facets of the three dimensional belief system in order for them to be seen, recognized, eventually discarded, and risen above by a sleeping majority.

domingo, abril 24, 2022

Marilyn Raffaele - The Arcturian Group - April 24, 2022

APRIL 24, 2022

Greetings dear readers.
Know that both personally and globally all is proceeding according to plan, the Divine plan for earth’s ascension. It is a time for courage but also for hope and joy because that which you came to witness and be a part of (the ascension process) is exactly what you are now doing.

It has become very easy and popular to compare today’s world with imagined concepts of how wonderful things used to be. Do not allow yourselves to get trapped in this thinking for you did not choose to incarnate simply to live a happy three dimensional life although that can and will be part of it. As spiritually evolved individuals you volunteered to be a part of the ascension process because you knew that an increased presence of evolved states of consciousness would add Light to the collective consciousness allowing increasingly more individuals to awaken.

domingo, abril 10, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - April 10, 2022

APRIL 10, 2022

Welcome to our message dear readers. Always know that it is our privilege and joy to bring these messages to you who bravely chose to serve and play an important role in earth’s ascension journey, a choice not for the fainthearted.

As a spiritually aware individuals you were allowed to incarnate because you were evolved enough to assist in moving a hypnotized world above its long established illusory belief system. Because you are aware that there is no time or space and only ONE Consciousness, you knew that your attained consciousness of oneness could serve to automatically draw and lift those spiritually ready into a more evolved state of consciousness regardless of where they lived in the world.

domingo, marzo 27, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - March 27, 2022

MARCH 27, 2022

Welcome dear readers.

In these times of stress and chaos, our intention is to bring encouragement by reminding you that you have done the work and are spiritually prepared and qualified to see beyond the present violence and negativity. Because you are of the spiritually awakened you understand that the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this time are affecting everyone, often causing them act out in ways of reflective of fear and confusion.

domingo, marzo 13, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - March 13, 2022

MARCH 13 2022

Dear readers, welcome to our message.

As you are well aware, life has become increasingly intense the world over and some of you may still question why you are here and what possible good you as one person can do. Some of you may have even pondered the idea of simply leaving as many have already done, but on a deeper level you know you are here for a reason and don’t want to leave before you complete what you came to do.

lunes, febrero 28, 2022

Marilyn Raffaelle - Grupo Arcturiano - Febrero 27, 2022

​27 de febrero de 2022

Bienvenidos queridos lectores.
Sepan que estos mensajes son traídos a ustedes con amor y con la intención de traer aliento, información y verdad a ustedes, los valientes que eligieron estar en la tierra en este momento para ayudar a la evolución espiritual de la humanidad a través de la presencia de su luz y conciencia.

Honramos a todos y cada uno de ustedes y estamos plenamente conscientes de su frustración con la aparente lentitud del cambio y las inquietantes situaciones que suceden continuamente en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, sepan que todo esto estaba bastante claro para ustedes antes de que decidieran encarnar y, sin embargo, deseaban ansiosamente formar parte del proceso de ascensión de la Tierra. Sabían que su luz y su conciencia serían necesarias y que las energías superiores entrantes serían la oportunidad perfecta para limpiar la vieja energía restante para ustedes.

Sepan que todo está procediendo de acuerdo al plan a pesar de lo que pueda parecer cuando se juzga por las apariencias. Es un proceso y no puede ocurrir de la noche a la mañana. Una gran cantidad de vieja energía se está limpiando actualmente de la propia tierra en todo el mundo, especialmente en los lugares que han estado habitados durante mucho tiempo. Las energías formadas por siglos de guerra, dominación, lucha, pobreza y todo tipo de violencia están saliendo a la superficie en zonas que necesitan desesperadamente una limpieza.

Los dictadores y otras personas en posiciones de poder están empezando a sentir que el "poder por encima de" del cual siempre han disfrutado se está debilitando, lo que les hace sentirse amenazados sin saber por qué. El miedo está haciendo que algunos de ellos arremetan de formas que representan su estado de conciencia. Sin embargo, estas viejas formas se están volviendo rápidamente obsoletas porque las energías que las han mantenido y sostenido (la creencia) están empezando a disolverse y continuarán haciéndolo a medida que cada vez más luz penetre en la conciencia colectiva.

Es un tiempo de luto para muchos. Un tiempo en el que la mayoría, tanto los despiertos como los no despiertos, están experimentando una sensación de tristeza no identificada. A medida que lo familiar comienza a desvanecerse, provoca el miedo a lo desconocido en aquellos que no son conscientes de que hay nuevas y mejores maneras de llegar, por lo que siguen creyendo que, a pesar de lo perturbadoras y dolorosas que puedan haber sido algunas de las viejas maneras, eran y son las correctas. Muchos de ustedes simplemente están sintiendo esta energía, no es suya.

Se encontrarán cada vez más llamados a ayudar a aquellos que se acercan a ustedes con preguntas y ansiedades. Ellos reconocen su estabilidad frente a las apariencias externas y quieren esto para ellos. Se convertirán en maestros, y muchos de ustedes ya lo son, para aquellos que están preparados y buscan la verdad. Sin embargo, aún más importante que el trabajo exterior es el trabajo interior, su capacidad de SER continua y silenciosamente la Luz que son, porque sin el interior no puede haber exterior.

Ya están preparado espiritualmente para resistir la tentación de lanzarse rápidamente a sanar, cambiar o arreglar las apariencias. Esos días terminaron una vez que entendieron y aceptaron que la única realidad es la de un Dios/Fuente/Creador/Conciencia omnipresente, omnipotente y omnisciente - punto. Una vez que se entiende y se acepta esto, ¿qué hay que arreglar a menos que la creencia en dos poderes continúe?

Cuando se vive la vida desde una conciencia que ya no está abarrotada de creencias de dualidad y separación, la energía de su conciencia iluminada fluye automáticamente dondequiera que esté porque es lo que usted es. Permitan que su Luz fluya a la tierra, a las personas y a los países, y a todas las situaciones sin apegarse a las intenciones de cómo creen que deberían ser. Cuando reconocen la Luz y la perfección ya presentes en ellos y como ellos, están trabajando desde un nivel superior, el nivel de la Unidad.

Sólo Dios es la realidad y las formas de bien y mal que presencian son falsas interpretaciones mentales de la realidad espiritual que subyace a todo. No se puede hacer algo de la nada. La mente recurre y presenta estados de conciencia personales y colectivos (la conciencia es la forma de la sustancia) que en la tercera dimensión suelen estar condicionados por creencias de dualidad, separación y dos poderes.

Por eso los muy evolucionados a lo largo del tiempo han dicho que el mundo es una ilusión. El mundo no es una ilusión, es una expresión real, perfecta y espiritual de Dios. Más bien, es el hipnotismo de la humanidad y las falsas creencias sobre el mundo lo que constituye la ilusión.

Pueden decir que esto es imposible y muy poco práctico en el mundo ordinario donde los eventos de violencia y discordia tienen lugar regularmente pero esto es por lo que ustedes que están despiertos eligieron estar en la tierra en este momento. Han venido para sembrar la conciencia colectiva con la verdad, al igual que Jesús sembró el colectivo hace mucho tiempo. Cada vez más verdad en el colectivo, permitirá a aquellos que buscan formas más elevadas y mejores acceder a ella. Esta es la única manera en que un mundo dormido puede salir de su densidad actual y entrar en las realidades del Universo de la creación de Dios.

No estamos diciendo que esté bien caminar por callejones oscuros en áreas cuestionables. No estamos diciendo que dejen de cerrar la puerta con llave. Vivir la vida espiritual es la práctica de caminar por el "filo de la navaja". Dejen que su intuición les guíe en su día a día. Den los pasos humanos que sean necesarios y prácticos, pero háganlos con la conciencia de la verdad y no del miedo.

Vivir desde el interior puede parecer difícil, si no imposible, mientras observan el conflicto personal y global, pero esta es la razón por la que sólo aquellos espiritualmente fuertes y suficientemente evolucionados fueron elegidos para el trabajo de traer la Luz a un planeta ascendente. Permitan que las apariencias sean lo que son sin sumergirse en ellas (alineándose con ellas). Su trabajo no es el mismo que el de aquellos que trabajan para mejorar las cosas a través del sistema de creencias tridimensional. Su trabajo como trabajadores de la Luz es ser la Luz a través de su comprensión de que sólo Dios es el poder, no un poder superior sino simplemente el único poder. Permitan que las palabras "Yo y el Padre somos uno" se conviertan en su estado de conciencia, su identidad. Esto es misticismo.

En el transcurso de cientos de vidas, la conciencia de todos evoluciona por etapas. Primero el ateísmo, luego en algún tipo de grupo organizado o sistema de creencias, luego a la metafísica, y por último al misticismo o la conciencia de la Unidad. Muchos dudan en ir más allá de la metafísica porque ofrece herramientas nuevas, diferentes y emocionantes que parecen funcionar. Sin embargo, la metafísica que se basa en nuevas formas de cambiar una imagen mala en una buena, así como ser capaz de acercar a alguien a Dios, a menudo simplemente perpetúa la creencia en la dualidad y la separación.

Cada persona aprende y crece espiritualmente a través de cada etapa, por lo que es importante simplemente permitir a los demás estar donde están en su sistema de creencias. Cuando estén listos para su siguiente etapa, su Ser Superior los guiará hacia ella y ustedes podrán ser parte de ella. El proselitismo es una actividad muy basada en el ego.

El misticismo es una conciencia alcanzada de la Unidad que se vive de forma automática incluso cuando hay que dar pasos humanos ordinarios. El mundo en general no reconoce a los místicos modernos porque viven, trabajan, tienen familia y parecen ser como los demás. En general, el mundo sigue pensando en los místicos tal y como se les ha representado en las ilustraciones, estampas, estatuas, etc.: con los ojos cerrados, las manos unidas y una luz brillante alrededor de la cabeza.

Ustedes, que están despiertos, viviendo en el mundo pero no de él, son los místicos de hoy. La vida mística es una vida de desprendimiento de mucho de lo que ocupa el pensamiento tridimensional y, por lo tanto, aquellos que la viven suelen ser considerados como indiferentes y fríos por los que viven plenamente en el sistema de creencias tridimensional. Ser un místico moderno nunca interfiere con ser amoroso y cálido, sino que encarna la esencia misma de estas cosas. El misticismo es para lo que se han estado preparando a lo largo de sus muchas vidas de búsqueda espiritual, cuestionamiento, estudio y práctica.

A medida que avancen profundamente en la conciencia de su Ser Divino, muchas formas anteriores de resolver problemas y vivir la vida en general, continuarán presentándose a su conciencia porque están acostumbrados y familiarizados con ellas. Sin embargo, pueden descubrir rápidamente que las formas (acciones, palabras, ideas, etc.) que funcionaban bien en el pasado para ustedes ya no funcionan como antes. Esto se debe a que han evolucionado y ya no están alineado con ellas.

Nunca resistan nada porque la resistencia sólo convierte lo que se resiste en un "algo" que le da poder y realidad. Más bien, simplemente evalúen cada situación a la luz de su conciencia superior - deténganse, vayan a su interior y recuérdense que nada es poder sino Dios y que Dios se está gobernando a sí mismo como ustedes. ENTONCES tomen cualquier paso que sea guiado intuitivamente a tomar, lo cual puede parecer muy tridimensional para otros.

Convertirse en conciencia mística es un paso enorme, uno que tomará muchos años más, o incluso vidas para algunos, pero ustedes que leen y entienden estos mensajes están listos. En algún momento cada alma finalmente se da cuenta de que todas las "cosas" diseñadas para acercar a uno a Dios, son sólo "cosas" que los mantendrán creyendo que están separados de Dios y de todas las expresiones de Dios.

