NOW this Moment is literally all there is. Take a breath and feel this.
AS you step into this fully you become your eternal self while in form. This is what your ASCENSION IS. Your eternal self is your Divine Ascended Being Self, your Higher Self, your Cosmic God Self.
The mastery OF BECOMING AWARE of that that which you are that is beyond your physical for and this self is your eternal self.
KNOW that you do not have to have a body to exist. That all of this external stuff is but the result of your true inner world.
Everything you therefore see externally is the result of your thoughts, feelings and actions.
When you accept this and therefore take self responsibility for your inner world, you will enter the zone of the now eternal and be the master of form that you already are.
We have activated all of you through this. Now is the moment to be aware.
There is no practice for a future.
The is only NOW. Mastery is now in every moment.
In Divine love that never ends we activate you through.
As the Divine worlds of manifestation, exist only now. Breathe this in and listen to this Audio activation, ONLY NOW. Listening is a practice for all MOMENTS as of now.
Love, L’Aura
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2022.