Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Alerta Planetaria. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Alerta Planetaria. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, marzo 30, 2015

Mahala – Planet Alert April 2015 – 30 March 2015

MahalaWe have another full moon lunar eclipse coming up on April 4, 2015 at 5:05 AM PDT. This will be the third red blood moon in the series of four. The last one will be on September 27, 2015. On the second one, which was on October 8, 2014 we started weaving our light bodies because the moon was on 15 degrees Aries, and weaving our light bodies is what that degree means.
What my Sabian Symbol book says about that degree is “The I Ching symbol implied is the profound task of the weaving of our immortal body, the cosmic Robe of Glory. There is a moment in every cycle when, to however small a degree, every individual may be confronted with the potentiality of a fulfilling act of self-realization and may find himself/herself clothed in light”. I believe this past October full moon was the beginning of a major process of Ascension for many of us.
Now we have another full moon eclipse coming up on April 4th, which is on the first day of Passover and Easter Sunday is April 5th. Easter is the celebration of the risen Christ, or the Christ consciousness that is within all of us. At this time the Sun will be on 14 degrees Aries conjunct Uranus on 16 degrees Aries, and the midpoint is 15 degrees Aries. So here we are six months later with the same configuration in the heavens.

lunes, marzo 02, 2015

Mahala – Planet Alert March 2015 – 2 March 2015

MahalaBy Mahala Gayle, on March 1st, 2015
Are you emotionally prepared for the month of March? Mars has moved into Aries, which is a fire sign, and the first couple of weeks Mars will be moving into making an aspect to the Uranus/Pluto square. This energy could become very explosive so please keep your cool. This will be the seventh and final Uranus/Pluto square. This energy will affect our heads, brains, and crown chakra because that is what the sign of Aries rules. The Sun will be moving through the emotional sign of Pisces until March 20th; our emotions will be greatly affected by this emotional fire energy.
Have you felt any fear or anxiety lately and wondered where it came from? You thought you had released your issues and here comes more to release. I just realized that the whole world has been releasing their old fears for the past two plus years as Saturn moved through Scorpio. A lot of fear was released during that time period and where did all that fear go?  I was told it got caught in our atmosphere and formed an invisible dark cloud around Earth and everyone who is sensitive picks up this universal fear and thinks it is their own fear.

sábado, enero 31, 2015

Mahala – Planet Alert February 2015 – 31 January 2015

MahalaBy Mahala Gayle, on January 30th, 2015
I can’t believe we are almost in February, where does the time go? Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday it was Christmas?  As I am writing this article (January 26) a large Asteroid just passed by Earth and a major storm is in the process of happening on the East Coast. When there is a disturbance in the heavens something always manifests on Earth. As above, so below.  It was also a manifestation of the moon triggering the Uranus/Pluto square and Pluto affecting the East Coast. Mercury, which rules storms, was retrograde in Aquarius and Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius.

viernes, enero 02, 2015

Mahala – Planet Alert January 2015 – January 2, 2015

MahalaBy Mahala, on January 1st, 2015
Happy New Year Everyone!  What will happen in 2015, or what will we create in 2015? I am creating a vision of it being a very wonderful year! How many of you will join me in creating that vision? The numbers 2+1+5 equals 8, and the number 8 rules money so let’s create a year of abundance for everyone!
Speaking of money, did you notice that Saturn is now in Sagittarius and that sign rules the banking system? Sagittarius also rules teachers, colleges, lawyers, judges, the court system, mountains, and the higher mind. It is a fire sign and that energy makes everything move very fast. If you think this year went by fast, just wait until you see how fast this upcoming year will move. Here is an interesting link called The World Changes on December 29, 2014. It’s about money and the change between China and Russia.

jueves, diciembre 04, 2014

Mahala – Planet Alert December 2014 – 4 December 2014

MahalaBy Mahala, on December 3rd, 2014
This year has been very hard for many people because of releasing old energy from the past. This had to be done because old energy will not work anymore. We are starting a brand new cycle and we have had to be ready for this cycle in order to manifest the blessings it will bring us.  We’ve been in the energy of Saturn in Scorpio all year and this is what made the energy so hard to handle. It was a year of letting go of everything that we no longer needed. All the deep dark energy that we have held onto for so long that was stuck in our subconscious mind had to go.  Out it all came so we could become great Beings of Light.
I’m not saying that everyone has made it because there is still a lot of trauma going on in the world. Everyone is on their own frequency and will ascend (move into a higher frequency) when they are ready. The ones who have been working for so many years to clean up their thoughts, feelings and actions are the ones who are ready to ascend and live on 5D Earth, which is one of peace and happiness. It’s time for us to create that reality.

miércoles, noviembre 27, 2013

Mahala - Planet Alert December 2013
Happy Thanksgiving and Hanukkah
I would like to wish everyone in the United States a Happy Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful day of celebration. Hanukkah also starts the same day as Thanksgiving. Hanukkah is a Jewish celebration that is also called the Festival of Lights, or the Feast of Dedication. It is an eight day celebration commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the second Temple) in Jerusalem. For those who celebrate this festival, may you manifest a wonderful holiday!