Blessings from Mount Shasta ~
Our experience of Ascension goes through a transformation over the next
two months. Rapid leveling up is anticipated. Last month's clearing and
packing energies were a physicalization of what is happening
energetically: preparation for a new experience.
Expansion of the Crystalline Lightbody requires expansion of the Heart
Center. Magnetic field expansion in Solaris, Gaia, and your own bodies
is happening right now to support this.
It may be an emotional and beautiful phase for many.
Magnetic field expansion loosens the grip of duality on our consciousness. Maintain quantum I AM level perspective on all of this: What happens to the Galaxy, Solar System, and Planets happens to us, through us, as us.
Keep your Heart open, Divinely Neutral, and take care of the body-mind-emotion-ego identity constructs as the light is aimed right at them to transform.
Forgive the parts of yourself that resist forgiving. Embrace every opportunity for change, compassion, forgiveness, sovereignty. Don't cling to what was, let it evolve.
Shed the fear of other's choices, let them have their journey. Find a way to love them even more. Shift to Cosmic perspective. All is ONE.
Video on Aquarian Dynamics
We learn many lessons on the path to Ascension. Unity Consciousness is a radically different state of BEingness. Employ Aquarian awareness Now for ease and grace.
We stay a step ahead as Wayshowers, anchoring new dynamics and energies which reflect what we collectively have created in the Higher Realms.
This week's video clip reviews Aquarian Age energies we may express right Now.
Receive this video HERE.
Full replays from the Convergence at https://www.AscensionPath.com/
SUNday Unity Meditations
Join our 5 year weekly practice in the Unified Field! Every SUNday at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Time. Details, guided MP3s, time converters and more HERE
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,
Photo at top: Our Lion's Gate 8AM SUNday Meditation group on Mount Shasta. Gratitude to all who participated in both meditations anchoring heart-opening transformative energies!