This powerful FULL MOON along with Mercury Retrograde and the main aspect with Pluto creates the MOST INTENSE interaction (and opportunity) of frequency with your subconscious mind with your everyday consciousness. So the natural highlighting of discrepancies, emotions and desires, versus your reality (during ANY Full Moon) will be intensified beyond what words can describe.
This Full Moon in Cancer (intensified emotional moon energy) is OPPOSITE PLUTO AND IS on Monday January 17th, 2022 at 7:48 pm AST. The opposites including a Full MOON bring up that which is currently hidden from CONSCIOUSNESS.
Pluto the planet and energy of TRANSFORMATION from the depths and core of the subconscious will allow you to open to MONUMENTAL inner changes.
This may reveal itself in subconscious surfacing of jealousy, mood swings, fear, inner turmoil and relationship issues. Add to this Mercury Retrograde the miscommunication potentials, this may for some become a major battlefield between harmony within and non harmony. NOW this is there for its transmutation. So what comes up is not your against YOU it is what is begging to be released within you.
This DEEP INNER transmutation is the SPECIALITY OF PLUTO. AND Cancer is the leader of emotional ups and downs. Depending on your own blueprint and level of transformation already, this may come out as extreme emotional outburst, and or lead to any (hidden) emotional pain be transformed to the Gold of consciousness.
We are here with you blessing you through this.
We are The Divine Council of Overseers, with The Queen of Light and Sanut Kumara. The Pleiadian Council of Light also is present.
There only is now and ALL IS BEING used NOW as all things goes through you.
ALLOW the moments to pass through you WHILE STAYING PRESENT IN YOU HEART.
This will help facilitate your own process of ASCENSION and Divine Union, and help PLUTO in its deep process. IT IS THE Planet of deep transformation.
Stay present in your heart. THIS becomes more and more paramount moment to moment. As what unfolds on Earth, through the pole shift and all planned before time for your ASCENSION.
Read and feel and breathe. In Divine Love!
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2022.