Nada - ningún ritual, práctica, oración, clase, cristal, aceite, mantra, grupo, gurú o maestro puede darles lo que ya tiene o hacerles lo que ya son. Las herramientas espirituales pueden ayudar porque llevan su propia energía, siendo muchas de ellas de alta resonancia. Cuando se alinean con la energía de ciertos cristales o aceites, etc., pueden elevarse temporalmente a su nivel, pero siempre será temporal porque su propio estado de conciencia es el que los gobierna.

Usen estas cosas, ámenlas, pero nunca olviden que las herramientas espirituales están destinadas a ser ayudas, nunca a convertirse en el Dios de uno. Seguir dependiendo de las herramientas espirituales o de alguna persona creyendo que las necesitas es una forma de idolatría que bloqueará un mayor progreso evolutivo.

Es el momento y están preparados.

Somos el Grupo Arcturiano 2/27/22

Traducción: Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command

domingo, febrero 27, 2022

Marilyn Raffaele - The Arcturian Group - February 27, 2022

February 27, 2022

Welcome dear readers.
Know that these messages are brought to you with love and the intention of bringing encouragement, information, and truth to you, the brave ones who chose to be on earth at this time in order to assist mankind’s spiritual evolution through the presence of your light and awareness.

We honor each and every one of you and are fully aware of your frustration with the seeming slowness of change and disturbing situations continually happening the world over. However, know that all this was clear to you before you decided to incarnate and yet you eagerly wanted to be a part of earth’s ascension process. You knew that your light and awareness would be needed and that higher incoming energies would make it the perfect opportunity to clear remaining old energy for yourselves.

domingo, febrero 13, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - February 13, 2022

FEBRUARY 13, 2022

Welcome dear readers.

Even though nothing appears to be improving in the outer scene, know that increasingly more are awakening each day and beginning to question their beliefs and the systems that hold them in place. The changes that the world continues to hope and pray for can only manifest through the consciousness of the people of earth themselves and not from some far off three dimensional concept of God. Divine Source Consciousness embodies no duality or separation in it, aware only of ITSelf and ITs expressions because that is all that exists.

As increasingly more begin to recognize the error of separation, the contents of earth's collective consciousness will become more enlightened, in turn allowing higher resonating and more evolved ideas to be accessed and acted upon. This is how change will come and this is the work you and all who are awake are doing.

Freedom is every individual's birthright and not something that must be fought for, prayed for, or anything else. Freedom is free and always has been. The poplar saying that freedom is not free is false. However, like the many Divine qualities that remain dormant in the majority, true freedom can only manifest from a consciousness that realizes oneness with Source makes it impossible not to be free.

As your personal evolutionary journey draws you more deeply into an understanding of your true self hood, you discover as many already have, that you become increasingly aware of and free from many things that up to now have held you in some form of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual bondage without your even being aware of it.

Can God be bound by man made rules and beliefs? Could God ever be kept in bondage? Is God subject to the whims and desires, rules and regulations of human minds? A lack of freedom remains very apparent throughout the world because the majority has not yet attained a consciousness of freedom and believe that they are only powerless human beings.

The people of earth will continue witness a lack of freedom on earth as long as there remains even one who believes in separation and duality. This is because there is only one consciousness individualized as the many. That one false belief will then manifest in some way because there is no un-manifest consciousness. But remember, your consciousness is the law unto you and not the collective although you will be aware of and continue to experience some of the collective while living on earth.

Every person has choice as to what they accept or reject. Energy is always seeking to align with like energy and the state of your consciousness will attract from the collective those thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that align with your energy. However, thoughts that come floating into your mind are impersonal unless you claim them as yours at which time they then become yours because you have made them a part of your consciousness. Example--A person who continually worries about disease and their health will automatically attract ideas and experiences of disease and heath from the collective.

As a person spiritually evolves and their energy becomes more refined, they become more sensitive to the frequencies around them. Many very evolved young people who incarnated specifically to add Light to earth's ascension process, are having a difficult time now because their energetic sensitivity is causing them to feel the negative and low resonating energies (anger, depression, frustration, low self worth etc.) so apparent on earth at this time. Because they don't remember who they are or why they came, they believe these feelings, emotions etc. to be theirs personally rather than being external to them. If you have a young person suffering from this, explain to them what is going on, that their sensitivity is allowing them to feel collective energies that are not theirs.

