martes, agosto 04, 2020

Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - August 4th, 2020

Straight from the Heart
August 4th, 2020

Dear Ground Crew,

Here is the latest message from Apollo: “We are in the process of making numerous preparations for our teams to uplift the earth. This is a call for freedom for your planet throughout all of creation. This is the free world and it is at the command of the Creator. Many plans are already being adjusted and re-made to expedite the process so that the dangerous ones are removed and you can move into the Golden Age. The suffering and pain have lasted too long. Know that divine intervention is here and you will be free before you know it. We are with you in divine resolve and divine love.”

As I said in my last update, that Apollo has been extremely busy lately. He is working in the universe and the multi universe doing this important work for our ascension. I have had a few messages from him and the most important one was July 12, 2020: “We are about to complete this quadrant in the universe, just like the earth. All systems go! Get ready! We have to do this sooner because there will be too much destruction from the dark forces. What we are doing could be shocking to many, especially the dark forces. Big changes are ahead. Rest and enjoy yourselves now.”

Ground Crew, most of us are flooded with information. Some of it is true and some is not. I have received confirmation that what Apollo told me on 12 July is true. I pray that as lightworkers you do not believe everything you hear that the dark forces will be doing. Yes, they have their plans, however, we are in charge and we are taking our planet back! Even though some of us realize how wide and far reaching the dark forces are on the planet, this does not mean that they will continue to be in control. In fact, they are falling fast. If you pay attention to their latest antics, you will begin to see how desperate they are. They are doing everything they can to censor the truth and hide their service to self-agenda. Please connect with all of the forces of light that are assisting us now and know that the expansiveness of creation far outshines the dark. Just tune into the light in meditation and feel the mighty power of the light. It is awesome.

Everything continues to be in a state of flux. This can be unnerving and stressful. What are you doing in your daily lives to overcome this situation? Are you doing your prayers and meditation? Are you rising above the chaos? Are you allowing the sweetness of the earth to bless each day? Can you be grateful for the blue skies and for the absence of chemtrails? Are you smelling the fragrance of the flowers and enjoying the deliciousness of the food that you eat? Are you staying in contact with your family and friends? Are you nurturing your body, your mind, your heart and your soul?

How are you handling some of the negativity that is directed at you? The polarity can be intense and disturbing especially if it has to do with friends and family. How do you maintain neutrality in the face of perhaps some type of attack? Do you fall for the bait or do you remain silent? It seems that many people are feeling brittle, angry, impatient, and perhaps wielding a short fuse. Clearly, everyone is feeling the stress of these times. Some people have their own agenda and maybe they do want to create a fight. Is that our job as lightworkers to be fight workers? It can be tempting at times but I think we are more inclined to want to be peacemakers. This requires self-control and awareness. It takes resolve to stay straight on the path. Most people are just trying to do the best that they can with whatever confronts them.

The virus certainly has changed peoples’ behaviors. Some are using coping mechanisms like increased drinking and use of drugs. Some are depressed or ill. Fear is common place. The change in rules and regulations can drive one crazy. They change from day today in what seems like...