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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Familia Galáctica. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, marzo 12, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Meeting our Galactic Family - March 12, 2020

Meeting Our Galactic Family

Greetings Dear Friends and Family,

We, the members of your/our Galactic Family, have asked that our scribe, and/or scribes (the ones who document our messages to them, and share their messages with the other grounded humans ) wish to remind you all that we, the members of your Galactic Family are grateful for your great advancement in remembering that you are much, more than just a human being.

More and more humans are beginning to awaken to the fact that they are not just humans.

jueves, febrero 11, 2021

Suzanne Lie - The Galactics - Working Together as People and Planet - Feb 11, 2021

Working Together as People and Planet

The Galactics through Suzanne Lie

It is THE NOW for People and planet to

work together as ONE being.

Of course, we, your Galactic Family, realize that many Third Dimensional Humanoids do not--yet--think of themselves as, "Members of Gaia, " who is also known as Planet Earth!  

It is more likely that a third dimensional human may think of themselves as human beings who "own" a certain amount of land, houses, and other "things"or "places." Fortunately, there are many humans who take good care of that place that they "own."

martes, febrero 09, 2021

Suzanne Lie - OUR GALACTIC FAMILY - February 9, 2021


Through Suzanne Lie

More and more of humanity is beginning to remember their Galactic Family. Your "Galactic Family" is your higher dimensional expressions of self that resonates to a higher frequency of reality. 

However, most humans think of themselves as being "just humans." Fortunately, more  humans are beginning to realize that they are Multidimensional Beings whose consciousness can resonate to the third, the fourth, the fifth and even the sixth dimension. 

domingo, enero 17, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Within This Now - January 16, 2021

Within The NOW

Within this NOW 

I am Here

Within this NOW 

There is no Fear

Within this NOW

I remember Cheer

domingo, noviembre 29, 2020

Suzanne Lie - IT IS TIME TO REMEMBER! - November 29, 2020

November 29, 2020

Dear Ones who are NOW wearing a Human Earth Vessel,

We, the members of your Galactic Family wish to send you the "Feeling" of your own Higher Dimensional Expression of SELF. Many of you have experienced that "feeling" before, but you did not know what it was. Therefore, we wish to share with you several ways in which you will be able to experience your own Higher Dimensional SELF.

lunes, noviembre 23, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Reunion with your Galactic Family - Nov 23, 2020


Through Suzanne Lie

Dear humans on Gaia's Earth during this challenging time, we your Galactic Family, wish to commend the great courage that you have all been facing on Gaia's dear planet. Here you are on the cusp of Thanksgiving Day in which you  celebrate that for which you are grateful. 

miércoles, noviembre 18, 2020

Suzanne Lie - A Message From your Galactic Family - November 18, 2020

A Message from your Galactic Family

Dear Friends who are wearing a human Earth Body, we, the members of your Galactic Family wish to remind you that YOU are NOT alone. In fact, all of you who are currently wearing your third dimensional earth body, are actually able to contact all of your Galactic Family if you wish.

viernes, noviembre 13, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturian's and all The Galactics - The NOW of Great Change - Nov 13, 2020

                          THE NOW OF GREAT CHANGE                                                                                 

                     A message From the Arcturian's and all The Galactics 

                                                        through Suzanne Lie


We, the Arcturian's, as well as all your Galactic Family members send our greetings to all of you who are walking through this NOW of great change. Of course, it is often difficult to know when that great change will occur and what the next "great change" will be.

lunes, noviembre 09, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Inter-dimensional Communications - Nov 9, 2020


As our consciousness expands more and more, we will all experience more and more 

Inter-dimensional Communications.


There are as many types of Inter dimensional Communication as there are with different people. 

There is not right or wrong way to experience this communication, but there is YOUR way.

viernes, noviembre 06, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Bending with the Wind - Nov. 6, 2020

Bending with the Wind

There are times in our reality in which we must choose to either "bend with the wind," or try to change the course of the wind. However, this "bending with the wind" is more of a metaphor than a reality. Of course, we, the humans, cannot control the wind, but we can decide to face the wind, put our heads down and then "step bravely into the "wind."

jueves, noviembre 05, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Inter-dimensional Communication with your Inter-dimensional Family - November 5, 2020


We are the Arcturians. Within this NOW we wish to introduce ourselves to any of our human grounded ones who do not remember that they can, and do, communicate with us more than they realize.

The reason that they don't remember that they are communicating with us is usually because they are talking with us during what humans call a "dream." However, we the Arcturians do not think of you have as "having a dream"while we communicate with you.

Instead, we dedicate ourselves to assist the "awakening ones" to remember what they have learned from our communication with them, as well as how to teach them to take what they have learned/remembered into their third dimensional reality so that they can assist others to also remember.

We, Galactics, think of YOU going into what you call "sleep" so that you can allow your self to have, what you call a "dream." The reason why you call your inter-dimensional communication a "dream" is because you cannot, yet, allow yourself to believe that YOU are a Multidimenisonal human who can be aware of messages, feelings, communications which you often call "dreams."

Yes, from the perspective of your third dimensional, human self, these deep inner messages could only be "just you imagination." After all, how could you, an everyday human, have the ability to have a conversation and/or a communication with a higher dimensional being that you usually cannot see, but you can feel, and sometimes, you can even hear.

However, the kind of "hearing" that you receive from the Arcturians is more often experienced by a human as "your imagination." However, over time, if you can allow yourself to believe in what you cannot see with your human eyes or hear with your human ears, and allow yourself to "hear with your feelings" then you will be able to communicate with the higher dimensional beings, which we call the "Galactic Beings."

Since we are Galactic Beings, meaning that our Homeworld is not on planet Earth, but on other planets which may or may not be in the same Galaxy as Earth. However, within this now there are more and more Galactic Beings who are visiting Earth because of two reasons.

One reason why we are visiting Earth is because Gaia, which is the Name that we Galactics Beings use for Earth, is ready to return to Her innate higher frequency of resonance. To us, the Galactics, a planet is thought of in much the same manner that humans think of other humans, or perhaps their home and/or neighborhood.

Whereas your "home" is on the planet Gaia, Gaia is often called Earth by the humans, but called Gaia by the Galactics. We hear you asking us, "What is a Galactic?" We will be happy to answer that question.

A Galactic, or "The Galactics," are beings who live on other planets than your Earth, and often primarily lives on their Star Ships. Just as you third dimensional humans live in your house, but can travel around to visit other versions of a house, such as a hotel, when you wish to have a different experience, we Galactics can go to a different planet or area of outer space, never need to leave our Star Ship Home.

We Galactics also love to visit many different places and even different planets. However, we take our "house," which is actually our "Star Ship" with us because we are no longer limited to only experiencing the planet of our birth.

Of course, "birth" is quite different for a Galactic than it is for an Earthling, as we resonate to a much higher frequency of light that the member os Gaia's Earth do. However, very often members of our Starship, and/or Home World, take on the form of a human on Earth, so that they can walk among the humans without disrupting the humans daily life.

The reason why we Galactics chose to walk among the humans is because Gaia, the name we Galactics call Earth, has asked us to assist Her with Her Planetary Ascension Process.

A Planetary Ascension is much like a humans graduation into a higher expression of learning about their world. This experience is also much like a human who is ready to graduate and go to a higher place of learning, such as a University.

When the humans goes to a University, they often go to a different place and a different environment than they used to have before they "graduated." For we Galactics, this graduation is similar.

However, instead of going to a different school where you can learn, we Galactics, go to whatever planet needs our assistance. You see, we Galactics are much like the "protectors of the different planetary beings."

We say, "planetary beings" because to we, the Galactics, who have evolved far beyond the third and fourth dimensions of reality, know that every planet is a "Living Being!"Those of us who have already graduated from our inter-dimensional training about how to visit and assist the third dimensional humans on a third dimensional planet,

During your NOW there are many of us Galactics who are visiting Earth because, Gaia, who is the "Soul of Earth," is preparing to move into Her Planetary Ascension process. We Galactics, have prepared for this assignment by visiting Earth as often as needed so that we do not frighten the third dimensional ones.

The "Third Dimensional Ones" is what we call the unawakened humans. We Galactics are in the process of learning how to communicate, and visit Earth, in a manner in which the humans are not frightened.

Therefore, we often take on the persona of "being a third dimensional human." We have found that the best way to understand a civilization that is on the cusp of transmutation is to become a member of that reality is to live among these humans during this time of great change. Of course, we make ourselves look very human so that we do not frighten anyone.

