Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Fran Zepeda. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Fran Zepeda. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, marzo 13, 2016

Fran Zepeda - Mary Magdalene: A New Relationship with Love - March 13, 2016


Mary Magdalene:

Greetings Beloveds. I am here today to speak to you about Love, your entirely new relationship with it. It is no longer to be seen as a commodity with which you can receive or yield power. It is the effervescent element of your very being, now taking over all your aspects. A new way of looking at the world. A new way of reacting to the world. It is becoming the entire fabric of your very being, and in that, a reformation of your soul in the way you perceive it.

It (Love) has always been the quintessence of your being, the purpose of your existence, the entire makeup of your being. It is no longer to be looked at as a separate aspect of you or something outside yourself. It IS YOU. It is your world. It is the entirety of your being now.

lunes, febrero 01, 2016

Fran Zepeda - Archangel Zadkiel - You Are A Unique Energetic Manifestation of Creator In All Your Glory - February 1, 2016

Archangel Zadkiel (Received January 31, 2016):

Greetings all, I AM Archangel Zadkiel, a keeper of the Violet Flame, and I hold you in my flame as I deliver my message to you.

In the hush of your energy now comes much transformation and truth. In the sustainment of truth comes true wisdom for all to perceive and convey. It is with utmost pleasure that I come in now to deliver immense truth and transformation for your continual evolvement and ascension.

Many of you are discovering that you are bereft of understanding of where all this energetic transformation is leading. You are left to your own devises to discover the truth. And that is the name of the game, dear ones. That is the energy of the Now, dear ones — Grasping and holding the energy of your own truth.

domingo, diciembre 27, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration: Yeshua: “You Are A Golden Chalice of Christ Consciousness” - December 27, 2015

For audio version of this message please click Here

Dear Beloveds, Behold now the exquisite expansion and expansiveness of your Christ Consciousness. Behold and feel it as your new way of Being. You are becoming, and are, a Golden Chalice of Pure Loving Christ Consciousness ready to make your mark upon the world in even greater ways.
For this has been your purpose and your goal for all these years and eons, to reach this point in time where you are transforming yourselves and your world with each breath of Creator’s Love, with each acknowledgment of the Christ-Self and God-Self that you are.

domingo, diciembre 20, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua: “Live in Your Heart of Desires” ~ December 19, 2015


Greetings, Beloveds. This is a very auspicious time for everyone in their own unique way. It will take finessing and seeing everything around you and within you from a new unique perspective.

It is time to stretch yourselves and delve into your Soul even more than usual. It is a virtual meeting of your soul with your higher mind, interpreting and drawing from a new perspective not used before. It is a virtual “LoveFest” with your Soul. Honoring it and loving it like you have never done before. It is forefront to your reality now dear ones, and let no one tell you that you are not delving very very deep into your Soul.

lunes, noviembre 16, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena: Begin in the Now - Nov 16, 2015

Pallas Athena (Received November 15, 2015):

Begin in the Now, begin in Pure Source Consciousness, be Present in the Now, be your True Divine Self Now. It (Your True Divine Self) is forever eternal and present. Acknowledge it now, beloveds.

Greetings, I AM Pallas Athena, coming to you in Pure Source Consciousness.

I speak from your core, beloveds. The core that is you. Speak from your core now. Live from your core now. Be your true core now…your Pure Love Consciousness, your Pure Christ Consciousness, your Pure Love Essence. Your Compassionate Presence. Knowing All and Being All. You are One with All.

jueves, octubre 29, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Message from Yeshua: “You have reached a very crucial time in your development…” 10.29.15


Now is the time to take stock of your beautiful accomplishments in this, your journey of ascension. You may feel all is in chaos right now, or perhaps you feel you do not know yourself anymore. All good, dear ones, for you have entered yet another phase of your ascension.

