domingo, enero 10, 2021

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 1-12-2021 - Jan 10, 2021

Dear Friends, 

New Moon in Capricorn is Tuesday, January 12 at 10:02 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

This moon is all about support and building a new container where your support is coming more from within and your own inner wisdom and not so much from the outside and outside sources of support This may be a big change and different from expectations you have had in the past. If you continue to expect support from old structures you may be disappointed. Self-doubt can also surface as something to work through as you question yourself or feel unsupported by what has supported you in the past.

As this is a new time, it requires a shift in your trust and your sense of inner self esteem. Focus on your inner strength, your intuition, your abilities, your talents, your new ideas and inspiration. This is a perfect time to plant a seed for something new and then to trust that it will take root. This is not only for yourself and your personal intentions but for the planet as well.