Then, while we are "members of their third dimensional reality," we can best understand how to assist the third dimensional humans to awaken to their own innate higher frequency of perception and thus of reality. Once humanity has awakened to their innate, higher dimensional self, they can remember, as well as return to, their true Multidimensional SELF.

The next challenge for them is to become members of that third dimensional civilization. Then, when they have gained enough understanding to move into the next step, they return to our Starships or home worlds to debrief with us all what that they have learned while "acting as a human" on a planet which is on the verge of Planetary Ascension.

We close our message by thanking all the awakened humans who have remembered how to allow their Higher Dimensional SELF to assist them to communicate with the Galactics and to create avenues of communication in which the third/fourth and even fifth dimensional humans can communicate with their own Higher Dimensional SELF. This communication between the "grounded Earth Ones" and the living on the Ships Galactic Ones.

We joyfully await the day in which humans are ready and happy to communicate with us, who are often their own Higher Dimensional expressions of SELF.

Blessings to you all and we await your visit to our Ship

Your Inter-dimensional Family

sábado, octubre 31, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Galactic Family - Sheltering in Place - Oct. 31, 2020

Sheltering in Place


 We, the members of your Galactic Family, 

wish to speak with you about Sheltering in Place

The term: "Sheltering in Place!" is one that you never thought would be the reality in our not so far distant future. But what does "Sheltering in Place" really mean for our daily lives within this NOW.

For one thing, if one is "sheltered in a place and all alone," it is completely different from one who is "sheltered" in place with a loved one, which may be quite different from those who are "sheltered in place" with a large family.

jueves, octubre 15, 2020

Suzanne Lie - THE PATH OF KNOWING - October 15, 2020


We are the members of your Fifth Dimensional Galactic Family who have chosen to take human earth vessels during this NOW of great transmutation. We are eager to communicate with any humans who wish to communicate with us. Yes, we understand that many of the humans within your current timeline are not yet aware that there are higher fourth and fifth dimensional beings wearing human forms.

jueves, octubre 08, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Welcoming the LIGHT - Oct 8, 2020

Welcoming the LIGHT

We, the members of your Galactic Family, wish to remind you that YOU are not alone. We, the members of your Galactic Family are watching over the extreme challenges that you, the citizens of the United States and, to some extent, the world, are having to face within this NOW.

martes, octubre 06, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Golden Circle - Oct 6, 2020



Suzanne Lie

The changes that beings have waited for so, so, long, and have predicted, but the time passed, and what else that has been predicted, and the time passed again, and has been predicted and once again, and that time passed. Now that reality, of course, passed because we were are third dimensional time, and no one can perceive an inter-dimensional experience while they are locked in their third dimensional consciousness.

domingo, octubre 04, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Remembering Your Galactic Family - October 4, 2020

Remembering Your Galactic Family

It is the NOW for the humans of the United States, as well as ALL the humans who are all over Gaia's planet Earth, to remember your Galactic Family. "What, and who, is our "Galactic Family?"we hear you ask.

Our answer to that inner question is that your Galactic Family is the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency of your innate Multidimensional SELF. To clarify what we are saying, we will remind that you that YOU are a Multidimensional person who resonates from the frequency of the third dimension, which you often call "life on Earth," while you also resonate to the higher frequencies of reality.

miércoles, septiembre 23, 2020

Suzanne Lie - DEAR GALACTIC FAMILY - September 22, 2020


We are the members of your Higher SELF who left an important message in your consciousness, in hopes that you, the members of humanity, would remember the message. We see that, unfortunately, some of you have not totally remembered your "night message." Therefore, we will send it to you again. 

sábado, septiembre 19, 2020

miércoles, septiembre 09, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Who are you? How have you been? and Where are you going? Sep 9, 2020



These are questions that humans often forget to ask their self. In fact, most humans often forget to ask their SELF anything. Maybe that is because some humans do not know, yet, that "there" is a difference between their "self" and their "SELF." For us birds, our self is our bird body, and our SELF is our Flock!

viernes, septiembre 04, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - RE-BIRTH into SELF - September 3, 2020


Dear Arcturians,

We, the space-bound members of your Galactic Family, wish to speak with the many human members of our Galactic Family who are now located on the surface of your beloved planet Gaia.

We, the members of the higher dimensions of reality, are often known as,“Your Galactic Family” because we are, indeed, the higher dimensional expressions of the awakened and awakening “humans.”