Let it be told and let it be known that All is well. All is as it should be. You have reached a very crucial time in your development and it is time to acknowledge all you have accomplished and all you have endured on this beautiful journey of ascension.

martes, octubre 06, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Repost: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua ~ Creation and Manifestation ~ Mixing the Palette of your Love Essence - October 6, 2015

This is a repost of an earlier message that I was guided to share with you again since it fits in with and enhances my recently channeled message from Yeshua and Mother Mary, entitled “Beautiful Hearts…Create Away!”   (Link)  (As an interesting side note, the following message also showed up yesterday in a facebook group, spontaneously appearing with my profile picture as a current post, as if I had just posted it! and I had  actually posted it there over two months ago!  Love those beautiful synchronicities!) Enjoy:
imagesReceived July 27, 2015
Hello Dear Ones. We Are Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and we bow before you, together. The Sweet Pure Love Essence that we are, our energies entwined together, we offer to you now for your inherent manifestation. This Sweet Pure Love Essence that you are is there, and is magnified now in our Presence, if you allow it.
Within that is Creation, and Manifestation of that Creation, ever-entwined and ever-present for you to realize.

jueves, septiembre 24, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration: from Mary Magdalene on Divine Harmony - September 24, 2015

~~Another Divine Aspect illuminated by Mary Magdalene, very timely to focus on through the balancing energies of the recent Equinox and through this beautifully intense energy of the coming Total Lunar Eclipse:

Mary Magdalene: Hello Beloveds. Today I wish to discuss the Divine Aspect of Harmony. It is a sublime energy comprised of myriad energies coming together in balance. It is the quintessence of your journey here on Earth, the coming together of all your aspects and in complete wholeness, in complete balance and force.

Behold magenta waves of perfection infiltrating all your four bodies now (physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies). Behold the soft but substantial presence of a coming together of energies, winding their way in a blending and an integrity that sweeps your whole consciousness.

Within Divine Harmony is the freedom to let go of all dissonance and encompass all into a balanced whole. Within this energy (of Divine Harmony) is possibility of a coming together of all Hearts of Humanity, substantiating the Love within them to allowance of and acceptance of all that is present.

lunes, septiembre 21, 2015

Fran Zepeda - ‘Grace Under Pressure’ ~ by Fran Zepeda ~ September 21, 2015


As we harness these increasingly intense energies present in this Equinox/Eclipse/Blood Moon Gateway, further anchor the Light and move further in our ascension,  and as we go through this alternating clearing and upliftment process that we are all going through,  we are learning how to be ‘Grace Under Pressure’, loving ourselves, loving others, in spite of the pressures we feel, the obstacles/challenges that we  experience, and the changes that we are challenged to flow through with ease.

martes, septiembre 08, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration: Mother Mary on Divine Purity and Divine Grace - September 8, 2015

piccredit.archives.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.comFran: Blessings Everyone! In meditating on Mary Magdalene’s recent message I AM the Magdalene, with the desire and intention to illuminate and expand more on the Divine Aspects of Creator, for all to benefit from in our continued embodiment and ascension, and as a result of inquiries from readers, I received two transmissions from Mother Mary, on Divine Purity and Divine Grace. And I offer them here following a quote and link to Mary Magdalene’s message that inspired these transmissions:

lunes, agosto 10, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Mary Magdalene ~ I AM the Magdalene. Walk With Me In Harmony - August 10, 2015

In Pure Divine Harmony, Love and Balance, I greet you and elicit the same within you. Together we embody Freedom and Grace for the further awakening of all Mankind. This is your purpose and your privilege and I honor you in taking up this endeavor.
I stand before you Now in complete awe and recognition of your gifts and your accomplishments to spread the Light of Pure Love Essence to all. It is no small task, beloveds, but each moment that you gather the Light of the Great Central Sun(s) into your human bodies, you transform your physical bodies and embody your potential to bring Divine Empowerment to your BEing and to all in your wake.
Awakening within you now is such a deep deep empowerment of Love Manifest. It is your true identity. Each moment of your long existence in Earth Frequencies through the ages has prepared you for this moment. Like a deep flowing river, you have gathered momentum in spite of encounters with ‘stones and silt’ in this ‘river of your life’, showing themselves as obstacles and lessons in your development on this Earth.

