martes, octubre 04, 2022

Natalia Alba - We are navigating an important portal - Oct 4, 2022


Beloved Ones,

We are navigating an important portal, at this time of our ascension journey. A threshold that we are invited to cross, only if we are ready to conclude a cycle, for we are in truth renewing ourselves, at every moment, stepping away from what is obsolete and belongs to an old timeline. We are about to enter into the 10/10 gateway, which is preceded by the Full Moon at 16 degrees of Aries, and the many planets, for those who resonate with slow motion phases, that are gradually turning direct again: Mercury, Vesta, Pluto, and Saturn.

Aries is represented by the element Fire, and therefore we may think of action when we are immersed under this sign's energies. However, as we are all unique and are in different phases, Aries is not just about being more active and moving into a more manifestational phase, as Fire serves as well for purifying ourselves, at all levels, which is where many are, at this time. Purification does not just involve the physical body, but the purification of our consciousness, through the removal of false programs, etc. that we need to do before stepping into this ascension path.

The element that Guides invite us to work with during the Aries Moon time is a Tetrahedron. An element that will help us retrieve passion, inspiration, and the confidence required for us to make decisions that are aligned with our heart-mind, both functioning in unison to help us move in the direction of our soul.

The crystal that guides offer us to help us at this time is Larimar. A crystal to help us open our soul portal, situated in our throat chakra, that will help us express our soul, who we are, in our physical plane. A stone that will too soothe us, as we continue purifying ourselves from the old by cleansing our bodies. A crystal that will too accompany us, as Guides shared, for the next passage in which we will pass to work with Water, and Scorpion energies.

This is a time for us to begin getting out of our cocoon, as we keep being surrounded by the harmonic energies of Libra. A cocoon that nurtured us and kept us protected during this intense phase, but that is now time to break, moving into the many possibilities that we can anchor into our new reality. A time for us to be fearless, and courageous, taking advantage of these fiery energies, before we move into the Scorpion Water ones, and begin to embrace our creativity, bringing into form all the creations that our soul is eager to manifest and experience in our physical plane.

Energies that will be intensified by the Solar Eclipse on October 25th, in which we will be receiving Solar Codes for us to heal the distorted masculine, empowering the solar plexus, which not only corresponds to our masculine essence, and life force, but to our mental body and egoic mind, something that we all need to work with, before we can move into the soul realms, where we act totally unified with who we truly are, in essence.

Solar Codes that this year will have a tremendous impact on those working with their DNA, helping them remove masculine, disempowering distortions, and other imbalances, opening themselves to integrate more plasma to continue building the light body.

A phase that culminates at the end of our human year, and that will show us where we are on our path, so we can shift our frequency or continue to remain in it, if we are heading towards our desired destination, as everything that we see is a result of the frequency that we, whether consciously or unconsciously, have chosen to hold within.

Therefore let us think and act within Divine Love, to continue holding the vision of the New Earth that we wish to manifest for All to move into this new harmonic timeline.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba