Listen closely Beloved Ones to your heart’s inner whispers of love, blessings and miracles.
Read gently, breathe slowly, relax and let go of all that has ever held you back.
The silencing of your thoughts now become tranquil waves of golden light, as this warmth through the Central Sun, immerses you in its heavenly embrace.
Feel this if you will; yourself bathing in an ocean of Golden liquid Light, through which the sacred temple of your inner Heart, now blesses you with eternity’s only pure joy, forever more.
As a lover longs for its lovers touch; so too, the welcoming of the Divine within you, becomes the yearning for the holiness of forever union with your eternal beloved.
Through this sacred holy ground, the apparitions amidst the idea of a mundane world, become the threshold ripped open wide, through which as we have eternally appeared, transmit to all of you now.
My Beloved in robes of Golden Light, has appeared to me before my eyes on Earth as a perfect lover does, graced through the sacred ecstatic bliss of Divine ever flowing love.
Breathe this in Divine Beings everywhere, as eyes rest upon all that is eternal in worlds upon worlds, here on Earth, even now.
These eternal appearances are but a token of the blessings to come, for all that see.
As now present for all; this the blessed kiss of the anointing, welcomes you into the holy of holies, that is beyond words, only the rapturous breath and a whisper, may say.
Feel this and know the angel Doves touch upon your crown, the apparition of being present here, for you to always know this sacred union, with your beloved one.
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2022.