Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Carla Thompson. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Carla Thompson. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, julio 23, 2013

Breaking News: Ascension is Now Coming on the Upper 4D Earth. The Elohim Confirm: Worst Cabal-Made Catastrophes and MPR on all higher 4D earths on July 23, 2013
by Carla Thomson and Georgi Stankov, July 24, 2012
Dear Carla,
I wish you a calm night and an easy flight to Boston. My knowledge about this town is more or less limited to Henry James’ novel “the Bostonians” and I have no desire to cross the next 100 or so years and  end up at the Boston massacre recently.
I had some heat waves this night (July 22) and a lot of energetic pressure due to heavy dream work. Hence I assume that something important is now happening on the higher 4D earths. Jahn’s latest message seems to confirm this new development.
April has also sent me her message yesterday evening, which I will publish today. it also says that the most crucial period has begun today and will last till August 25th. I have made an extensive comment on this message that I shall also publish, so that you can read the details.
Enjoy your time in Boston and I hope that Cole will be satisfied with the visitation of his future sites of education.