The cosmos is cyclindrial. Circles become upward spirals, spirals become circles again ad infinitum.
Creation is always recreating itself, while at the instance, ever expanding and contracting.
Nothing is linear.
Go out in nature and you will notice this everywhere.
I love sitting on rocks, picking them up, and put my hands, palms open onto the very rocks, like granite where ancient buildings still exist. Rocks in truth are not solid. They hold so much information which has been recorded over millions, and billions of earth years. They are record keepers and you can tune into them via your hands, heart and soul.
The same with crystals.
Expand your vision and look at the trees. They too are record keepers and great communicators and hold the waters of life within them.
The African Baobab trees are known as the Tree of Life, for their trunks store water, and in times of drought, elephants make holes in these trees so that they can have access to a reservoir of life giving water, and assist the whole eco systems to survive.
Elephants do the same with dry river beds or where they can smell or sense water and again keep whole eco systems alive.
The same applies to the whole physical Divine creation, as well as the invisible.
We are now rapidly entering a whole new circle of life on and inbthe new Earth, and it is 7th dimensional. This means new vibrant life force where all is lightfilled and not so dense, indeed is light-filled.
Go and look with your inner eyes and you will see the new is already vibrantly present. I was clearly shown this over the weekend, and it was awe inspiring.
Nature is speaking to us in the cosmic language of light.
So is the whole universe and cosmos all gathered here adding momentum to this whole process.
When we keep our focus on the new creation within us the outer shows itself.
And we can only do so through our open heart as one with our souls.
The keys to all is within you.
Indeed then you will see and know, a tree is a living being, so is a rock, so is all creation.
Divinity is present within all creation, visible, invisible, manifested, unmanifested.
Ad infinitum.
And so it is!