Many are beginning to actively protest for personal freedom. Because so many have integrated the higher frequencies that have been pouring to earth for some time, increasingly more are becoming aware of how freedoms on earth have been manipulated. Those who do not yet understand that freedom is already fully present within them by virtue of their oneness with God, will seek it through actions and outer activities that align with their present state of consciousness. You will be seeing increasingly more of this.

There is an opening and awakening indicative of evolutionary change taking place that is causing many who never before questioned personal freedom to now question. However you reading these messages already know who you are and that the qualities of Source including freedom are fully present within so for most of you (there will be exceptions) the work of bringing freedom consciousness to the world will take place more on the inner levels rather than an outer.

The increase of Light on earth is causing many to awaken and begin attempts to regain the personal freedoms they ignorantly allowed others to take in their lives--freedom to be one's self in relationships, job, family, and religious affiliations. Permanent freedom can only manifest through consciousness because consciousness is the substance of form which is why third dimensional tools are often ineffective.

True freedom is struggling to be born at this time and every person is sensing it. It is not three dimensional concepts based in ideas of separation that will lift the world out of financial, marital, employment, or religious bondage but rather mankind's realization of their already present completeness. However, there remain those in the world who use media as well as other forms of communication to keep the majority from realizing innate freedom because once a person, or group realizes true freedom, they are no longer controllable.

Know and actually accept that you are already free dear ones, by virtue of freedom being a Divine birthright available to all. Attaining the consciousness of it begins with knowledge, the understanding that you are already free by virtue of your oneness with Source. Follow this by practicing (bringing to mind) this truth in every situation that arises personally or globally.

Acknowledge that freedom is a Divine law even though the world in general is not experiencing it fully at this time. Gradually a sense of freedom will begin to grow within you in spite of what may be taking place in the outer scene. This will bring with it new feelings of empowerment that begin to dissolve old feelings of victim-hood allowing you to easily say; "Thank you for your opinion, but I am going to do this."

Attaining a consciousness of personal freedom often brings about anger and resistance from those who do not want change and in some cases expect a person to continue doing what they tell them to do as before. Resistance will come from family, religious or social groups, husband/wife, friends, etc. but as long as decisions for personal freedom flow on streams of Love rather than those of anger, resentment, revenge etc., innate freedom will begin to grow and blossom.

Always say, do, and take actions from a place of love even with those who may be angry, demanding, or resentful of the changes you are making for yourself. This never means surrendering to another's unwanted desires and choices for you but rather means that you firmly and in ways the other person can understand, state your truth from a consciousness aware of the other person's Divine nature. There will be times when you must simply you "play the game" a bit and there is no harm in this because what is important is what takes place in your consciousness. Always trust your intuition to guide you.

Once an individual chooses to open themselves to seeking spiritual truth they are guided in new directions, some of which are not always pleasant. Know that the difficult experiences manifest on all levels for every person once a choice to spiritually evolve has been made. These experiences are are not accidental or a sign of spiritual regression but rather come through an individual's Higher Self (the Real Self) who knows what lessons the person is prepared for, needs, and is ready to learn.

Individuals frequently choose to incarnate into situations that will re-activate an old energy they may have been actively carrying and suffering with through lifetimes but are now spiritually prepared to clear. For example, a person who has carried and suffered from sexual abuse lifetime after lifetime, will be allowed if spiritually ready, to incarnate into a situation of active sexual abuse in order to personally activate these deeply buried energies, move beyond, clear them, and evolve into a state of consciousness that no longer allows, carries, accepts, or can ever again experience sexual abuse. These dear ones often then become counselors helping others do the same.

Human minds can only judge by appearances but remember nothing is as it appears for everything in the third dimension is a material interpretation of a spiritual reality. Spiritual reality underlies all appearances or there would be no outer manifestation.

