jueves, julio 02, 2020

Celia Fenn - We are now in July and moving towards the beautiful Lions Gate Portal - July 2, 2020

We are now in July and moving towards the beautiful Lions Gate Portal.

But first....we have to journey through, and integrate, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Portal in Capricorn (Cancer Sun), which occurs on Sunday 5th of July.

This Lunar Eclipse will not be an easy one. It is all about the continuation of the process of abrupt and rapid releases of the old structures and the old ways. There are also 5 planets in retrograde, and 4 of these are outer planets, which means that old issues and patterns will come up yet again for another chance to let go and make different choices moving forward.

The choices we need to make will be those that align with the New Time Line and the New Earth, and with the Divine Feminine energy that is the leading vibration of the new golden age of harmony and freedom that is arising.

Before we can experience Freedom and Peace, we must release and throw off everything that holds up back.

Now is the right time.

Time to step into Empowerment, Creativity and Personal Sovereignty.

Time to step up and BE the New Energy with Grace and Beauty!
Have a wonderful day everyone!