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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Aliyah Marr. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, agosto 18, 2016

Aliyah Marr – Message for the 1st Wave Ascension Crew – Moving into 5D – by Infinite Shift – 8-18-16

Those in the forefront of the shift in consciousness have really been feeling the last bout of changes. This year has been a redux of the last six: with every past element revisiting us. Physical pain, emotional distress, and mental insecurity; all part of the last (we hope) vestiges of the dross of 3D.

The new energy pulsing from the Central Sun and delivered by our Solar partner pushes heavy carbon-based cellular debris, fear-based emotions, and eons of human history out of our bodies. This can be very painful, but it is necessary. The body is bearing the brunt of this process; the emotions kick in in response and react to what is being experienced by the physical form. Then we try to explain our emotions with a thought; justify them somehow. But the emotions are simply another form of the dross and an additional way for the heavy 3D to leave us. As I wrote in the last message, The Unraveling of the Matrix, it is the manifestation process in reverse. Just feel it and witness it.