martes, marzo 01, 2022

Diana Cooper - Spring is arriving with an uplifting and colourful show - Mar 1, 2022

Dear Friends,

Spring is arriving with an uplifting and colourful show of crocuses, snowdrops, daffodils, pansies and many other blooms carpeting the gardens and verges. The Spring equinox is on 21st March, the date on which day and night are equal lengths. In many parts of the world on a physical level the increased light affects our brain and people generally feel more alive and happier. On a spiritual level it heralds rebirth and renewal. This year it feels it really is time to breathe in the perfume of Spring and move with renewed hope into the future.

My focus this month is on the Sacral chakra. In many ways it is the chakra of birth for it holds the reproductive organs and at its most beautiful, it is pale luminous pink. The final lessons of the the sacral are about transcendent sexuality, love and birth. As the frequency rises everywhere we are seeing the lower behaviours of the sacral being revealed all over the world right now. These are a reflection of stuckness in the lower chambers of this centre. It is time for this to cease. Almost everyone has some sexual or relationship cords or a frightened hurt inner child in their sacral from this or other lives. When enough people heal these and bring in higher love there will be a wave of relief and light throughout the planet. When this chakra is fifth dimensional family relationships transform, you attract your true soul family and can experience true love. When enough people bring this chakra into the fifth dimension humanity as a whole can start to experience true love again for the first time since the golden era of Atlantis. The Angel Mary, Mother Mary, Isis, Archangel Gabriel and the Christ light are working with us to bring this about. I feel this is so important that I have a Zoom on Monday 14th March to heal and raise the frequency of this chakra.

Finally, this is a month of change and all institutions including the Monarchy will experience change and moving forward. Let’s all enjoy the freedom and expansion of Springtime.