jueves, agosto 06, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Mary Magdalene: Welcome this Newer Version of You - August 6, 2015

piccredit.unitytriangle.orgMary Magdalene (Received August 5, 2015):

Welcome to this new version of you, harvesting and manifesting as you continue to receive and accept these new energies of the present Gateway beckoning you now. You have laid the groundwork and now so much is waiting for you to discover about yourselves. The New You that so many have talked about is a work in progress, but you will notice that lately you have experienced a deeper, more grounded awakening of your True Divine Selves.
Your merging of your higher aspects, your I AM Presence, has been stepped up and is stepping up continually and if you were to place a vision of yourselves in previous moments next to a vision of how you are in this moment, you would notice a great difference. The acceleration of your development is a little astonishing, but all you need to do is continue to ride this current wave of awakening with complete openness and acceptance with a bit of curiosity thrown in.
For in that comes a further openness to your Purity, your True Divine Essence, your Oneness with All That is,  that is being played out in continual harmony and progression, constantly replacing and clarifying and purifying your former versions of your Being, as you open to your expansion, relishing all the clarity, insights and understandings coming along with it.

lunes, agosto 03, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration from Lady Nada and Sananda: On Judgment - August 3, 2015
Fran: This capsule of information came in as I was pondering how much judgment has been a part of our lives, but also how things are changing, and asking for illumination on the subject, I received this and share it with you now:

Lady Nada and Sananda  (Received August 2, 2015):
“Throughout your long existence in duality, judgment has been your stalwart, your guidepost, your guiding light to navigate your many twists and turns within your reality. And it has served you well. It has seemingly kept you safe and kept you moving towards your goals. We say seemingly, because while it has moved you forward and kept you safe in many cases, it has also limited you in your many experiences in your journey of moving into higher consciousness.

miércoles, julio 29, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Mary Magdalene and Yeshua - Creation and Manifestation - Mixing the Palette of your Love Essence - July 29, 2015

imagesReceived July 27, 2015
Hello Dear Ones. We Are Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and we bow before you, together. The Sweet Pure Love Essence that we are, our energies entwined together, we offer to you now for your inherent manifestation. This Sweet Pure Love Essence that you are is there, and is magnified now in our Presence, if you allow it.
Within that is Creation, and Manifestation of that Creation, ever-entwined and ever-present for you to realize.
Dear Ones, feel us now as we enter into your space, awakening all that is there in Pure Love Essence, waiting to manifest in Purity and Harmony in your merging with your higher aspects, in your merging with your Divinity, with your further emergence of the Divine Love that is your essence.
The sweetness of your BEing, we applaud. The sweetness of your Being, we mirror, and evoke and invoke as you let go and surrender to the Sweet Pure Love Essence that you are.
Intertwined as we are, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, intertwined as you are, of your Masculine and Feminine, in your divine emergence and merging of your True Selves, part and parcel of who you are, in eternity, in unity with Creator, and evermore manifest in Pure Love Essence, you accept this quality of you, this quality and essence of Creator, to be your own.

jueves, julio 23, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration: from Yeshua - July 23, 2015

Note from Fran: This morning I awoke feeling a little down, mostly just feeling emptiness with a little emotion and depression mixed in, desiring inspiration for myself and others who may need it, and I felt Yeshua’s energy, transmitting the following, and I share it with you in hopes that it will inspire you as well:


“All you can be is Love and Light in the Moment.

In that, is all there is. In that, is all-encompassing.

It is fortuitous that you chose life in this world, for all is encompassed in that. So live in this moment. Bring your Love and Light to fruition. Bring it full bloom, at full capacity.

miércoles, julio 08, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Message and Meditation from Mary Magdalene: Jewels of Your Awakening - July 7, 2015

images6U1GTFVC.gemsReceived July 4, 2015
Mary Magdalene:
Hello dear ones. Awakening to the vast beauty within and all your exquisite gifts is but a step away. As you spread your wings of Love and become Divine Love Incarnate, this is a catalyst for deep awakenings. Beyond the fears and limitations that you are illuminating and clearing, opens a beautiful vista, a beautiful expansiveness, a deep well of beauty within you.
It is there that you find your True Divine Self. It is there that you may dwell, it is there that you inhabit. It is there that you will find all you have been waiting for, looking for.
Dear ones, now is the time for a deeper awakening of the beauty of your Divine Self. It is there within you, within your Heart.

miércoles, junio 17, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Lady Nada: You Have Entered a New Phase of Your Awakening - June 17, 2015

LadyNada.picture credit: cosmicgaia.comReceived June 15, 2015

Greetings, Beloveds. I AM Lady Nada, here to present before you a new perspective on your awakening. Yes, you have come far. No amount of analysis could reveal just how far. You must instead FEEL the difference, the expansion and the sweet Lightness that you have achieved thus far.
As you step forward into your greater awakening each moment of Now, it is difficult to quantify your changes except to say that you have entered a new phase of your awakening and it is only necessary to feel and accept the changes. Do not hyper-focus on them. Rather, gather them and encompass them into your new perspective of yourselves.
Any calculations of your former way of assessing your growth will not reveal the true growth and expansion you have attained. And expansion and growth will just get even more so in the coming days of further Reception of the Solstice energies.

sábado, mayo 30, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Mother Mary: ”In Pure Love Essence We Breathe Together” - May 30, 2015

Received May 28 2015

Hello beautiful LOVE BE-ings that you are. I come to you with the sweet LOVE ESSENCE that you ALL ARE — Complete and Whole in your Love BEing… In your sweet Love Essence. You breathe, pulse, and radiate Love with all that you are. Consider this as you tune into your quiet, still Heart Center. Love is all you are and all you are made up of. You are whole and complete in this Truth.
Many of you are feeling and discovering this. It is taking over your Reality. It feels simple yet very profound. You have allowed your Love Essence to emerge and stay at front center of your life now. It is the sweetness of BEing that you all have strived for. It is the sweetness of many lifetimes of striving to know and capture your True Essence. You have arrived. Yet, you still doubt it.

lunes, abril 27, 2015

Fran Zepeda – Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Cup of Love – 27 April 2015

Picture of me 5 (2)Received April 26, 2015
Hello Dearest Beloveds, We Are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, coming to you this moment, together, with much Love and Gratitude. We drink from the same Cup of Love and so we know the Truth. You know the Truth — That All Are Love, All Are Divine and all are immense in their scope of delivering Love to the World.
We come together to deliver this message to show you the immense Union of Love that you hold with All, with the World, with Humanity. Do not deny this scope and this magnitude, for all are becoming aware of this magnitude with each passing Breath of Love that We All Take, with each passing Breath of Love that We All Give, with each passing Breath of Love that We All Deliver unto ourselves, to others, and to the World.

jueves, abril 23, 2015

Master Lanto: Shine Your Radiance ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda - April 23, 2015

Master LantoReceived April 22, 2015

Greetings, I AM Master Lanto, greeting you from afar, yet right next to you in your field of Light if you allow me.
I wish to speak to you about Radiance. Radiance is comprised of many things. Exalt within your own Radiance, for it is the spark that drives your Soul. It is YOU in your essential form. It is All-That-Is.
You are awash in your own Radiance when you bow to yourself and accept all that is YOU in its purest form: LOVE. Loving yourself and accepting yourself is key, as you well know. But do you live it day in and day out — Moment by Moment….In the NOW?
Every flaw, every obstacle, every struggle, every seeming impediment of your Happiness, is indeed only LOVE attempting to take hold on a deeper level of YOU.