Trust the process and allow yourselves to let go of the three dimensional "shoulds" and "should nots" you may still hold in consciousness. Be who you are

In the freedom of Divine Reality, we are the Arcturian Group 2/13/22

domingo, enero 30, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - January 30, 2022

JANUARY 30, 2022

Welcome dear readers,

As you are well aware, the world is presently experiencing a great deal of confusion and stress especially for those who are unaware of the ascension process taking place and many are saying to themselves, " I don't want to be here any longer." As a result many have left or are choosing to leave and Covid has provided an exit point. You must remember that because of free will every soul chooses on a deeper level whether to leave or stay although very few or even individuals themselves realize this.

domingo, enero 16, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - January 16, 2022

JANUARY 16, 2022

Greetings dear readers.

In these present times of chaos and seeming negativity it is important to remember that in spite of appearances all is proceeding according to the Divine Plan. You may look out at the world and say to yourself that nothing is changing but understand that before something can manifest materially, the idea and energy of it must be first present in the invisible.

Changes that you cannot yet see in the outer are taking form on other levels because so many are now awakening to the deeper truth about themselves and as a result are adding light to collective consciousness. The outer world in time will, can not avoid, manifesting these energies of higher awareness because their essence will be present in the invisible allowing them to then appear in material form.

domingo, enero 02, 2022

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Jan 2, 2022


JANUARY 2, 2022

Dear readers, welcome to the New Year which will be one that holds surprises and change. Much is going to be exposed during this coming year and some of it will shock you. Most of you have already intuited many areas of change but some things will come as a surprise.

Be not afraid or concerned dear ones, when familiar beliefs, traditions, and ways of going about your life no longer feel as important and fail to resonate as they once did. This simply means that your energy has shifted to a new resonance, causing you now to be out of energetic alignment with much you have always accepted as a part of your life. Preferences for food, clothing, employment, entertainment, and most outer activities will change, sometimes profoundly and sometimes just a little. You may find yourself being drawn more to silence and aloneness rather than to many of the outer activities you previously enjoyed.

domingo, diciembre 12, 2021

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - December 12, 2021

DECEMBER 12, 2021

Dear readers, welcome to our message.

Know that many in the higher dimensions are observing and guiding during these times of change and confusion. Know that you are never alone and are greatly admired for your courage and strength in choosing to become part of earth's ascension process in order to bring forth a more enlightened collective consciousness.

Everything on every level of ordinary life is changing because collective consciousness is changing. This is effecting those awake as well as those who are not with regard to familiar holiday rituals and celebration. Because consciousness is the substance of form, you may be experiencing a sense of inner confusion and lack of excitement with regard to the Christmas or Hanuka traditions, beliefs, and concepts you previously loved and engaged whole heartily in.

domingo, noviembre 28, 2021

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Nov 28, 2021

NOVEMBER 28, 2021

Dear readers, we come to you in love with words of encouragement as the world around you appears to be crumbling in so many ways. Obsolete traditions, beliefs, and rules about the "right way" to do everything born of beliefs in duality, separation, and two powers are in fact crumbling in order for new and higher forms of them to manifest.

Be not afraid dear ones, as you look out onto a world that seems to be collapsing under its own weight of negativity and violence for in reality all is proceeding according to plan. You may think that it certainly doesn't look as if anything positive is happening, but the beliefs that have created unfair laws, wars, and separation between people and other life forms are beginning to be recognized for what they represent by increasingly more people.

domingo, noviembre 14, 2021

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Nov 14, 2021

NOVEMBER 14, 2021

Dear readers, welcome to another message intended to bring hope and encouragement in these times of stress for many. Know that all is proceeding according to plan in spite of appearances. The people of earth themselves are the only ones who can create desired changes and a higher collective consciousness.

Many continue looking to those in the higher dimensions to do the work for them. They wait, hope, and pray for forms of old energy to be removed but free will does not allow this. Those on this side cannot do the work for you. Guidance and advice yes, higher Light frequencies pouring to earth yes, but only those living in the energy can change the contents of earth's collective consciousness.